

The Research on Local Chronicles Literature Written by People Exiled to the Northeast in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 马丽

【导师】 李德山;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 流人是指因反抗封建统治或触犯封建刑律而被统治者以专政或实边之名强制迁徙至边远之地服劳役,从而成为该地客籍居民之人。在清代东北地区,以流人为主体,产生了一种内涵丰富、既与中原文化有着千丝万缕联系、又具有鲜明地方特色的文化——流人文化。作为东北地区极为特殊的客籍居民,清代东北流人为促进东北地区与内地的文化交流、推动东北地区文化教育事业的发展做出了积极的贡献,也使东北文化留下了深深的流人文化烙印。流人在戍所的创作,由于种种原因存留下来的并不多,其中较为后人关注的是他们描摹景致、抒发胸臆的诗歌、散文等作品。实际上流人作品中还有很重要的部分——方志,一直未得到应有的重视和发掘,相关研究存在重诗文、轻方志的情况。通过梳理东北地区方志发展历史我们可以发现,其地方志发展或多或少落后于中原地区,内部则存在由南到北发展不平衡的客观现实,其中尤以黑龙江地区的发展最为迟缓。这一时期,在官修志书力所不及的情况下,流人撰著的方志文献成为官修志书的最好补充,并且创造了清代东北方志发展历史上的几个第一:方式济《龙沙纪略》是黑龙江地区第一部方志文献;张缙彦《宁古塔山水记》是黑龙江地区第一部山水记与地名学专著等。可以说,研究清代东北流人方志文献的相关情况,具有重要的历史价值和现实意义。正是基于上述目的,本文将研究范围确定为十二位流人或随戍探亲者撰著的方志文献。按照著述者抵达戍所的时间进行排列,分别是方拱乾《绝域纪略》(又称《宁古塔志》)、吴兆骞《天东小纪》、张缙彦《宁古塔山水记》、祁班孙《东行风俗记》(又称《盛京风俗记》)、杨宾《柳边纪略》、杨锡履《口外山川纪略》、方登峄《卜魁杂志》、方式济《龙沙纪略》、方观承《卜魁风土纪》、吴桭臣《宁古塔纪略》、程煐《珂雪集》以及英和《卜魁纪略》。这十二部方志文献中存留到今天的只有七部,《天东小纪》、《东行风俗记》、《口外山川纪略》、《卜魁杂志》、《珂雪集》等五部已经亡佚。其中只有《天东小纪》和《东行风俗记》因被其他文献转载而保存有部分文字,其他三部目前踪迹皆无。为了更好地体现本文的研究成果,本文分五个部分安排全部内容。第一部分为绪论。主要论述了本文的研究任务和意义、研究的史料依据和研究现状,以及撰写本文的基本思路和方法。第二部分为清代东北流人概述。重点探讨了清代东北流人的特点以及对东北地区的积极贡献。第三部分为清代东北流人方志文献编纂。重点对十二部方志文献的撰著者和文献进行了较为细致的梳理与考证,又对整个方志文献从种类、资料、体例、版本及流传等方面进行了论述。第四部分为清代东北流人方志文献内容。从地形地貌与山川、驻防统辖与城镇、经济贸易与贡赋、社会生活与流人、民俗理解与宗教、文化教育与民族等方面,对清代东北流人方志文献的内容进行详细地分类归纳和整理分析。第五部分为清代东北流人方志文献补考。将序跋辑录、佚文辑佚等附录于此,同时对几部特殊方志文献及流人参与官修志书编纂情况进行论述。在学习借鉴前人及其他学者研究成果的基础上,本文在搜集资料和论据考证等方面做出了积极的努力,并尝试在以下三个方面有所突破与创新:其一,从历史文献学的角度,对清代东北流人方志文献撰著者及文献本身的基本信息进行梳理,详细考证了存留于世的方志文献在成书时间、流传情况、现存版本、内容变化等方面的情况。其二,从文献整理研究的角度,对存留于世的清代东北流人方志文献所记载的内容进行分类归纳整理,为其他学者进行相关研究提供资料检索之便。其三,对方志文献的衍生问题继续探究,从序跋辑录、佚文辑佚、流人参与官修志书情况等方面,对清代东北流人方志文献进行相关补充研究。

