

Study on Physiological, Biochemical and Immune Monitoirng System in IHT of National Excellent Speed Skater

【作者】 姚大为

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 间歇性低氧训练(IHT)是一种低氧训练形式,其原理是在平原上借助低氧仪间歇性地使人体摄取5-7分钟低于正常氧分压的气体,导致体内的适度缺氧,引发机体出现有利于提高有氧代谢能力的抗缺氧生理、生化适应,可以增强缓冲能力、提高线粒体工作效率、增强乳酸处理能力、改善高强度低氧训练的代谢状态。IHT作为模拟高原训练的一种方法,与常规运动训练配合,对提高体能、促进运动成绩提高,具有重要作用。而采用从客观角度反映运动员身体机能变化的生理生化及免疫指标,监测和评定运动员在IHT过程中承受训练负荷的状态,是运动员竞技能力诊断与监测过程中的重要环节。为我国优秀速滑运动员在IHT过程中建立生理生化及免疫监控体系,筛选有效的评价指标,研究IHT对优秀速滑运动员的运动能力的影响。通过对500m、1500m和3000m各12名18-25岁的男性一级运动员运用随机分组实验,利用低氧发生器进行4周逐渐增加低氧程度、运动强度和运动量的运动方法,采用方差分析、回归分析等研究方法,对有氧代谢供能能力、心血管系统、内分泌系统、运动负荷系统、氧转运系统、物质能量代谢系统等生理生化指标和免疫球蛋白、白细胞等免疫指标进行测定、监控和评价,主要结果为IHT训练可在一定程度上增加最大二氧化碳排出量,从而降低呼吸商,增加了最大通气量,降低了最大呼吸频率,增加最大输出功率及运动时间;血乳酸在运动后恢复期3min时清除速率增加;使基础心率水平增加;睾酮水平增加,皮质醇水平下降;有效调节CK和BUN水平;促进氧转运及免疫系统等。结合速滑运动和IHT的特点,探讨速滑运动员IHT中运动能力的变化和速滑运动员IHT监控体系的构建,制定我国速滑运动员IHT的生理生化及免疫监控体系与评价方法,并验证其实用性和可操作性。主要结论如下:1)根据高原环境对速度滑冰项目的有利影响,分析IHT是突出缺氧的不利因素,未提供有利因素,推测IHT在提高速度滑冰运动员的运动能力方面具有作用。第1周16%,60min。第2周14%,60min。第3周14%,80min。第4周14%,80min的4周低氧与运动量逐渐增加的负荷方案,对运动员运动能力的运动提高有一定效果。2)不可忽视运动员之间的个体差异性、对低氧环境的耐受性,以及运动应激的适应性等因素,导致个别运动员的成绩提高不明显。应对IHT采取谨慎和区别对待的态度。3)能在特定状态下反映成绩的最大摄氧量、乳酸阈、心率、睾酮、皮质醇、肌酸激酶、血尿素、促红细胞生成素、红细胞、红细胞比容、血红蛋白、氧自由基等生理生化因素,在IHT中形成网络结构,各种因素相互影响,具有特定作用,可有效反映IHT的训练状况。4)各项监控的生理生化指标的变化与500m、1500m和3000m不同的运动距离,及机体的代谢供能方式有关。经逐步回归方程分析、筛选500m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的生理生化监控指标可能为HRmax、 ROS和血乳酸,回归方程为Y=161.676-0.611HRmax-0.010ROS-0.614血乳酸;1500m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的监控指标可能为睾酮,回归方程为Y=10.875+0.784睾酮;3000m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的监控指标可能为EPO和Hb,回归方程为Y=-5.296+0.108EPO+2.065Hb。5)经逐步回归方程分析、筛选500m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的免疫监控指标可能为IgA,回归方程为Y=25.079+2.815IgA;1500m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的监控指标可能为IgA和IgG,回归方程为Y=49.627+11.168IgA-4.772IgG;3000m速度滑冰运动员的最有效的监控指标可能为WBC,回归方程为Y=12.895+3.090WBC。6)年度的IHT训练计划应保持运动负荷的阶段性特征,按照参赛场次严格控制运动员身体机能状态,运用筛选所得生理生化及免疫指标进行监控。

