

Reseach on Chinese and Vietnamese Animal Proverbs

【作者】 裴阮瑞微

【导师】 彭爽;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在语言这个符号系统中,俗语是一种以极少的文字反映极多信息的语言形式,言简意赅是它的优势。俗语是通俗并广泛流行的定型语句,大多数是由劳动人民所创造,涉及到生活的各方面,反映了人民生活中的经验和愿望。在越南语和汉语的俗语当中,动物形象承载了深厚的文化内涵而且出现频繁。动物是人类自然界中最亲切最熟知的朋友,因此以其与人类特有的关系用到俗语中,不仅仅单纯地指代客观存在的动物,而且以达到借物喻事,借物喻人,借物警人,借物讽刺的效果。由于两国不同的地理环境、文化背景、风俗习惯等因素所制,对动物赋予了既相似又相异的感受、联想和文化内涵,因而两国民族总结出来的动物俗语的概念意义和比喻意义之间以及动物形象的隐喻方式既有重合又有冲突。语义差异反映出民族各自的文化形态和特色,也同时导致越南学生学习汉语动物俗语时容易受到母语的影响而产生了偏误。本文选取汉语与越南语中有关动物的俗语为研究对象,运用句法学理论,词汇学理论,语义学理论,隐喻理论,对比语言学理论,文化语言学理论,中介语及偏误分析理论,以问卷调查以及定量考查和定性分析相结合作为主要研究方法,对汉越动物俗语进行对比与分析。全文共分七部分,首先对前人对汉语和越语俗语研究状况进行综述,简单地叙述两国研究者,学习者已发表跟俗语研究有关的论文和文章。其次是对汉语和越南语俗语概述情况包括俗语的定义、来源、性质、结构、语义这五个方面进行总结与叙述。第三,讨论汉越动物俗语的基本情况和汉越俗语中动物形象的象征意义。第四,探讨了汉越动物俗语的语意对应关系与隐喻认知对比。第五,主要从自然环境、生活方式、信仰观念三方面对汉越动物俗语反映的社会文化背景进行比较,分析中越两国人民对动物的不同情感态度,探讨汉越动物俗语的文化内涵。第六部分是通过调查问卷收集越南学习者在理解和使用汉语动物俗语中所产生的偏误进行分类和举例分析,归纳出偏误的特征,分析所造成偏误的各种原因。根据越南学习者汉语俗语学习情况的调查结果指出汉语教学与学习中所存在的问题,从而,提出对越南学习者汉语俗语学习与汉语俗语教学的对策和建议。第七部分结语,对本文研究进行了简要总结。

【Abstract】 Proverbs are a a part of our language that originated from manual labor workers andhave been passed down generation after generation. Proverbs are short and involveintentional puns, also known as paronomasia. They are generally ambiguous and intendedto ridicule or serve as rhetoric. This technique used in Vietnamese and Chinese proverbsexploits the many meanings of words by using metonymy or metaphors relating toexperiences. This is common knowledge to even the most uneducated, being a reflectionof the people’s understanding as a whole.Human characteristics are often compared to animals known asanthropomorphism. The perception, association and cultural meaning that the Vietnameseand Chinese people place on animals are influenced by geography, culture and customs.There are many similarities as well as speciifc differences in inetrpretaiton between thesecultures. Vietnamese students studying Chinese proverbs are confused due to their priorunderstanding and perception of these proverbs used in their native Vietnamese culture.Using Syntactic, Lexicology, Semantics, Metaphor, Contractive linguistics, Culturallinguistics,interlanguage and error analysis as the theoretical framework, and adoptingquestionnaire as well as quantitative and qualitative analyses as the main researchmethods, this paper takes the Chinese and Vietnamese animal proverbs as the object ofstudy and carries on a contractive analysis of them.This thesis has seven sections and a conclusion1.collate evidence from researchers2.summarise and deifne the origin, character, formation and meaning of theproverbs3.discuss anthropomorphism in Vietnamese and Chinese culture4.comparison of like-words and the true meanings behind anthropomorphicproverbs5.gaining understanding about the speciifc Vietnamese and Chinese cultures andhow these animals became incorporaetd6.examine the results by analysing the errors and the reasons for misleadinterpretations by students7.suggestions for improvement to students’ learning and educator’s teachings withthe regards to the result inferences and conclusion

  • 【分类号】H136;H44
  • 【被引频次】2
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