

Opening a Breach:on U.S. Policy Toward Poland(1980-1989)

【作者】 吕香芝

【导师】 白建才;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 世界历史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代是美苏对抗的最后十年,也是决胜阶段。期间,以苏联为首的华约集团重要成员国——波兰正经历着政局的动荡不稳。这个国家既是苏联对抗美国的前沿阵地,又是苏东阵营内部最具有亲西方传统与反苏民族情绪的国家,是苏东社会主义链条上最不稳定的因素和最薄弱的环节。在此期间的美国三任总统卡特、里根和布什确定了以波兰为突破口,通过公开外交手段与隐蔽行动战略相结合,颠覆波兰共产党政权,进而瓦解整个苏东阵营的最终目标。美国对波兰的政策对东欧剧变和苏联解体发挥了“加速器”的作用。根据近些年陆续解密的美、苏、波等当事国家文献档案资料,以及相关国家政要的回忆录、言论集、总统公开文件和口述史等等,对美国在整个80年代对波兰的政策进行系统、深入的研究,既可以弥补目前我国学术界在这方面研究的不足,又有助于总结苏东剧变的历史经验教训,具有重要的学术意义和理论及现实意义。本文的结构安排如下:第一章:回顾了1945-1980年美国对波兰的政策。总的来说,美国对波兰的政策经历了从遏制到区别对待的演变。1956年是美国对东欧苏联卫星国政策的转折点。此前,这些国家被认为是苏联“顺从的卫星国”,在外交上与苏联等同对待;此后,东欧国家出现的自由化趋向改变了美国的看法,随之开始调整政策,和平演变取代了全面遏制。波兰作为苏东阵营里的特殊国家,开了美国政策调整之先声。1956年波兰事件后,美国视其为“半独立的卫星国”和敌对阵营里值得培育的“自由的种子”,遂对其采取“区别对待”,以经济援助、贸易优惠等措施拉拢波兰,以达到最终将波兰拉入资本主义阵营,瓦解苏东社会主义阵营的长远目标。期间,由于美苏关系的波动,波兰在外交上紧随苏联,美波关系有过恶化,但整体上来讲,美国对波兰的政策是有别于其它东欧国家的。第二章:分析了1980-1981年波兰危机期间美国的外交政策。本章在简要梳理波兰危机经过的基础上,着重分析了美苏两个大国在此期间的反应与对策。苏联向波兰统一工人党政府施加了全方位的、多渠道的压力,敦促其坚决果断地镇压反革命势力,恢复国家的秩序。美国卡特和里根政府的首要考虑是防止苏联出兵干涉,保障波兰的民主化进程不出现倒退。为此它一方面争取与盟国协调立场,发动公开的外交攻势,向苏联施加政治压力。另一方面,以向波兰政府提供经济援助为诱饵,鼓励其行为保持克制,保证波兰国内的民主变革能够继续深入。总体上来说,受雅尔塔体系和波兰在苏东社会主义阵营的特殊地位所限,美国政府的行动能力大受影响。第三章:梳理了里根政府对波兰的政策,这是政府对政府层面上的政策考察。这一时期,里根政府对外政策的重心是处理与苏联之间的关系,进行裁军谈判。因此,军管之后,对波兰的政策被放在了美国战略考虑的后台,附属于美国对苏联的政策。里根政府在宣布对波兰政府实施经济制裁的同时,又向其提出了解除制裁必须同时具备的三个条件:取消军管、释放所有被拘捕人员、与天主教会和反对派和解。在“渐进政策”的框架下,美国与波兰之间形成了“以取消个别经济制裁换取波兰逐步向满足上述三个条件迈进”的新关系模式,原来的制裁大棒变成了诱使波兰做出政治妥协的胡萝卜。1985年苏联戈尔巴乔夫上台后,美苏关系、波苏关系均发生变化,雅鲁泽尔斯基加快了国内政治改革,美国对波兰的政策开始超越“渐进”,以提供实质性的经济援助为诱饵推动波兰的政治多元化进程。总体上来看,这个阶段美波关系呈缓慢演进态势。第四章:考察了布什政府对波兰的政策,此部分同样侧重政府对政府层面上的政策考察。1989年1月布什上台时,正是苏东阵营局势最动荡迷离的关头。波兰、匈牙利和捷克斯洛伐克改革的迹象越来越清晰,与此同时,戈尔巴乔夫对其外交新思维的阐述也越来越频繁和直接。布什政府充分利用这一机会,把政策重心从与苏联之间进行军控谈判调整为关注东欧国家的政局演进,企图通过审慎地鼓励东欧国家的改革,把它们融合到以美国为首的西方世界中来。对白宫的外交政策设计师来讲,波兰是实现这一目标的突破口。在波兰国内政局动荡不稳的进程中,布什政府加强与波兰政府和反对派之间的联系,引导“革新”走渐变的道路。在波兰统一工人党丧失政权之后迅速扩散至整个东欧乃至苏联的社会主义制度崩溃的过程中,布什政府逐步推进所谓“变革”的谨慎的外交方式无疑发挥了重要的作用。第五章:分析了美国隐蔽行动战略在波兰的实施,这是就美国政府对波兰反对派的政策所进行的考察。由于军管之后波兰反对派处于地下活动状态,美国政府对反对派的支持主要通过隐蔽行动的方式来实现。与同期美国在阿富汗、尼加拉瓜和安哥拉等国家主要是向叛乱分子提供武器、雇佣军、军事顾问和炸药等传统的方式不同,在波兰,美国的隐蔽行动采取了另外一种方式:以“推进民主运动”为旗号、以罗马教皇为合作伙伴,以波兰天主教会为政治渗透的渠道、以美国的非政府组织为媒介、以“自由欧洲电台”为宣传武器、以华沙大使馆为活动中心,向团结工会提供巨额的物资和资金以及信息援助。这些隐蔽行动“拯救”了团结工会,维持了它的生存和复兴,进一步加剧了波兰国内的政局动荡,加速了波兰共产主义体制向西方所谓的民主的和平转型,而美国政府自己却不留下任何可能被人抓住的把柄。结论部分在前文分阶段论述美国对波兰外交政策的基础上,主要对美国此期的政策从整体上加以思考。80年代美国政府的公开外交于段与隐蔽行动战略密切配合,加剧了波兰的动荡形势,加速了该国的政局演变和制度的崩溃,进而引发了整个苏东阵营的连锁解体及制度崩溃的过程。这样,以波兰为缺口,美国的政策在东欧剧变、苏联解体与冷战结束中发挥了“加速器”的作用,这一作用不可低估。

【Abstract】 1980s was the final decade and the decisive stage of the US-Soviet confrontation. Poland, which was the Warsaw Pact Group Ⅱ countries, was experiencing the instability of the political situation. During these ten years, Polish politics had gone through two stages:1980-1981Solidarity crisis and1981-1989years after martial law period.The policy of US to Poland was different in these two stages. Along with the recent years, multi-country reference materials declassified one after another which provided possibility to re-interpretation and re-analysis the US policy during the Polish crisis of1980-1981. Conducting "newly" research on the unsolved problems are meaningful. At present, the research of US policy to Poland during1981-1989is extremely weak. If we widely use the memoirs of the