

【作者】 毕经纬

【导师】 曹玮;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国考古, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要从三个层面对海岱地区商周青铜器展开研究。一是从器物层面,构架起海岱地区商周青铜器的年代框架和空间体系,进而剖析海岱地区商周青铜文化的构成情况。二是从社会层面,探讨影响海岱铜器之时代特征、地域特征、性别特征以及青铜文化格局变化的社会动因。三是从制度、思想和习俗层面,探讨海岱铜器的器用制度、铜器在墓葬中的摆放位置以及铜器与制度、思想的先后变化关系。我们的发现和结论摘要如下:一、海岱青铜器的总体特征与属性。海岱地区商周青铜器的类别、组合、形制、纹饰以及铭文的发展演变,总体上与中原地区有同有异,其中同是主流,异是支流。海岱地区商周青铜器在本质上接受了商人重酒、周人重食的青铜礼器特质,具有广义上的商、周文化属性。二、海岱青铜器的分期。本文以各个历史时期的中期为界,把海岱地区商周铜器分为五期:商代前期、商代后期至西周前期、西周后期至春秋前期、春秋后期至战国前期和战国后期。可以典型器物鼎的特征分别概括为:锥足鼎时期、柱足鼎时期、蹄足立耳鼎时期、蹄足附耳鼎时期和向日常实用器过渡时期。在此基础上,提出了“中国青铜文化中期质变论”观点。三、海岱青铜文化的构成。西周后期以前,海岱青铜器中的中原文化因素占据绝对优势。自西周后期开始,海岱铜器中的本土因素急剧增多,至春秋晚期达到顶峰,但其总量仍然略少于中原文化因素。战国中期以后,海岱铜器中的本土因素逐渐减少,中原文化因素又逐渐占据绝对优势。海岱铜器中其他地区的青铜文化因素始终都较少。四、海岱青铜文化的格局与演进。本文发现,自西周晚期开始,海岱地区的青铜文化自东部和东南部出现分流现象,海岱青铜器的区域特征开始凸现,海岱青铜器的内部也开始分化。五、海岱地区商周时期的青铜器用制度。海岱地区商周时期的青铜器用制度与中原地区同中有异。需要注意的是海岱大部分地区没有推行严格的鼎簋制度,而且鼎簋制度的瓦解现象出现较早,瓦解速度也较快。此外,我们在前人提出的“爵觚组合”的基础上,进一步提出“爵觚制度”这一概念,以对应周人的“鼎簋制度”。六、性别考古学视野下的海岱青铜器。商代晚期至西周前期,海岱地区男女墓葬中铜器的类别及数量差别不大,而且在随葬兵器上的差异也不甚明显。之后,男女随葬品逐渐分化,至战国时期,性别特征已较为分明。七、海岱地区东周文化繁荣之原因的考古学观察。通过对海岱南部出土铜器文化因素的复杂性分析,认为商周时期海岱地区复杂多样的文化面貌,形成了有利于文化融合与发展的沃土,是海岱地区东周时期文化繁荣的重要原因。八、海岱青铜文化对中国青铜文化的贡献。海岱地区创造的新器类、新器形是对中国青铜文化的重要贡献。这些铜器不但数量较大,而且对中原及周边地区产生了较大影响,形成了一定规模的“东器西渐”现象。这说明,东周时期中原地区与海岱地区的文化交流是双向互动的,并不是单一的周式化。在华夏文明孕育、成长的过程中,海岱地区所输送的营养是源源不断的。

【Abstract】 This paper is mainly to carry a study on bronzes from Haidai region in Shang and Zhou from the following three levels. Firstly, from the material level, to establish Haidai bronzes’ development sequence and the framework of space systems, analyze the composition of Haidai bronze culture in Shang and Zhou dynasties. Secondly, from the social level to investigate the reasons which caused changes to the characteristics of the times, regional characteristics, gender characteristics, and the bronze cultural pattern in Haidai region. Thirdly, from the level of social system, ideology and customs, to explore the system of using bronzes in worship activities, how the objects are placed, and the different change order of system, thoughts and bronzes. The main findings and conclusions as following.Firstly, on the one hand, the evolution of Haidai bronzes in shapes, combination, ornamentation and inscriptions are mainly same with the bronzes in Central Plains, but on the other hand there were some difference between them. Essentially, they were basically belonging to Shang and Zhou’ritual vessels.Secondly, the stages of Haidai bronzes. Haidai bronzes in Shang and Zhou dynasties could be divided into five periods. According to the features of typical bronze of ding鼎, we summarized as below:cone tripod period, column tripod period, hoof foot and erecting ear Ding period, hoof foot and Affiliated ear Ding period and transition period for daily using. On the basis of it, we put out the the theory of medium-term qualitative change in Chinese bronze culture.Thirdly, the composition Haidai bronze culture. Haidai’s Bronze culture always been dominated by the bronze factors from the Central Plains. Since the beginning of the late Western Zhou Dynasty, local factors started to emerge, and reached to the peak in the late spring and Autumn period, and had affected on the surrounding area.Fourthly, From the late Western Zhou Dynasty, Haidai’s bronze culture began to diverge in east and southeast of Haidai region. Haidai region and the regional characteristics of Haidai bronzes emerge.Fifthly, the system of using bronzes in worship activities in Haidai region was same in most aspects and fifferent in some aspects with the Central Plains. It is worth notice that in most areas of Haidai area didn’t carried out the implementation of Ding-gui system, and Ding-gui system’collapse appeared earlier and faster than the Central Plains. In addition, we put forward the concept of "Jue-gu system", corresponding to the "Ding-gui system" of Zhou Dynasty on the basis of the combination of jue and gu.Sixthly, the difference of Haidai’s bronzes and tombs between male and female in late Shang Dynasty and early Western Zhou period was not very obvious in categories and quantity of bronzes, as it was in funerary weapons. Otherwise, the funerary objects in male’s tomb and female’s differed gradually, and till the Warring States period, gender characteristics were very clear.Seventhly, through the analysis of the the complexity of cultural factors of the bronze graves in southern Haidai, we think deem that the Haidai’s complex and diverse culture, which formed a fertile soil for cultural integration and development, is the key factor to Haidai’s cultural prosperity in the Eastern Zhou period.Eighthly, the new bronzewares and shapes created in Haidai region were an important contribution to Chinese bronze culture. These bronzes was not only large in quantity, but also has a great effect on the Central Plains and the surrounding areas, and formed a certain phenomenon "estern wares spreading to the west" It shows that in the Eastern Zhou period the cultural communication between the Central Plains and Haidai region was a two-way interaction. In the process of the formation of Chinese civilization, the nutrition from Haidai region was everfount.
