

A Study on the Relationship among the Zhong-Yong Pramatic Thinking and Family Function and Mental Health

【作者】 阳中华

【导师】 邓云龙; 陈向一;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 应用心理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 目的:1、在家庭成员父母样本和青少年子女样本中进行中庸行为自评量表和中庸价值量表的信效度检验。2、探索中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响及影响路径。方法:1、以方便抽样的方式,抽取湖南省长沙市248名成年人和248青少年,对条目进行前期试测。随后分别再抽取278名成年人和青少年,采用主成分分析法对量表进行探索性因素分析。最后抽取401户家庭成员,其中780名父母和401名青少年子女对量表进行信效度检验。8周后,其中150名参加重测。信度采用Cronbach’s α系数、条目与分量表相关和重测信度。验证性因素分析与分量表的相关检验结构效度。2、采用相关分析、聚类分析、多元方差分析、线性回归分析的统计方法研究中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响,用LISEREL8.7软件建构中庸实践思维中介模型。结果:1、中庸量表信效度(1)修订后的中庸行为自评量表,进行探索性因素分析,提取四个因子累积解释率分别为63.07%。在成人样本中量表Cronbach’s α系数为.713,各因子α系数在.710-.752之间;重测信度为0.687;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.47到0.76之间。青少年样本中量表Cronbach’s α系数为.682,各因子α系数在.611-.689之间;重测信度为0.671;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.40到0.79之间。验证性因子分析的指标均达到测量学要求。(2)对中庸价值量表进行探索性因素分析,提取两个因子累积解释率为43.07%。中庸价值量表在成人样本中量表Cronbach’s α系数为.723,各因子α系数在.621-.684之间;重测信度为0.722;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.48到0.54之间。青少年样本中量表Cronbach’s α系数为.727,各因子α系数在.633-.639之间;重测信度为0.595;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.46到0.65之间。验证性因子分析的指标均达到测量学要求。2、中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响:(1)中庸行为和中庸价值均与家庭功能和心理健康呈显著性相关(P<0.01)。(2)中庸价值的中庸核心和自我收敛因子是家庭功能与心理健康的中介变量。中庸行为自评的负面中庸和克己因子是家庭功能与心理健康的中介变量。(3)中庸行为是中庸价值与家庭功能的中介变量。结论:1、中庸价值量表和修订后的中庸行为自评量表有较好信效度。2、中庸实践思维正向影响家庭功能和心理健康。中庸实践思维在家庭功能与心理健康关系中具有中介效应。

【Abstract】 Objectives:1. To examine the reliability and validity of the Zhong-Yong Value Scale (ZVS) and the Zhong-Yong Behavior Self-Rating Scale (ZBSS) with questionaires data collected from Adult and Teenager of sampling families2. To study the effect of Zhong-Yong Pragmatic Thinking (ZPT) towards family function and mental health.Methods:1. This study adopted random sampling method:Firstly, collected data from248adults and248teenagers, used correlation coefficient to rank the item-subscale of ZVS and ZBSS. Then collected data from278adults and278teenagers and applied principal components analysis to evaluate the exploratory factor analysis of item-subscale. Then, collected data from members of410sampling families, in which780adults and401teenagers, to examine the reliability and validity of the scales. Lastly, eight weeks later,150individuals of themwere re-tested. Reliability was evaluated with Cronbach’s a coefficient, Item-subscale score correlation, test and re-test methods. Confirmatory factor analysis and subscale correlation were applied to evaluate the structural validity.2. Correlation analysis, cluster analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and linear regression analysis were applied in the study. The study applied LISREL8.7software to build Zhong-Yong’s mediator model.Results:1. Reliability and Validity of ZBSS and ZVS(1) After removing5items, the exploratory factor analysis of ZBSS(ZF Yang) extracted4components and explained64.18%of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis verified4-factor model. ZBSS in the adult group, the Cronbach’s a coefficient of the scale was0.713, a coefficient of all factors ranged from0.710to0.752; test and re-test reliability was0.687; correlation of item-subscale and matching factors ranged from0.47to0.76. In the teenagers group, the Cronbach’s a coefficient of the scale was0.682, coefficient of all factors ranged from0.611to0.689; test and re-test reliability was0.671; correlation of item-subscale and matching factors ranged from0.40to0.79. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated good validity.(2) The exploratory factor analysis of ZVS extracted2components and explained43.07%of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis verified2-factor model. In the adult group, the Cronbach’s a coefficient of ZVS was0.723, coefficient of all factors ranged from0.621to0.684; test and re-test reliability was0.722; correlation of item-subscale and matching factors ranged from0.48to0.54. In the teenager group, the Cronbach’s a coefficient of ZVS was0.727, coefficient of all factors ranged from0.633to0.639; test and re-test reliability was0.595; correlation of item-subscale and matching factors ranged from0.46to0.65. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated good validity.2. Zhong-Yong Pragmatic Thinking effect on family function and mental health(1) Both ZVS and ZBSS had significant correlation with FAD and SCL90(P<0.01). ZPT positively affected family function and mental health respectively.(2) The Core Zhong-Yong subscale and Endurance subscale in ZVS were the mediators of SCL-90and FAD. The ’negative-Zhong-Yong’subscale and Self-restrain subscale in ZBSS were the mediators of SCL-90and FAD.(3)ZBBS was the mediator of ZVS and FAD.Conclusion:1.The ZVS and modified-ZBSS were reliable and valid tools to evaluate the philosophy aspect and pragmatic aspect of ZPT respectively.2. ZPT positively affecte family function and mental health. ZPT was the mediator of FAD and SCL-90.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期