relevant national dignitaries, speech set, president public documents, Public offering of newspapers and periodicals, published journal articles, academic publications, oral histories and so on, coupled with the use of some online databases, we can also conduct meaningful research. That increasing comprehensive description and analysis of the policy of US to Poland of this period are both necessary and possible. In this sense, researching the foreign policy of the United States to Poland during1980-1989has the academic significance which cannot be ignored.The structure of this paper is as follows:Chapter one:Recalling the1945-1980U.S. policy of Poland. Generally speaking, the policy of US to Poland experienced the evolution from containment to differentiation.1956was the turning point of the U.S. policy of the Soviet satellite countries of Eastern Europe. Previously, these countries were considered to be the "pliant Soviet satellites" and diplomatically equated to treat with Soviet Union; Since then, That the liberalization of the Eastern European countries tended to change the views of the United States, so it started to adjust the policy of peaceful evolution to replace the comprehensive containment. As a special country in the Soviet Union and Eastern camp, Poland opened the harbinger of U.S. policy adjustments. After1956Polish event, the US regarded it as "semi-independent satellite State" and "seeds of freedom" in the hostile camp which was worth cultivating, then adopted favorable treatment to it. The American government took some measures such as economic aid, trade concessions to win over Poland in order to pull Poland into the capitalist camp, and took the collapse of the Soviet Union and eastern socialist camp as the long-term goal. In the whole, the policy of US to Poland was different from other Eastern European countries.Chapter two:Analysis of the United States foreign policy during the Polish crisis of1980-1981. This chapter emphatically analyzes responses and the countermeasure of the American and Soviet, combing the Polish crisis briefly in the foundation. Soviet Union had exerted all-around, the multi-channel pressures to Polish Unification Worker’s Party Government, Urged its decisive suppression of counter-revolutionary forces to restore order in the country. The most important consideration of Washington was to prevent Soviet Union to dispatch troops to interfere, safeguard the Polish existing democratic reform achievement. To this end, on the one hand, it launched the public policy and diplomatic offensive, strived to coordinate their positions with allies to exert political pressure on the Soviet Union. On the other hand, it took providing economic aid to the Polish government for the bait, in order to encourage its behavior to maintain the restraint, and ensure the Polish domestic democratic reform to continue thoroughly.Chapter three:Combing the Reagan administration policy of Poland, Which belongs to the policy inspection of government to government dimension. During this period,the core of Reagan administration foreign policy is relation with Soviet Union. After martial law, the policy of Poland was on the background of the U.S. strategic considerations, attached to the policy of the United States against