

Study on Behavior and Optimization of Evacuee under Building Fire

【作者】 杨立兵

【导师】 陈建宏;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 目前,火灾已经成为破坏性最强、发生频率最高、影响最大的灾害之一。掌握火灾发生规律及火灾情况下人员行为心理特点,分析人员疏散行为的特征数据及规律现象,能为建筑防火性能化设计提供科学依据,优化应急疏散方案,完善应急预案及应急法规政策,提高现场人员疏散效率,保障建筑内人员的安全。因此,人员安全疏散研究日益受到学术界的关注。论文从国内外火灾发展趋势规律探索、人员疏散影响因素分析、疏散行为心理调查、建筑物楼梯和走廊疏散实验、人员疏散路径优化设计六方面进行了系统研究。论文探讨我国改革开放33年来火灾事故特点及发展趋势,采用系统聚类法和主成分分析法对1978年至2010年度火灾事故损失指标进行定性定量分析,结果表明火灾事故与经济发展、安全生产政策之间具有密切关系,得出改革开放以来我国火灾事故经历三个发展阶段,且目前正处于相对稳定期。通过分析美国及西方国家火灾事故,得到火灾事故损失总体处于下降时期,并趋于稳定状态,国外在火灾防护工程费用上的大量投入是控制火灾事故的重要保障。综合分析了国内外建筑火灾人员疏散行为心理研究成果,系统总结了个体特质、人群行为、火灾环境、建筑设计、应急管理五方面影响因素。与此同时,调查研究了生产经营企业火灾情况下人员疏散行为及心理特征规律,从环境因素、管理因素、人的因素3方面对182名员工现场调研,通过系统聚类分析,获得4个典型因素,根据卡方χ2检验建立疏散影响因素列联表,从不同企业、性别、年龄、文化程度4方面分析火灾中人员疏散行为及心理特征。调查结果显示火灾中人员的逃生意愿跟学历背景有明显关系,学历越高自我逃生的意愿越强;定期应急演练及日常安全学习能够促进人员安全疏散;女性与男性在帮助他人、逃离现场、采取控制措施等方面有明显区别。论文研究疏散人群在走廊里的弯腰疏散行为,组织45名学生进行6组不同初始密度的疏散试验,通过录像分析得出不同密度时弯腰疏散基本图,将结果与行走及爬行疏散进行比较。通过与其他研究者的结论比较得出:弯腰和行走疏散的速度比爬行疏散要快,弯腰和行走疏散的速度分别是1.4m/s和1.7m/s,而爬行疏散的速度是0.73m/s;在密度小于0.51/m2时,3种疏散方式的流动速度相当;在密度大于0.51/m2时,3种移动方式速度有明显差异;得出弯腰疏散的速度频率分布图,速度均值为:女生1.02±0.16m/s,男生1.09±0.2m/s;在低速度区,女生占很大比重,男生在高速度区的频率较高。系统分析应急情况下楼梯疏散中人员的逃生能力,通过组织多次应急疏散演练,构建粗糙集及灰靶聚类理论模型,对人员的年龄、性别、身高、体重等8个因素与人员的逃生能力之间的关系进行了分析,得出了影响人员逃生能力的主要因素、次要因素与无关因素,并根据得到的约简属性,对楼梯疏散人员逃生能力进行了规律分析,疏散实验结果表明对于人员的逃生能力而言,年龄、体重与身体质量指标(BMI)是最重要的影响因素;心率、收缩压与舒张压是次要的影响因素;性别与身高是无关因素。利用图论中Warshall-Floyd算法以及排队论理论,分析了人员在办公楼中的疏散运动各阶段的时间,根据疏散安全准则设计了3种疏散出口图论方案,通过实例计算得出采用Warshall-Floyd算法进行路径选择可缩短疏散运动时间,运用图论及排队论原理可以对人员疏散安全准则做相应的优化。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, fire has become one of the most destructive, the highest frequency and the most influential disasters. Mastering fire occurrence regularity and personnel psychological characteristics in fire accident, and analyzing personnel evacuation behavior characteristic data, law and phenomena can provide building fire protection performance-based design with scientific basis, optimize emergency evacuation plan, perfect emergency plan and emergency laws and regulations policy, improve the efficiency of field personnel evacuation and ensure people’s safety in building. Consequently, occupant safety egress is increasingly drawing the attention of academic circles. This paper conducts systematic study from six different aspects, which respectively are exploration of fire accident development trend at home and abroad, review of personnel evacuation’s influencing factors, questionnaire survey of behavior and psychology of evacuation, building stairs and straight channel experiment and the evacuation plan design.We investigated characteristics and trend of fire accident during the past33years’reform and open period in this paper. Moreover, we qualitatively analyzed all the indexes respecting loss of fire from1978to2010by System Clustering Method and Components Analysis. The results showed that fire accidents were bound up with economic growth and policy in safety. The stages of development in fires went through three phases during the reform and open period. At present, fire situation is staying at the relatively stationary phase in China. Through the analysis of fire accident in the United States and western countries, we conclude that the loss of fire accident in totality is decreasing and come to stable state. The large number of investment in fire protection engineering cost is the important guarantee to control fire accident overseas.The domestic and international architectural fire evacuation behavior and psychological research results were synthetically analyzed and the five