

Preservice Teachers’ Edu-Tech Competencies Development:learning Outcomes, Factors and Strategies

【作者】 杨宁

【导师】 董玉琦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究经过对教师能力新视野的剖析,国际教师教育技术能力标准与我国现行《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的对比,以及教育技术内涵的深刻理解,认为未来教师的教育技术能力主要表现为技术学习力、技术整合力、技术创新力和技术领导力。教师的教育技术能力发展需要经过四个主要的阶段:教师作为学习者阶段、教师作为教导者阶段、教师作为协作者阶段和教师作为领导者阶段。教师在不同的阶段教育技术能力的学习需求有着不同的侧重点,教师作为学习者阶段教师学习的侧重点在于理解技术与个人的关系,熟练应用技术解决个人的学习与生活中的问题;教师作为教导者阶段教师学习的侧重点在于理解技术与学科、技术与教育的关系,熟练应用技术解决学科授导型教学的问题;教师作为协作者阶段教师学习的侧重点在于理解技术与学习的关系,创造性地应用技术建构探究型教学和协作性学习所需的学习资源、学习过程和学习评价;教师作为领导者阶段教师学习的侧重点在于教育技术研究能力的提升,尤其是教育技术应用的建模能力,从而促进教师发展共同体的协同进步和学校文化的融合创生。教师的教育技术能力发展并非线性、机械的过程,而是一个与技术和教育系统相互融合过程相辅相成的非线性循环过程,当新技术、新方法出现,打破已有教育系统的平衡时,教师的教育技术能力就会外显,当新技术、新方法已经与已有教育系统同化或顺应时,教师的教育技术能力则会内隐为“透明的”能力而“消失”于教师的学习能力、教学能力和领导能力之中。师范生教育作为教师终身发展的一个重要起步阶段,为了未来能够独立、合作或引领教育技术应用与创新,其教育技术能力的发展在理论学习和实践积累方面将表现为异步发展状态,理念应先于实践,核心目标是建立积极的教育技术意识与态度、开阔教育技术应用的视野,提升教育技术应用的基本技能。师范生在理论学习方面应广泛涉及教师作为学习者阶段的信息素养、教师作为教导者阶段的授导型教学设计、教师作为协作者阶段的探究型教学设计,以及教师作为领导者阶段的教育技术研究素养,而在实践积累方面则主要涉及教师作为学习者阶段的信息技能实践和教师作为教导者阶段的授导型教学设计与实施。以此为底线,允许和鼓励部分师范生能够在实践积累方面能够达到教师作为协作者阶段,表现出技术融入的学科探究型教学设计与实施的初始能力。本研究认为,师范生的教育技术能力主要由一般信息素养、学科信息素养和技术融入的学科教学、研究能力构成。以此为基准我们对四所高师院校的师范生进行了问卷调查、个别或集体访谈,并收集了四年级实习生教案进行分析。问卷经过项目分析和因子分析,修订并验证了问卷的信度和效度,且从因子分析的结果中进一步验证了师范生的教育技术能力发展应由6个主要的因子构成:(1)因子1:师范生技术融入的学科教学整合、创新与建模能力;(2)因子2:师范生技术融入的一般教学技能;(3)因子3:师范生计算机和网络基本应用技能;(4)因子4:师范生效能工具(Office组件:Word、PowerPoint、Excel)应用技能;(5)因子5:师范生对技术与学科内容互动融合的理解;(6)因子6:师范生信息获取能力。因子3、4、6是信息素养的具体表现,因子5是学科信息素养的主要内容,因子2体现了技术融入的一般教学设计能力,即一般教育技术能力,而因子1则与技术融入的学科教学、创新和研究的综合能力有关。从问卷结果来看,师范生的教育技术能力现状表现出一般信息素养水平高于学科信息素养水平、学科教学中尚不能恰当应用教育技术进行多样化教学等特点,且各学科师范生还未能真正认识技术之于教学、技术之于学科和技术之于学习的优势与价值,在教育技术应用态度上显现出谨慎甚至消极的一面。除了对师范生教育技术能力的现状进行分析之外,本研究经过对问卷数据的路径分析,表明师范生的教育技术能力需经由“一般信息素养”——“学科信息素养”——“一般教育技术”的路径,才能最终提升“技术融入的学科教学、创新与研究”能力。从访谈结果来看,师范生的教育技术能力受到课程设置、实践机会、教师示范、学习资源、实习环境和师范生教育信念等多种因素影响,对师范生的教育技术能力的培养需要从教师教育整体改革加以干预,如改善教师教育信息化环境、重构教育技术能力发展课程体系和提升教师教育者的教育技术能力。