the Soviet Union. While the Reagan administration announced the imposition of economic sanctions to the Polish government, it proposed the lifting of sanctions must have three conditions: Removal of martial law, Release of all arrested personnel, and Reconciliation with the Catholic Church and the opposition. In the "step-by-step" policy framework, the United States and Poland formed a new model that" Cancellation of the individual economic sanctions in exchange for Poland gradually move to satisfy the above three conditions".so, the original sanctions big stick became into a carrot to lure Poland for political compromise. After Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in1985, Jaruzelski sped up the domestic politics reform.U.S. policy for Poland began to go beyond "the step-by-step"to provide substantial economic aid as a bait to promote Poland’s process of political pluralism.Chapter four:Exploring the Bush administration’s policy in Poland, which Similarly belongs to the policy inspection of government to government dimension. level. When Bush took office in January1989, the situation of the Soviet-Eastern Europe were changing.The Bush administration took full advantage of this opportunity, adjusted the focus of policy, attempted to encourage the reform of the Eastern European countries prudently for their integration into the US-led Western world. Poland is a breakthrough in achieving this goal. Bush strengthened the links between the Government and the opposition, Led innovation along the path of the gradient, in order to avoid social chaos and ensure a peaceful transition of the system.Chapter five:Analysis of United States covert operations strategy in Poland, which is the policy of the U.S. government to the Polish opposition. Because the Polish opposition was in the underground, U.S. government’s support for the opposition mainly through covert action. In Poland, the covert operations of the United States had taken a different approach:under the banner of "Promoting democracy movement", Pope John Paul II for partners, Polish Catholic Church for political penetration channels, Non-governmental organizations in the United States as a medium,"Radio Free Europe" as a propaganda weapon, Embassy in Warsaw as an activity center. Providing huge amount of material and financial resources and information assistance to solidarity. These covert actions saved the Solidarity, and accelerated the evolution of the political situation in Poland, while the United States Government did not leave any handles that may be caught.In conclusion part, on the basis of primarily discussing the United States foreign policy to Poland, it was mainly thought and understood the United States policy as a whole for this period in this part. In the1980s, the policy of the United States to Poland accelerated the evolution of the political situation of the country and the collapse of the system. With the collapse of the socialist system in Poland, the entire process chain disintegration of the Soviet Union and Eastern camp and system was crashed. Thus, taking Poland as the gap, the policy of the United States played the role of the "accelerator" in the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and East Union that can’t be underestimated.
