

A Philosophy-of-Mind Approach to the Mechanism of Literary Translation

【作者】 李文竞

【导师】 屠国元;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究假设,文学翻译的机理运作遵循翻译传承关系模式,具体表述如下:原文和译文之间具有“传承”关系,表现为原文“传出”,译文“承受”;没有传承,就没有翻译;反之亦然。对原文和译文间传承关系的解读是认识文学翻译机理的基础。原文和译文间关系的可接受性,及原文和译文读者感受的一致性统一于原文和译文意识结构的良序性。因此文学翻译的机理通过原文和译文之间的关系运作规则来体现;概括原文和译文之间关系运作规则的模式成为传承关系模式,该模式形成于人类对事物之间关系的认识和把握。本研究的目的在于运用这一模式解释文学翻译的运作机理,力图探寻(1)该模式是支撑文学翻译机理运作的基础;(2)该模式是翻译研究的一种心智模式;(3)“内涵外延传承说”是该模式的理论框架;4)译文使其读者获得与原文读者大致相同的感受是该模式运作的结果。在论证过程中本研究主要采用的研究方法是溯因推理法。由实践事实提出假设,再回到实践中为其提供可能的解释。具体到本研究步骤如下:首先,先从经典汉英互译实例出发发现相关现象,总结出其特征;其次,在本研究理论框架的支持下提出理论假设;最后,用该理论假设解释类似翻译现象,并在此过程中对该假设在一定范围内,一定程度上予以修正。通过论证,本研究(1)提出了一个研究翻译的新视角即心智哲学视角;(2)发现了一种认识翻译的新方式即以“关系”方式把握翻译,换句话说,把文学翻译机理的运作看作是关系的运作;(3)发现了一种认识翻译中语义的新途径即认为原文的直义和含意之和等于译文的直义和含意之和;(4)重新解释了直译和意译的问题,认为直译和意译是译语世界承受原文传承的关系的方式,在承受中“协调产生结构,竞争促进发展”,意译能够形成可接受的译文,直译能够丰富译语世界的原因;(5)为经典译论中的“感受”找到了根源,认为经典译论中的“感受”在于译文文字的感受意,“要使译文读者获得原文读者大致相同的感受”就要求译文的感受意与原文的感受意大致相同。在论证过程中本研究在一定程度上证实了(1)翻译传承关系模式是支撑文学翻译机理运作的基础;(2)翻译传承关系模式是支撑文学翻译机理运作的心智模式;(3)关系化是传承的基础,决定了译文的可接受性;(4)良序性确保原文和译文结构的完整性;(5)同感性是译文读者获得与原文读者大致相同的感受的根本;(6)翻译传承关系模式的语义指向在于生成含意、直义和感受意;(7)翻译传承关系模式可以在一定范围内解释发生在叙事性篇章中的文学翻译现象。图25幅,表0个,参考文献241篇。

【Abstract】 The present study hypothesizes that the translation inheritance model is the basis of the mechanism of literary translation. This model is described like this; the source text and the target are in inheritance relation that means the target inherits the relation from the source. The acceptable inheritance between the source and the target, and the similar sense between the source reader and the target are in harmony with the complete structures of both the source and the target. The relation between the source and the target represents the mechanism of literatary translation, which is described in the translation inheritance model produced by the cognition of relations among things in the world.Translation inheritance model is employed in the present study to explore the mechanism of literary transaltion, and simultaneously to demonstrate that:1) this model is the basis of the mechanism of literary translation;(2) this model is based on mind;(3)"Impartment and Inheritance of Connotation and Denotation"is the main theoretical frame;(4) the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader is the production of this model.Abduction is adopted in this study. The first step is observing the linguistic facts, the second proposing a relevant hypothesis or principle, and the third explaining the other related facts by this hypothesis or principle.Through exploration, major findings are made as demonstrated in Chapter9:(1) the mechanism of literarytranslation is observed by the translation inheritance mode;(2) the operation of this model displays the characteristics of mind in literary translation;(3) relationalization is decideable to the inheritance and the acceptability of the target text;(4) the well-ordered principle makes sure the complete structure of the source and the target;(5) the similar qualia-sense is the source of the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader;(6) the semantic orientation is the production of implicatives, semantic meaning and quale-sense;(7) the literary translation phenomena in the narrative level are explained in this mode in some degree.Implications of the present study are concluded as follows:(1) the philosophy of mind is employed translation study;(2) relationality is a new way for literary translation;(3) the aggregates of the semantic meaning and implicatives in the source and the target are the same;(4) literal translation and free translation are the ways of the target inheritating the relations imparted from the source;(5) the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader in the classic translation theories is produced by the similar quale-sense in the target and the source.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期