

On the Function of Ideological and Political Education Virtual Society

【作者】 聂智

【导师】 曾长秋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在人类的历史上,互联网的到来具有划时代的重大意义。它不仅是一种新的媒介、新的技术,也是人类的一种新的生存方式和社会存在形式。网络世界中的人们及其相互之间发生的各种活动,构成了一个客观存在的虚拟社会。作为一个“社会”,必然涉及到一个治理的问题。虚拟社会的内在特点决定了对其管理存在较大的难度,同时因为虚拟社会与现实社会休戚相关,虚拟社会治理的好坏直接影响到现实社会的和谐与稳定,故虚拟社会的建设和管理不单单只是一个技术问题,更是一个复杂的社会系统工程,需要多视角、多维度探寻其治理之道,拓展思想政治教育功能便是重要一环。本文从厘清虚拟社会的概念入手,分析虚拟社会具有“去中心化”、穿越时空性、开放性、自由性的特点。这些特点带来了不同于现实社会的治理难点,包括价值观念日趋多元、舆论失控风险增大、不良心态易滋生蔓延以及外部对个体的监管削弱等方面。解决这四大难点的路径,在于拓展思想政治教育在新时期、新领域的功能,发挥好其意识形态整合、舆情引导、心态涵养以及内省自律的作用,促进虚拟社会的“柔性治理”。研究分为三个层次逐渐深入:第一个层次是阐述虚拟社会治理中思想政治教育功能发挥的理论基础,包括思想政治教育的地位和功能的相关理论、传播学中的媒介控制和大众传播的宏观社会效果理论以及胡锦涛的和谐社会理论和虚拟社会管理思想。第二个层次是深入分析虚拟社会的概念、特点及发挥思想政治教育功能的意义,指出虚拟社会治理与思想政治教育功能的契合性,同时对虚拟社会治理中思想政治教育功能拓展进行学理审视,提出这四大功能的发挥具有完整的内容要素结构和过程要素结构,是一个有机的整体。第三层次是具体展开意识形态整合、舆情引导、心态涵养以及内省自律的功能如何得到有效发挥的研究。一是分析虚拟社会中主流意识形态面临的挑战,借鉴国外政权更迭对我国意识形态安全的启示,探究虚拟社会治理中思想政治教育意识形态功能发挥的基本目标和整合路径;二是分析虚拟社会治理中舆情控制困境,探讨舆情研判机制的构建,提出虚拟社会治理中思想政治教育舆情引导功能发挥的途径;三是分析虚拟社会中负面心态的表现与成因,再在心态涵养必要性和可行性的基础上探讨虚拟社会中心态涵养的路径;四是分析虚拟社会中内省自律功能发挥的必要性,再从网民和网站两个方面探究虚拟社会治理中思想政治教育内省自律功能发挥的途径。图1幅,参考文献116篇

【Abstract】 The arrival of the internet marks a significant point in human history. It’s not only a new form of communication and technology, but also a new way of living as human beings, and a new form of existence in society. In the world of internet, people and interactions between them construct an objectively existing virtual society which definitely highlights the problem of how to manage it. Since the virtual society is closely associated with the real world, the result of managing the virtual society directly influences the stability and harmony of the real world. Thus, to manage and construct virtual society isn’t merely a technical issue, but a complex system of social engineering which requires us to explore the art of managing it from multiple angles as well as dimensions, and the effectiveness of expanding the function of ideological and political education is one vital part of it.This essay begins by clarifying virtual society’s concept, analyzing the decentralized, time-transcending, open and unlimited features that bring us managerial difficulties, differentiating with the real world which includes multi values, increasing risks of losing control of consensus, the spreading of negative attitude and less inspection the external has on one. The way to solve these four difficult problems is to expand the function of ideological and political education in new frontier during the new period. It realizes the function of the integration of ideology, the guidance of public opinion, mentality of conservation and self-discipline, and promotes the flexible management of virtual society.The research is divided into three levels; the first level is the statement of the theoretical foundation of ideological and political education’s function in managing virtual world. This consists of the relative theory of the ideological and political education’s position and function, media control in communication, theory of macro social effect of public communication, and the theory of Harmonious Society as well as the theory of virtual society management of Hu Jintao. The second level is the deep analysis of a virtual society’s concepts, features and the meaning of functioning ideological and political education. It points out the fit of virtual society management and ideological and political education; it academically reviews the function expansion of ideological and political education in managing virtual society, and proposes the influence of these four functions possesses complete content structure and process structure which is an organic whole.The third level is the specific research of how to effectively develop the function of the integration of ideology, guidance of public opinion, mentality of conservation and self-discipline. This can be broken down into four parts. One is the analysis of the challenge that mainstream ideology faces in virtual society, learn the inspiration on security of ideology of our nation from the foreign regime changes and explore the fundamental aim and integrated path of the ideology function of ideological and political education involved in virtual society management. The second is the analysis of the difficulty of controlling public sentiment in managing a virtual society, the discussion of building judging system of public sentiment, and the proposal of the way the leading function of public sentiment of ideological and political education in managing virtual society. The third is the analysis of performance and cause of negative attitudes in a virtual society, and the discussion of the path to grace of attitude in virtual society on the basis on the feasibility and necessity of grace of attitude. The fourth is the analysis of necessity of the function of self-discipline in virtual society, and the exploration of the paths of functioning self-discipline of ideological and political education in managing virtual society from the aspect of net citizens and websites.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期