

【作者】 张亚玲

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《史记》是一部大书,也是一部奇书。作为二十四史之首,它不仅被史学家奉为圭臬,更被文学家视为典范,几千年的《史记》研究,代不乏人,著作亦可谓汗牛充栋。但这并不意味着《史记》就再无研究的必要与空间。其中还有一些前人尚未解决,或已经论及但研究尚不透彻的问题。基于以上考虑,本文选择《史记》文学研究为题,对《史记》作一立足文本分析的研究。除绪论外,全文共分五章。第一章在对西汉的审美思潮进行简要概括的基础上,阐释了司马迁与这一文化特质的关系。司马迁作为史学家的开阔胸襟,《史记》“究天人之际,通古今之变”的创作宗旨,“采获古今,贯穿经传”、经纬万端的选材与体例设置,昂扬向上的精神风貌,熔朴拙与酣畅于一炉的语言特色,都受其时审美思潮的影响。同时,大一统帝国尤其是汉家帝王对奇才异能之士的忌刻寡恩,又使士人们遭遇“不遇”悲剧。建功立业的豪情壮志与理想不得实现之间的矛盾在司马迁心中不断碰撞、激荡,促成了“发愤著书”写作意旨的产生,也成就了《史记》雄深雅健、沉郁顿挫的文章风格。第二章探讨司马迁与孟子之关系,旨在解决司马迁思想的渊源与归属问题。司马迁是独立于西汉谄谀浊流之外的人,其时去战国未远,先秦士人独立自主、个性高扬、追求功名的昂扬精神,对汉初士人沾溉犹多。司马迁的思想,直承先秦馀绪,他又将其与大一统帝国统摄万物的宏阔精神相结合,形成自己独特的精神气质。司马迁的精神,与孟子最为接近,尚义精神是二者的根本契合点。司马迁舍死以就功名的精神,与孟子舍生取义之论极为相似,这在《史记》中有鲜明的闪现与淋漓尽致的演绎。对舍死取义,司马迁有刻骨铭心的体会,也更为理解与激赏。在《史记》中,舍生取义与舍死取义相表里,在大是大非面前选择生还是选择死只是形式,是否为了捍卫道义,实现理想,才是生死抉择的关键。《史记》中既有对屈原等人舍生取义精神热情洋溢的赞颂,更有对伍子胥等烈丈夫舍死取义精神深沉酣畅的嘉许,又有对李斯等人为追求私利而背弃道义行为的鞭挞,与孟子的舍生取义殊途而同归。司马迁对汉家帝王及政治尖锐果敢的批判,是孟子“草芥”、“寇仇”、“民贵君轻”、“说大人当藐之”思想的具体化。正是从尚义重气上,司马迁秉承了孟子的精神。第三章分析《史记》的结构形态。《史记》的外部结构,从最宏观的角度考察,即在五体的相互协调之下而成一整体,其篇章次第安排,不仅有脉络可循,且皆有深意,尤其是各体的首篇与末篇设置,或体现鲜明的“崇让”、“尚义”精神,或充满批判与揶揄,从而使整个作品形成一个首尾圆合的有机体。《史记》结构的意义超过了五体简单相加的总和,而形成一个完整精密的语言生命体。五体篇数的文化内涵,是《史记》的结构之道,构成了《史记》的深层结构。它们具有千言万语所不能表达的深刻意蕴,不止于造就作品的形式美,还引导文学意义的实现,是达到五种体例的浑融配合与整体结构的和谐,并承载史公情感、意旨与好奇精神的隐性武器。通过神秘数字的使用,司马迁对五体的性质与功能进行了不言自明的深层定位。《史记》结构的模式化,承载着单纯靠文字无法传言的深意。《史记》的单篇结构,呈现出严整性与多样性的特点,不仅一传代表一类人物,也代表一种精神与境界,合传与附传都用心良苦,值得细细咀嚼。《史记》的结构,已突破了单纯的文本形式的功能,而成为沟通形式与内容的桥梁。第四章论述《史记》的叙事艺术。在叙事内容上,闲笔点染于没要紧处生出波澜,使行文摇曳多姿,可增加阅读快感,并往往存有深意;篇末馀文韵味无穷,是匠心独运之处,笔外有情,状外有态;所载文辞都经过深思熟虑,从不滥载。在叙事手法上,每件事每句话的位置安插都极有斟酌,是重要的功能和意义的标志,寄寓着微情妙旨;叙述同类事、同类人时,做到了犯而能避,复而不同;提掇点注,功能多样,既得历史事件之要领,又情文相生;在清晰明了的记事之馀,又注重描摹尽致,悉力装点,使得光景宛然,滋味横生;虚与实、疏与密、庄与谐互相协作,共同奏响《史记》叙事的交响乐。第五章论述《史记》的语言特色。叠复、顶真、比喻等修辞手法的使用,大大增强了《史记》语言的表现力。在遣词造句上,《史记》用词言浅意深,言简意远,一字一句,义不苟下。《史记》的人物语言,是历史人事的褒贬者,时代特色的体现者,人物对话则或妙趣横生,或隐晦深曲。《史记》的虚词使用,做到了只字片语,神情全出,运用语气词之处,恰是作者笔下藏锋处,成为抒情和讽刺的有效武器,促成了《史记》俊逸、郁勃、沉郁、雄浑文章风貌的形成。总之,《史记》之所以成为文学作品,正是由于其能激荡感情之故,尤其是承继了孟子的浩然正气与尚义精神、批判精神。正是由于司马迁将文学意识结合于历史意识中,将生命之情感与体验投注于《史记》结构、叙事,才使《史记》成为有血有肉有灵魂的生命体。

