

【作者】 程秀兰

【导师】 栗洪武;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,我国的幼儿教育事业获得长足发展,取得辉煌成就。特别是2010年《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》的颁布实施,使我国幼儿教育事业迎来了发展的春天;同时,中央政府和各级地方政府又根据《规划纲要》精神制定了一系列发展幼儿教育的方针政策,推动幼儿教育的改革与发展正如火如荼的进行着。然而,冷静地审视幼儿教育的现实状况不难发现,目前幼儿教育的发展依然面临着许多问题,表现为“小学化倾向”严重、“特长班、兴趣班”盛行、“入园难、入园贵”现象普遍、“安全事故”频发等,在幼儿教育实践中功利思想严重,幼儿成长的需求取向遗失在工具价值的过分追逐之中。其实,在这些表象背后有一个最核心的问题,那就是“幼儿教育本身是什么与应该是什么”的问题。不搞清楚这个本质问题,期盼消除“小学化”、“兴趣班”、“入园难”、“功利思想”等只能是暂时的,保障适龄儿童接受有质量的学前教育也只能成为镜中花、水中月。因此,在当前乃至今后的幼儿教育改革与发展中应当关注其价值取向,注重研究幼儿教育的本质特征问题,从教育思想和教育理论上为幼儿教育的改革与发展指明方向。本研究遵循“实践探寻——理性思辨——现实观照”的思路而展开,运用质性研究资料Nvivo软件分析的方法,依据扎根理论(grounded theory),深入到两所幼儿园现场的教育实践中,透过对幼儿在园一日活动中的生活、游戏、学习和交往等真实表现的考察,获得文本、图片、音频、视频等资料;经过对幼儿教师、保育员、家长、幼儿园管理者以及学前教育专业学生等人的访谈,获得第一手的文本、音频资料;通过查阅教师的随笔和反思笔记,收集期刊、网络上教师、家长的博文,理解样本幼儿园的管理理念,搜集学前教育学者的相关研究以及国家领导人的讲话和有关政策文件等文本资料,获得反映当下幼儿教育真实情况的系列资料。对这些资料进行分析、比较、归纳、概括和总结,提炼出幼儿教育具有这样一些现象特征:身心健康与快乐幸福、习惯养成与心智启蒙、理解尊重与保教关爱、适宜环境与成长发展、小学化倾向和兴趣班等。接着,由幼儿教育的现象特征入手探寻其本质特征,即通过对人的属性与儿童属性的阐释,对教育现象与教育本质、幼儿教育现象与幼儿教育本质、幼儿教育的现象特征与本质特征等系列关系的辨析,概括出幼儿教育本质及其特征的操作性定义是:幼儿教育的本质是指依据儿童属性而开展的一种有别于其它阶段的教育活动及其内在要素之间的基本关系,并能够反映幼儿教育核心要素及其之间基本关系的特征就是幼儿教育的本质特征。其中,幼儿教育的内在要素主要包括幼儿、幼儿教师、教育活动和教育环境等四个方面,从幼儿教育实践及其教育理论中探寻这些内在要素之间的根本联系,抽取出它们共性的东西,就能够在一定意义上揭示幼儿教育的本质问题。同时,通过对当代幼儿教育失范现象的社会学、心理学和现象学分析,进一步确认幼儿教育作为一个独立的学段,它与相邻的小学教育有着根本的区别,从而得出:身心健康与快乐幸福、习惯养成与心智启蒙、理解尊重与保教关爱、适宜环境与成长发展四个方面基本上凸显了幼儿教育的本质特征;而小学化和兴趣班倾向则是幼儿教育过程中出现的畸形现象,是幼儿教育在与小学教育衔接过程中所出现的偏差,应予以矫正。通过揭示并认识幼儿教育的本质特征,需要教师和家长在幼儿教育实践中从教育观念与教育行为上做出相应改变。首先,在正确认识幼儿教育本质特征的基础上树立科学的幼儿教育理念,理解尊重幼儿的根本属性,关注幼儿的快乐和幸福,为幼儿一生的成长与发展打好扎实的基础。其次,要坚持保教结合原则,实施保教并重;坚持发展适宜性原则,促进每一个幼儿在现有的水平上获得充分的、全面的发展;遵循主体性原则,最大限度的发挥幼儿学习过程中的主观能动性;灵活运用活动性、直观性和生活化原则,使幼儿教育真正符合幼儿身心发展的特点与规律。第三,以幼儿发展为本,合理安排教育内容,把幼儿的身心健康放在第一位。通过对幼儿的关爱教育,帮助他们初步养成良好的生活与学习习惯,心智得到科学启蒙,并获得童年的快乐与幸福。第四,以正确认识幼儿教育的本质特征为抓手实施符合幼儿本质属性的教育,需要教师关爱每一位幼儿,坚持以游戏为基本活动,建立平等对话的师幼关系,搭建家园合作交流的平台,真正促进幼儿在快乐的童年生活中获得身心健康的全面发展。第五,构建符合幼儿一生发展的多元评价制度,注重评价内容的全面性和评价方式的多元化,建立弹性评价标准,通过科学的发展性评价为幼儿一生的成长打好坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Since the21st century, China’s preschool education career has achieved long-term development and brilliant achievements. Especially in2010,"the national medium and long-term educational reform and development outline (2010-2020)" being promulgated and implemented, the preschool education in China met in the spring of development. Meanwhile, according to the spirit of the " outline ", the central government and local governments at all levels have formulated a series of policies about the development of early childhood education. These policies promote the reform and development of early childhood education quickly. However, if critically examined the realistic phenomenon of early childhood education, the current early childhood education development still faces many problems. These problems are serious primary school tendency, specialty and hobby class tendency, difficult and expensive admission common phenomenon, frequent security incidents, serious utilitarian mentality in early childhood education, demand orientation of early childhood development being lost in the excessive pursuit of instrumental value. In fact, the most core question behind these surface phenomena is: what is early childhood education itself and what should be early childhood education. Without a clear understanding of the nature of the problem, expecting to eliminate the primary school tendency, specialty and hobby class tendency, difficult and expensive admission, utilitarian thought can only be temporary and to guarantee school-age children receive quality education can become a mirror of flowers, the moon in the water. Therefore, in the current and future preschool education reform and development should pay attention to its value orientation and focus on the essential characteristics of early childhood education. From educational thought and theory indicates the direction for the reform and development of preschool education.Using qualitative research data through the Nvivo software analysis method, based on grounded theory, our study follows the train of thought from:"practice explore-rational speculation-reality speculation" to dove deeply into the live educational practice of two kindergartens to get texts, images, audio, and video material through the observations of the children’s actual one-day performance in these kindergartens including the children’s lives, games being played, and their learning and communication. We are able to acquire first-hand texts and audio data through interviewing preschool teachers, child-nurses, parents, managers and university students major in preschool education, etc. Through further research of teachers’ essays and reflection notes, and collecting journals as well as teachers’ and parents’ blogs on the Internet we begin to understand the sample kindergarten’s management concepts. By collecting text data such as preschool educational scholars’ research as well as the national leaders’ speeches and relevant