

Understanding the First Generation of Leaders of the Problem of Learning Theory

【作者】 常海

【导师】 阎治才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史基本问题研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义理论是中国共产党的指导思想,党的领导人一贯重视马克思主义理论学习,不断地加深了对马克思主义理论学习问题的认识。新中国成立后,中国共产党成为执政党。以毛泽东为主要代表的中共第一代领导人,在领导全党和全国人民进行社会主义改造和全面建设社会主义过程中,在民主革命时期对马克思主义理论学习问题的认识的基础上,进一步加深了对马克思主义理论学习问题的认识。建国后中共第一代领导人对马克思主义理论学习问题的正确认识,促进了全党全国人民的马克思主义理论学习,促进了马克思主义理论同新中国改革和建设实际的结合,因而取得了社会主义改造的胜利和社会主义建设的重要成就。但是,在1957年之后,毛泽东在理论上和理论学习问题上相继提出了许多错误的观点,或肯定了一些错误的观点。特别是“文化大革命”期间,错误的理论观点和错误的学习方针、方法处于支配全局的地位,因而给我国的社会主义建设造成了许多损失,甚至是长期的严重损失。考察建国后中共第一代领导人对理论学习问题认识的历史,总结历史的经验和教训,对于今天建设马克思主义学习型政党,对于推进马克思主义中国化、时代化和大众化,对于推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,有着重要的借鉴意义和启示意义。对于“建国后中共第一代领导人对理论学习问题的认识”这个问题,本文正文部分论述了以下五个方面的问题:本文第一章,论述了建国后中共第一代领导人认识理论学习问题的根据。马克思主义经典作家关于理论学习的思想和民主革命时期中共领导人关于理论学习的思想,是建国后中共第一代领导人认识理论学习问题的思想理论根据。民主革命时期党在理论学习问题上的历史教训和成功经验,是建国后中共第一代领导人认识理论学习问题的经验根据。新中国成立后和社会主义基本制度建立后党面临的形势和任务,是建国后中共第一代领导人认识理论学习问题的现实根据。本文第二章,论述了基本完成社会主义改造时期中共领导人对理论学习问题的认识。其中包括新中国成立后中共领导人对理论学习的强调,社会主义改造时期对理论学习的要求,中国共产党第八次全国代表大会对理论学习的新要求以及结合斯大林问题所阐述的关于理论学习的思想。本文第三章,论述了全面建设社会主义时期中共领导人对理论学习问题的认识。其中包括进一步加强理论学习的要求与错误倾向的发展,理论学习问题上正确作风的弘扬,理论学习问题上两种倾向并存以及理论问题上错误观点的进一步发展。本文第四章,论述了“文化大革命”时期中共领导人对理论学习问题的认识。其中包括理论学习问题上的全面失误,对理论学习问题上错误观点的批判以及理论学习问题上失误的继续和发展,还包括在这个时期里周恩来、邓小平为纠正理论学习中的错误所作的努力。本文第五章,对建国后中共第一代领导人在理论学习问题上的认识做了总结性的评价。其中包括建国后中国第一代领导人在现记学习的问题上的正确认识的历史意义,在这一问题上的错误认识的危害及其原因,在现记学习问题上的成功经验以及在这一问题上应吸取的历史教训并结合这些经验教训论述了这些经验教训的借鉴意义和启示意义。

【Abstract】 Marx theory is the guiding ideology of the Communist Party of China, the leader of theparty has always attached great importance to Marx’s theory of learning, constantly deepensthe understanding of Marx’s theory of learning problems. After the founding of new China,Chinese Communist Party became the ruling party. With Mao Zedong as the mainrepresentative of the first generation of Chinese Communist Party leaders, the leadership ofthe party and the people of socialist transformation and socialist construction process, basiclearning problems of Marx’s theory in the period of democratic revolution, further deepens theunderstanding of Marx’s theory of learning problems. After the founding of the firstgeneration of leaders of the correct understanding of Marx’s theory of learning problems, topromote the Marx doctrine study theories, the people of the whole country, to promote theMarx theory combined with the new China reform and construction practice, and have madegreat achievements in socialist transformation and socialist construction of victory. However,after1957, Mao Zedong in theory and theory studies have put forward many wrong ideas, orcertainly some wrong views. Especially during the "Cultural Revolution", theory of error anderror learning principles, methods in the dominant global position, caused a lot of damage andto the socialist construction of our country, and even serious loss of long-term. The firstgeneration leaders of CPC on the theory of learning awareness investigation after thefounding of the history, to summarize the historical experiences and lessons for today’s fitness,Marx "learning party, in advance of the Marx doctrine in China, modernization andpopularization, to advance the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, hasimportant reference significance and implications. To " know " the first generation leaders ofCPC on the theory of learning after the founding of the problem, Motomoon Jungwendiscusses the five aspects of the problem:The first chapter of this paper, discusses the first generation leaders of CPC cognitiontheory of learning according to the. Marx and Engels theory about learning ideas and theperiod of the Democratic Revolution Party leaders about the theory of learning theory, is afterthe founding of the first generation leaders of CPC cognition theory of learning theory basedon. During the period of the Democratic Revolution Party in the theoretical study on the issueof history lessons and successful experiences, is after the founding of the first generationleaders of CPC knowledge of theory learning experience according to the. After the foundingof new China and the socialist basic system after the establishment of the forms and tasksfacing the party, is the first generation leaders of CPC cognition theory of learning is based onreality. In the second chapter, discusses the basic completion of Communist Party leadersunderstanding of the theory of the learning problem on the period of socialist transformation.Including after the founding of new China, Chinese Communist Party leaders stressed on thetheoretical study, requirements on the theory of learning period of socialist transformation,new requirements for theoretical study of the Eighth National Congress of ChineseCommunist Party and the theory about learning thought with the Stalin problem.In the third chapter, discusses the period of socialist construction of Communist Partyleaders to know learning theory. Which includes the development of further strengthening thetheoretical study requirements and prone to error, the correct theoretical study on style, furtherdevelopment of theoretical study on the coexistence of two tendencies and theoretical issueson the wrong views.In the fourth chapter, discusses the " Cultural Revolution " period, Communist Partyleaders to know learning theory. Including the theory study comprehensive failure issues,theoretical study I wrong view of criticism and theory study on failure of the continuation anddevelopment, is also included in this period, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping Theory forcorrecting errors in learning efforts.In the fifth chapter, the evaluation summary of the knowledge of the first generationleaders of CPC in the theoretical study on the issue after the founding of the prc. Including thecorrect understanding of the first generation leaders of CPC in the theoretical study on theissue of the historical significance, on the issue of the erroneous understanding of hazards andtheir causes, the successful experience in the theory study on the issue and on this issueshould learn from the lessons of history, and combining these lessons on these lessonsreference and Enlightenment significance.

  • 【分类号】D232;D261.1
  • 【被引频次】2
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