【Abstract】 By comparing the current Educational Technology Standards for Teachers in China withthose of other countries, this research attempts to analyze preservice teachers‘competenciesand to form a model based on the process of technology integration in the classroom. Themodel indicates four key skills and four stages for capacity-building-orientated facultydevelopment, namely technology learning skills, integration abilities, innovation andleadership and the four core stages including the teacher as a learner, as an instructor, as afacilitator and as a leader.Their learning focus varies at different stages. As a learner, the teacher should focushis/her learning on the clear understanding of the relationship between technology andindividuals, and effective application of technology to solve practical problems they confrontin their study and lives as well. As an instructor, the teacher begins to keep his/her eyes on therelationship between technologies and subjects taught, technologies and education as well asthe and effective application of educational technology to solve the problem in the teachingof relevant subjects. As a facilitator, the teacher should take an active part in understandingthe interactions between technologies and learning and applying the educational technologyin a creative way into the design and implementation of inquiry-based learning andcooperative learning, such as learning resources, learning process and learning assessment.The last stage is the highest level where teachers are involved in upgrading their researchcapacity for educational technology, especially the ability to model their own technologyintegration patterns and to share these models with others to promote faculty developmentand campus cultures.The development of teachers‘educational technology is not a linear and mechanicalprocess but a dynamic process of the integration of technology and education. The authorfinds that when new technologies emerge, breaking the balance of the original instructionalstructures, the teacher, as a key component of the structure, must demonstrate his/hereducational technology competencies and actively adjust the original structure toaccommodate the new technology. The teacher‘s educational technology competenciesbecome transparent and implicit. At this moment, the educational technology competenciesare not a special teaching ability more than a general one.As an initial stage in their lifelong development, the education of pre-service teachers iscrucial to the future application and innovation of educational technology, both in anindependent and cooperative way. Practice and theoretical learning do not synchronize witheach other in the educational technology competencies, with theoretical learning prior to practice. The purpose of pre-service teachers‘educational technology competencies is tofoster an positive attitude towards, to broaden the horizon of and to enhance the basic skills ineducational technology. On theoretical learning, pre-service teachers should lay emphasis ongeneral information accession and application at the learner stage, the ability to solveproblems in the teaching of relevant subjects at the instructor stage, the design ofinquiry-based learning at the facilitator stage, as well as the research capacity for educationaltechnology at the leader stage. As far as practice is concerned, informational application atthe learner stage and the the design and implementation of inquiry-based learning at theinstructor stage are two main aspects. Based on the above-mentioned knowledge and skills,some pre-service teachers will be encouraged, in terms of practice, to reach the facilitatorstage and to foster basic skills in the design and implementation of inquiry-based learning.Educational techonology competencies are comprised of general information-basedcapacity, the ability to access information on subjects taught and the capability oftechonology-involved teaching and research. By means of questionnaires and interviews, theauthor conducts a survey on pre-service teachers from four normal universities. Item analysisand factor analysis have ensured the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The resultsof factor analysis indicate that there are six key components for the pre-service teachers‘technology competencies. Factor one, the ability to integrate, innovate and model in atechnology-based way. Factor two, the general skills in technology-based teaching. Factorthree, basic computer and network skills. Factor four, skills in functional productivitysoftware (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). Factor five, the understanding of the interactionsbetween technologies and subjects taught. Factor six, the information accession capacity.Factors three, four, and six are components of general information-based capability. Factorfive is the most important aspect of the ability to access information on subjects taught.Factor two indicates the general teaching design skills and factor one relates to thecomprehensive capability of techonology-involved teaching, innovation and research.The results of the questionnaire show that the general information-based capacity ofpre-service teachers is at a higher level than their ability to access information on subjectstaught. The finding also indicates a lack in the appropriate application of educationaltechnologies for diversifed teaching. They have not realized the true advantages and valuebetween technologies and teaching, subjects taught, and learning. They even have somereluctant and negative attitudes towards educational technology application.Besides the analysis of the current development of pre-service teachers‘educationaltechnology competencies, through path analysis, this paper finds that the developmentprocess of pre-service teachers‘educational technology competencies should undergo threestages, from general information-based capacity, the ability to access information on subjects taught to general teaching design skills and finally leading to the promotion of thecomprehensive capability of techonology-involved teaching, innovation and research.Based on the results of the interview, pre-service teachers‘educational technologycompetencies depend on mutiple factors such as the curriculum arrangement, practice, facultydemonstration, learning resources, teaching environment and education beliefs of thepre-service teachers. In order to improve the pre-service teachers‘educational technologycompetencies, the comprehensive reform of faculty education is necessary, in such ways asimproving teacher educational technology environments, reconstructing educationaltechnology curriculum and promoting normal university teachers‘educational technologycompetencies.
