

A Study of Physical Ideology by Chinese Communist Party Leaders

【作者】 曹犇

【导师】 陈答才;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文选取中国共产党领导人的体育思想作为研究对象,对几代领导人的体育思想进行全面的比较研究与系统分析,一方面通过对不同时期几代领导人的体育思想发展特征的研究,系统的分析几代领导人的体育思想实质,对在新的历史时期继续发扬中国共产党的优良传统,进一步发掘老一辈无产阶级革命家和新时期领导人的伟大思想和理论内涵,对推动体育工作的改革和发展,建立中国特色的世界体育强国,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。另一方面也为中国共产党的执政规律研究提供新的内容与思路。本文主要分为八章,结构如下:第一章:陈独秀的体育思想。本章主要介绍了陈独秀的体育卫国思想、“兽性主义”体育观以及全面体育教育思想,扼要地分析了陈独秀作为中国共产党创始人之一和第一任总书记的体育思想特征。第二章:毛泽东的体育思想。毛泽东在中国的体育发展史上产生过巨大的影响。在他的领导下,中国的体育发生了本质的改变,体育成为了广大人民群众的体育,体现了体育为人民服务的根本宗旨。毛泽东突出了体育的政治性,实现了体育为政治服务的历史作用。毛泽东站在协调全国各项事业发展的角度研究体育,因而具有方针性和全局性的特点。第三章:周恩来的体育思想。作为国家总理的周恩来,他的基本历史责任就是发展国民经济,扩大对外交往,使人民过上幸福安康的生活。周恩来把体育运动的开展和国民经济的发展紧密地联系在一起,这也成为时代的迫切要求。发展体育运动,增强人民体质成为促进国民经济发展的重要手段,周恩来通过对体育的关注,基本上实现了他的这一体育发展思想,完成了体育在当时的历史使命。第四章:贺龙的体育思想。贺龙在以毛泽东为核心的中国共产党的领导下,通过亲自领导新中国体育事业的实践活动将毛泽东提倡的“发展体育运动,增强人民体质”的方针政策,通过脚踏实地的工作落到了实处,贺龙对体育事业所做出的贡献使他当之无愧地成为新中国体育的奠基人。第五章:邓小平的体育思想。邓小平在继承、发扬毛泽东体育思想的基础上,创造性地提出了大胆改革的思想,提出了体育为“物质文明和精神文明建设”服务的思想,提出了体育走产业化、法制化发展道路的思想,使我国的体育事业全面走向了社会主义发展的道路。邓小平的体育思想中凸现了他改革的勇气与不断创新的“闯”劲。第六章:江泽民的体育思想。江泽民在继承毛泽东、邓小平体育思想的基础上,以“三个代表”重要思想为核心,继续激励体育事业沿着有中国特色的社会主义事业前进。第七章:胡锦涛的体育思想。胡锦涛所倡导的“以人为本”,构建和谐社会的理念,成为他体育思想的主要内容。胡锦涛提出我国体育事业的发展不再是仅仅为生产、建设、国防服务的手段,而是上升到“实现人的自由、解放”的实践中,使体育真正成为为人的实际需求、全面发展服务,进而实现个人的发展与社会的发展协调一致的和谐局面。我国体育事业的指导思想发生了质的变化,这是胡锦涛在继承几代中国共产党领导人发展体育事业的基础上,在国情、国力发展状况的适宜条件下,发展和升华了我国体育为人民服务的根本特征,是国民经济和社会文明发展的必然表现,也是我国体育事业在新时期迈上了新台阶的具体体现。第八章:中国共产党几代领导人体育思想的比较研究。本章紧密联系实际,对中国共产党几代领导人的体育思想做一番评价和总结。学术界很少把几代领导人的体育思想进行比较研究,本文通过比较研究发现,每一代的领导人,他们体育思想的侧重点都不相同,这与他们所处的时代背景不同和所肩负的历史责任不同有关。通过系统研究发现,他们的体育思想又是一脉相承、不断创新与发展形成的,都是在坚持中国共产党的领导下,在以为人民服务为根本宗旨的前提下(陈独秀除外),实现其体育的历史使命的。本文意在通过以中国共产党几代领导人陈独秀、毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等的体育思想为研究目标,对他们的体育实践、体育方针政策的制定、对体育的政治功能、经济功能、文化功能等综合功能的认识角度与深度以及对体育与国家发展的辩证关系的认识等方面的研究,分析研究各个领导人体育思想的内涵、实质和各自的特点,以及几代领导集体核心体育思想的根本出发点,希望能探寻80多年来在中国共产党的领导下,中国体育事业蓬勃发展的根本原因和经验,以便让人对中国体育事业的发展有一个整体的清晰认识。另一方面,通过研究中国共产党领导人的体育思想,也有利于我们充分认识中国共产党的优良传统与不断发展、创新的先进性,提高中国共产党在广大人民群众中的威信,不断提高中国共产党的执政能力,更加坚强有力地领导全国人民为建设中国特色社会主义而努力奋斗。