【Abstract】 Intermittent hypoxia training (IHT) is a kind of low oxygen training form, its principle isin the plains with low oxygen meter intermittently suction below the normal oxygen partialpressure5-7minutes, causing the body moderate hypoxia, leading to a series of aerobicmetabolism is helpful to improve the ability of resisting lack of physiological, biochemicaladapt, can enhance buffering capacity, improve mitochondrial work efficiency and enhancelactic acid treatment ability, improve the high strength low oxygen training metabolic state.IHT as simulation plateau training a method, with regular exercise training to cooperate, toimprove physical fitness, promote the performance improved, plays an important role. Andthe objective reflection athletes body function changes of physiological and biochemical andimmune index, inspection and evaluation in the process of athletes in the IHT under thetraining load state, is athletes’ ability of diagnosis and monitoring is an important link. For ourcountry outstanding speed skater IHT process in the building up of the physiological,biochemical and immune monitoring system, and screening effective evaluation index, theIHT on excellent speed skater athletic ability influence. Through the500m and1500m and3000m all12male athletes, whose18to25year old, we use hypoxia generator for4weeksand gradually increase the degree of hypoxia, exercise intensity and amount of exercisemovement, using randomized experiment, analysis of variance, regression analysis and othermethods, the aerobic metabolism energy capacity, cardiovascular system, endocrine system,the motor load system, the oxygen transfer system, the material energy metabolism systemand so on physiological and biochemical indexes and immune globulin, white blood cells andimmune indexes of measurement, monitoring and evaluation. The IHT training to some extentincrease the maximum carbon dioxide excretion, thereby reducing the respiratory quotient, anincrease of the maximum voluntary ventilation, and reduces the maximum respiratory rate,increase the maximum output power and movement time; blood lactate after exercise3minclearance rate increase; increase in basal heart rate levels; increase in the level oftestosterone, cortisol levels decreased; effectively regulate CK and BUN levels; promoteoxygen transport and immune system. Combined with the speed skating and IHTcharacteristics, this paper discusses the IHT speed skater motion ability change and speedskater IHT monitoring system construction, make our country IHT speed skater thephysiological and biochemical and immune monitoring system and evaluation method, and toverify the practicability and maneuverability. The main conclusions are as follows:1) According to the plateau environment on the speed skating project of the beneficialeffects, this paper analyzes IHT is outstanding anoxic adverse factors, fails to provide favorable factors, presumably IHT on improving speed skating athlete’s sports ability haseffect.4weeks low oxygen and carry momentum gradually increased load scheme on themovement of the sport ability improve have certain effect. The first week16%,60min, andthe Second week14%,60min, and the third week14%,80min, and the fourth weeks14%,80min.2) Should not be ignored between athletes of the individual difference, to the low oxygenenvironment tolerance, and the adaptability of exercise stress factors, causing the individual toimprove the grade of the athlete is not obvious. Deal with IHT take care and make adifference between attitudes.3) The physiological and biochemical factors in certain conditions can reflect theperformance of the maximum oxygen uptake, lactic acid threshold, heart rate, testosterone andcortisol, creatine kinase, blood urea, erythropoietin, the red blood cells, erythrocytehematocrit, hemoglobin, oxygen free radicals, network structure formed in the IHT, a varietyof factors influence each other, with a specific effect, can effectively reflect the IHT trainingsituation.4) The monitoring of physiological and biochemical index of the change and the500mand1500m and3000m different movement distance, and the body’s metabolism energy wayrelated. The stepwise regression equation analysis, screening the500m speed skating athlete’smost effective physiological and biochemical monitoring index may be HRmax, ROS andblood lactic acid, regression equation for Y=161.676-0.611HRmax-0.010ROS-0.614bloodlactic acid. The1500m speed skating athlete’s most effective monitoring indicators can be fortestosterone, regression equation for Y=10.875+0.784testosterone. The3000m speed skatingathlete’s most effective monitoring indicators can be for EPO and Hb, regression equation forY=5.296+0.108EPO+2.065Hb.5) By the stepwise regression equation analysis, screening the500m speed skatingathlete’s most effective immune monitoring index may be IgA, regression equation forY=25.079+2.815IgA. The1500m speed skating athlete’s most effective monitoring index maybe IgA and IgG, regression equation for Y=49.627+11.168IgA-4.772IgG. The3000m speedskating athlete’s most effective monitoring index may be WBC, regression equation forY=12.895+3.090WBC.6) The annual IHT training plan should keep stage characteristics of sports load.According to the session strictly control athlete body function state, the use of screening thephysiological and biochemical indexes and immune surveillance.

  • 【分类号】G862.1;G808.1
  • 【下载频次】362