【Abstract】 Shiji is among the most brilliant masterpieces in Chinese history. As one of the most outstanding historical literatures, it is regarded as a standardized model by historians as well as writers. Despite numerous studies that have already been done in the search of treasures in Shiji, the study of it should never stop since there is still abundant things that require further exploration. Some problems are still left unsolved or lack a thorough study. Therefore, this paper, based on the above considerations, is a study of Shiji in terms of discourse analysis.This paper consists of an introduction and five other chapters.The first chapter is a brief introduction of the aesthetic ideology of Sima Qian, the author of Shiji and the Western Han Dynasty, the time when the author lived. The characteristics of Western Han Dynasty culture are given a full play in Shiji by Sima Qian. The cultural integration oriented from the Sanfu area, the highly united social trend, the contradiction and combination of simplicity and pageantry, the lofty pursuit of scholars are all impeccably interpreted in the great work. In the meantime, the oppression from the governing class at that time deprived scholars of official honors, which put these people in a status of mental depression. The conflict between the pursuit of a great dream and the cruel reality that deprived his right to realize the dream is the ultimate reason for Sima Qian’s profound personality and thought, which contributes greatly to the vigorous, elegant, profound and forceful style of Shiji.The second chapter is a discussion of the relationship between Sima Qian and Mencius, which aims at tracing the origin of Sima Qian’s thought. Sima Qian was free of the influence of flattering trend in early Western Han Dynasty. With the influence of Warring States Period and the pre-Qin scholars, Sima Qian was independent, highly characteristic and pursuing scholarly honor of official rank. He was also influenced by the highly united and all-inclusive social trend of Western Han Dynasty, which, together with the influence of pre-Qin ideology, formed the unique style of Sima Qian, whose thought is quite similar to that of Mencius. They both value loyalty and justice. Sima Qian would rather die for the sake of loyalty and justice while Mencius also held similar thoughts. Sima Qian gave a full display of his idea in Shiji by expressing his profound understanding and appreciation of "dying for the sake of loyalty and justice". In Shiji, opting to live or to die is only superficial. The ultimate significance of life is how one dies. If it is for loyalty and justice and for realizing one’s dream, it is of great worth. Therefore, Shiji highly praises those who made sacrifice for justice, like Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu, and deeply condemns those who stray away from justice in the pursuit of personal interest. Sima Qian’s courageous criticism against the Han emperors and the politics is a concrete interpretation of Mencius’advocacies of "if governors treat people bad, people might rebel" and "the governing class and the people are all equal". Therefore, Shiji is an extension of Mencius’ideology in terms of loyalty and justice.Chapter three is an analysis of the structure of Shiji. From a macro perspective, the structure of Shiji is a unified entity of the five different parts coordinating with each other. The arrangement of each part is highly logical and clearly organized. The first and last texts of each part are of profound connotation, some revealing the spirit of "modesty" and "justice", some criticizing and satirizing, which successfully make the whole work an impeccable entity. The structural significance of Shiji is more than a mere combination of the five parts. It is a complete and exact network of vigorous language. The cultural connotation of the numbers of texts in each of the five parts is the essence of the structure of Shiji. The numbers entail abundant deep meanings which concrete words cannot express. They not only contribute to the beauty of form, but also lead to the realization of its literary significance. The numbers can serve as an invisible tool to achieve the perfect fusion of the five styles and the harmony of the entire structure, as well as a carrier of Sima Qian’s emotion, spirit and curiosity. The highly modeled structure of Shiji carries profound meaning that cannot be fully interpreted by mere words. The structure of each text is also diversified and strictly organized. Each biography is a representation of a group of people with similar spirit and mental status. Biographies of two or more people and affiliated biographies are all scrupulously organized and deserve extensive study. The structure of Shiji, besides its formal function, is a bridge between form and content.The fourth chapter discusses the art of narration in Shiji. In terms of content, Sima Qian employs simple and plain words to tell exciting and fickle stories, which enables readers to enjoy the happiness of reading and understand the profound meaning in the stories. The unique style and emotions in the stories affiliated in the end of each text can always leave readers with endless appeal. Each word in the work is the result of profound consideration. In terms of ways of narration, the arrangement of each event and each sentence has been made with scrupulous consideration, which is of great function and significance and consists of subtle meanings. In narrating similar events or describing similar people, various expressions are used to avoid repetition. The narration and highlighting of a single event are of various functions, explicitly outlining the main point of an event as well as expressing emotions. The clear and vivid narration with detailed description, as well as the perfect coordination of fiction and reality, generalized and detailed narration, and seriousness and witness plays a marvelous narrative symphony of Shiji.The fifth chapter discusses the language features of Shiji. The employment of rhetoric devices such as superposition, alliteration and metaphor greatly enhances the power of words in Shiji. Shiji uses simple words with deep meaning. Each word is chosen with careful consideration. The language used by characters in the stories of Shiji either praises or criticizes the people or events at their time and reveals the social features then. The dialogues between characters are either humorous or metaphoric. The structural words, though without concrete meanings, serve as a tool of expressing the emotion and implying deeper meanings like satire. All these characteristics compose the strong, elegant, vigorous, profound and magnificent style of Shiji.In a word, Shiji, as a historic work, becomes a masterpiece in literature since it can provoke emotions among readers, especially because it inherits the spirit of Mencius, which speaks highly of justice and criticism. Sima Qian combined literature with history in Shiji and poured his love and appreciation of life into the structure and narration of Shiji, which makes Shiji a vigorous and fabulous work that will last forever.