【Abstract】 The exiled person is those people who are exiled by the rulers to remote areas forserving at hard labor because that they resist the feudal rule or are in violation of criminallaw. And then they become the Hakka residents who are different from the local person. Inthe northeast of Qing Dynasty, a distinctive culture has been formed; it was called theculture of exiled person which has local characteristics and has countless contacts with theculture of central plain area. As very special Hakka residents in the northeast, the exiledperson in Qing Dynasty made great contributions in promoting culture exchange with thecentral plain area and pushing forward the development of the northeast’s culture andeducation, meanwhile, they also left deep print of their own culture in the northeast.The works of art of the exiled person in garrison institute are not a lot because of manyreasons. But such kinds of literature as poem and prose are attracted attention by latergeneration, because these works can imitate or describe the landscapes and express minddirectly. As a matter of fact, the very important literature: local chronicles literature has notbeen deserving enough attention and exploring. Some related studies just valued poeticprose but paid less attention to local chronicles literature. Through sorting out thedeveloping history of the local chronicles literature, we can find that the local chroniclesliterature more or less lags behind the central plain area and has disparate developmentform south part to north part, especially retard in Heilungkiang area.In Qing Dynasty the local chronicles literature written by the exiled person made thebest supplement to official records and created some number one of the developing historyof the local chronicles literature. Such as, Longsha Of written by Fang Shiji is the first localchronicles literature in Heilungkiang area; Landscape essay of Ninggu Tower written byZhang Jinyan is the first essay on landscape and toponymy. Hence to study documents ofthe local chronicles literature written by the exiled person in Qing Dynasty have thehistoric value and practical significance.Based on the aforementioned purpose, this paper definite the twelve local chroniclesliterature written by exiled person or their relatives as the range of study. However, only seven of them persist till now. The other five works have been lost. But some parts of twoworks are kept by other documents.In order to show the research findings, the paper is divided into five parts.The First part is introduction. It is mainly about this paper’s meanings and missionsalso the historical evidence and research status of the topic, in addition, the methods andthinking of writing this paper.The Second part is northeast in Qing Dynasty and people exiled to the northeast in QingDynasty. Focused on the overview of the northeast region in Qing Dynasty, and thepeculiarity and contributions of people exiled to the northeast in Qing Dynasty.The Third part is the outline of the local chronicles literature of people exiled to thenortheast in Qing Dynasty. Focused on the last twelve local chronicles literatures, inquireinto every writer and their works meticulously, furthermore, discuss the variety, data,edition and layout in local chronicles literature. Additionally, the objective evaluation onthe historical contribution from the local chronicles literature of northeastern exiled personin Qing Dynasty.The Fourth part is the research of the local chronicles literature of people exiled to thenortheast in Qing Dynasty. Detailed classification and inductive analysis of the localchronicles literature of people exiled to the northeast in Qing Dynasty from the aspects oftopography, garrison, dominion, economy, trade, contribution, society, exiled person, folkcustom, religion, education and ethnics.The Fifth part is the complementary study of the local chronicles literature of peopleexiled to the northeast in Qing Dynasty. To compile the local chronicles literature of peopleexiled to the northeast in Qing Dynasty that retained in the world and the two scattered anddisappeared local chronicles literature. At the same time, discuss some of the specific localchronicles literature and the books made by people exiled to the northeast in Qing Dynasty.On the basis of leaning and utilizing other scholar’s research results, this paper madeactive efforts to dig information and arguments, meanwhile attempted to makebreakthrough and innovation in the following three aspects:First, from the perspective of historical document, the paper tried to sort information oflocal chronicles literature and their writers. And detailed the investigation of remain local version and content change.Second, from the perspective of documental arrangement and research to sort, analyzeand summarize the recorded contents of local chronicles literature, and provideconvenience to other scholars to make related further study.Third, the paper continued to explore the research into the derivative issue of localchronicles literature, from the following aspects, such as preface and postscript, lost articlesand the exiled person’s involvement in the official records in order to providecomplementary study of the local chronicles literature of people exiled to the northeast inQing Dynasty.