【Abstract】 This thesis compares and analyzes systematically the physical ideology of the Chinese Communist Party leaders in different historical stages. Through such a comparison, it can be found that the Leaders have made immeasurable contribution to building up China as a physical power at world level. Their theories and fulfillment have laid a great impact on the reformation and development of Chinese physical education upholding Chinese characteristics. Moreover, they shed light on the study of the Party’s political administration.This thesis consists of seven chapters, chapter one focuses on the physical ideology of Chen Duxiu, who embedded "brutalism" into the national physical education, characterizing the first-generation Party’s guiding policy.Chapter two is about Chairman Mao’s physical ideology. With the impact of Mao’s thoughts, great achievements have been made in China’s physical development. Since Mao’s time, Chinese people can have full rights to enjoy physical education, which embodies the tenet that physical education serves its people. In addition, Mao emphasizes on the political function of physical education so that it can coordinate with other development of national undertakings.Chapter three is concerned about formal premier minister Zhou Enlai’s ideology in physical education. Zhou put the popularization of physical education nationwide as the priority so that it can enhance the construction and prosperity of social economy. This thought has been advanced with the times and turns out that Chinese health quality have been greatly improved. Therefore, promoting physical culture and improving the people’s fitness has been improved as key measure to improve national comprehensive power.Chapter four is about the He Long’s physical ideology. Generally, He Long set a good example in implementing the national policy "promoting physical culture and improving the people’s fitness" proposing by Chairman Mao. It is obvious that He Long is the founder of the new physical conceptions in China.Chapter five explores the Deng Xiaopin’s physical ideology. As is known, Deng Xiaopin is one of China’s great reformists, putting forward the open and reform policy. Therefore, in terms of the reformation of China’s physical education, Deng Xiaopin creatively brought forward such an idea that physical education should serve the goal of "both material and spiritual construction" so that it is industrialized and institutionalized, marking the new epoch in which physical education development joined the track of socialism. Deng Xiaopin’s policy incarnates his courage and determination in reforming.Chapter Six studies the physical ideology of Jiang Zemin, former Chairman in Chinese history. Jiang has done great efforts to push forward the development of physical education in China with the concept of "Three Representatives" in accordance to the Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaopin’s ideology in physical education.Chapter seven presents Chairman Hu Jintao’s ideology in physical education. Hu focuses on humanity and the construction of a harmonious society, therefore, He brings up such concept that the development of physical education does not only meet the needs of industrialization and national defense, but also serve the practice of librating the whole human beings. This thought marks another revolutionary change on the undertaking of physical education, resulting in a win-win situation for the development of both the individual and the society.Chapter eight evaluates and compares the thoughts on physical education of the three generation party leaders. This chapter is the highlight of the whole thesis for few references before can be traced about such evaluation. Through such a comparison, it is obvious that different party leaders have unique emphasis on the development of physical education in tune with different times, however, except for Chen Duxiu, their basic concerns are all around humanity, aiming to benefiting the people while maintaining the social prosperity under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party.In summary, this thesis analyzes the objects, policies and regulations of three-generation Party leaders from such perspectives as political function, economic functions and cultural functions. Their creative and respective thoughts have made great contribution to the development of physical education in the new century, especially since the1980s.On the other hand, it provides tentative references for the current Party leaders to innovate and invigorate the undertaking of physical education so that Chinese people can fully enjoy the socialism with China’s characteristics.