policy documents, we obtain a series of data which reflects the actual situation of the current preschool education system. By analysis through comparison, induction, and summary of all the data, we extract the preschool education has the following phenomenal characteristics:physical and mental health, happiness, habit development, mental enlightenment, understanding, respect, nursing care, suitable environment, growth development, primary school tendency, specialty and hobby class tendency.Then, we start from the phenomenal characteristics of early childhood education to explore its essential character, namely we analyze and interpret the series relationship of the person’s attributes and the nature of children, educational phenomenon and education essence, early childhood education phenomenon and early childhood education essence, the phenomenal characteristics of early childhood education and the essential characteristics of early childhood education to summarized the operational definition of the essence and nature of early childhood education:the essence of early childhood education is a education activity different from other educational stage and basic relationship of its intrinsic elements according to the property of the children. The characteristics that reflect early childhood education core element and its basic relationship is the basic characteristics of early childhood education. Among them, the internal factors of early childhood education mainly include children, preschool teachers, educational activities and educational environment. If we explore the fundamental link between internal elements and refine common things from early childhood educational practice and theory, we are able to reveal the essence of early childhood education in a certain sense. Meanwhile, through analysis of sociology, psychology and phenomenology of contemporary anomie phenomenon in early childhood education, we further confirm that early childhood education as an independent school stage has a fundamental difference with the primary school education. As a conclusion, the four aspects:physical and mental health and happiness, habits development and mental enlightenment, understanding, respect and nursing care, suitable environment, growth and development highlight the essence of early childhood education. Contrarily,"primary school tendency" and "specialty and hobby class tendency" are the abnormal phenomenon during the process of early childhood education and a deviation of the process of early childhood education linking with elementary education. These should be corrected.Through revealing and recognizing the essence of early childhood education, we hope teachers and parents can make some changes on educational concepts and behaviors in early childhood education practice. Firstly, on the basis of correct understanding early childhood education, we should establish scientific educational concepts of early childhood education, understand and respect children’s fundamental attributes, care children’s happiness and lay a solid foundation for the growth and development of children’s lives. Secondly, we should adhere the principle of combination between nursery and education, focus on nursery and education, adhere the principle of development suitability, promote each child’s sufficient and comprehensive development at the existing level, follow the principle of subjectivity, maximize children’s subjective initiative in the learning process, flexibly use the activity-based, visualized and life-based principles and truly make early childhood education in accordance with the characteristics and laws of children’s physical and mental development. Thirdly, we should focus on children-based development, reasonably arrange educational content, put children’s physical and mental health in the first place. Through the teacher’s and parent’s love and caring for young children, we help children cultivate all kinds of good living and learning habits, acquire scientific mental enlightenment and the happiness and blessedness in early childhood. Fourthly, as the starting point to the correct understanding the essence of early childhood education and the implementation of preschool education that conforms to young children’s essential attributes, teachers need to take care of every child, adhere game-based activities, establish equal dialogue relationships between teachers and children, build a platform for home and kindergarten cooperation and exchange and truly promote children’s physical and mental all round development in their happy childhood. Finally, we should build multiple level evaluation system that conforms to the children’s life long development, emphasizes the comprehensiveness of evaluating content and the diversification of evaluation methods, establish elastic evaluation standards and lay a solid foundation for the growth of young children’s life through the development of science evaluation.