aspects influencing factors which are individual traits, crowd behavior, fire environment, architectural design, and emergency management were clarified. At the same time, in order to study individuals’ behavior and psychological characteristic under fire emergency evacuation, we conduct site surveys in terms of environmental factors with182employees who work in the production management enterprises, management factors, and human factors. Four representative factors were got by system clustering method. Then, according to Crosstabs of influencing factors which were built on the basis of Chi-square test, behavior and psychological characteristic of pedestrian were analyzed by different enterprises, sex, age, and education background. The survey result turned out to be that escape desire was connected to individual educational background, that is to say, high-degree individuals show much stronger escape desire. Periodic emergency drilling and daily safety learning contributed to safety evacuation. The differences in group assistance, escape desire and controlling fire accident are obvious among female and male.Bent-over walking behavior of occupants in corridor is studied experimentally in this paper.6runs of experiments, with up to45students participated in, were conducted with different initial densities. Fundamental diagram of bent-over walking pedestrian flow at low density was obtained by manually analyzing video recording. We compared our results with pedestrian flow and crawler flow of others and drawn a conclusion that both walking and bent-walking are faster than crawling. Especially for free velocity, it is1.4m/s to1.7m/s for bent-over walking and walking respectively, while about0.73m/s for crawling. When the density is smaller than0.51/m2, the velocity for these three types of movement behavior agrees well. While after0.51/m2, there appear clear differences. The frequency distribution of velocity was also investigated for bent-over walking flow. The mean value of speed is about1.02±0.16m/s and1.09±0.2m/s for female and male students in these experiments respectively. At low velocity region, female students account for a larger proportion, whereas the frequency of male students is larger at high velocity regions.In order to study personnel ability to escape during the staircase evacuation in case of emergency, relying on corporate emergency evacuation drill of enterprises, rough sets and gray target clustering theory were used to build the model. Meanwhile from the relationship analysis between personnel age, gender, height, weight, etc.8factors and personnel’s ability to escape, the main factors, secondary factors and unrelated factors were got, and according to reduction properties, the law of personnel escape during staircase evacuation was analyzed. The analysis shows that:personnel escape ability, age, weight and BMI are the most important factors; heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures are secondary influence factors; gender and height are irrelevant factor.By using Warshall-Floyd algorithm in graph theory and queue theory, we analyze staff’s each phase of evacuation movement in building. Three kinds of evacuation exit graph theory scheme were designed according to evacuation safety criterion. Through the calculated examples, using Warshall-Floyd algorithm can shorten evacuation movement time in route selection. Utilizing graph theory and queue theory principle can correspondingly optimize and simplify the personnel escape safety*criterion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期