

Research on China’s Higher Vocational Education Development

【作者】 蒋春洋

【导师】 柳海民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【副题名】A Perspective of System Analysis

【摘要】 目前,我国对职业教育的关注和重视,达到了职业教育发展以来前所未有的程度。由于职业教育与经济社会发展的密切关系以及国家对发展职业教育的重视,职业教育的发展已经成为社会各界和从事教育研究的工作者特别关注的热点问题。高等职业教育由于其自身所具有的高等性和职业性的双重特征,在构建国民教育体系和终身教育体系过程当中发挥了双重重要作用,可以说高等职业教育既是我国经济发展建设的重要基础,又是我国教育事业发展的战略重点。最近的十余年时间里,我国的高等职业教育无论是在办学规模、招生数量,还是人才培养质量等方面均取得了一定的成绩。但是,必须面对的问题是,一方面国家对高等职业教育的发展越来越重视,另一方面,高等职业教育的发展现状与其应该扮演的角色之间存在着很大的反差,高等职业教育的发展面临重重困境,生源危机、毕业生就业错位、缺乏吸引力等问题成为制约高等职业教育发展的瓶颈。基于高等职业教育的发展现状以及面临的困境,教育研究者和高等职业教育工作者将高等职业教育的发展作为共同关注的问题,对高等职业教育的研究也一直没有间断过,但是还有诸多问题尚待深入探讨。鉴于以往对高等职业教育问题研究的方法、理论和工具等方面存在着过于简约的问题,本研究选择制度分析的视角对高等职业教育的发展进行深入研究,根据制度经济学对制度的分类,从正式制度、非正式制度两方面分析高等职业教育发展困境的制度归因,通过理论分析和逻辑推演及制度建构,力求揭示正式制度和非正式制度影响下的高等职业教育发展的内在逻辑,从教育法律制度、教育组织制度、教育运行机制以及高等职业教育价值观、个人教育选择等维度,探寻高等职业教育发展的制度安排,为高等职业教育发展提供完善和改进的建议,并提供学理支持。本研究由以下几个部分组成:第一部分为本研究的导言,主要介绍本研究的研究缘起、研究意义、研究方法,对已有相关研究进行综述,并提出本研究的创新与之处。第二部分为本研究的第一章,概念诠释与理论解读。对制度、正式制度、非正式制度等核心概念进行界定及理解,并阐释本研究的理论基础。第三部分为本研究的第二章、第三章,这两章主要对我国高等职业教育正式制度、非正式制度进行概念界定及维度划分,构建高等职业教育发展的正式制度、非正式制度的实践行为框架,对我国高等职业教育正式制度、非正式制度的形成、发展、现状进行研究。第四部分为本研究的第四章,重点审视我国高等职业教育发展所面临的困境。第五部分为本研究的第五章,主要内容为建立高等职业教育研究的正式制度、非正式制度分析框架,分别从正式制度、非正式制度视角分析我国高等职业教育发展困境的原因,并将制约我国高等职业教育发展的原因归类呈现。第六部分为本研究的第六章,从制度分析的视角分析国外高等职业教育发展的经验与启示,通过比较研究,为构建我国高等职业教育发展的制度安排提供可借鉴的理论和实践基础。第七部分为第七章,我国高等职业教育发展的制度安排。从正式制度、非正式制度的五个维度出发,建立适合我国高等职业教育发展的制度安排,为高等职业教育的持续发展提供理论依据及实践建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the emphasis of the vocational education has reached anunprecedented stage. Due to the close relationship between the vocational educationand the economic development, the development of the vocational education hasbecome a hot topic which draws the attention of the people from all walks of life andthe educators. Since higher vocational education has double features of bothadvancement and professionalism and it plays a dual role in the construction ofnational education system and the lifelong education system, higher vocationaleducation is the important basis of the economic development of our country and thestrategic focus of the development of the educational career of our country. In therecent decade, the higher vocational education of our country has made someachievement in its scale of education, the quantity of recruit ion, and the quality of thecultivation of the talents. But what we have to face is, on one hand, our country hasput more emphasis on the higher vocational education. On the other hand, there is agreat contrast between the current situation and the expected role of the highervocational education. Higher vocational education faces a great amount ofproblems such as the students crisis, the graduates’ employment dislocation, and thelack of attraction. All of these problems have become the setback of the developmentof the higher vocational education.Due to the problems faced with the higher vocational education, the researcherson education and the staffs of the higher vocational education have made thedevelopment of the higher vocational education a common concern. The researches ofthe higher vocational education haven’t been stopped but many problems remain to bediscussed. Due to the fact that the methodology, theory and instrument of theresearches in the past are two simple, this research has a deep study of thedevelopment of the higher vocational education from the perspective of the systemanalysis. It analyzes the systematic facts of the development of higher vocationaleducation from the formal system and informal system. It tries to reveal the innerlogic of the development of the higher vocational education by analyzing the theoryand the logic. It also explores the institutional arrangements of the higher vocationaleducation development from the dimensions of the educational legal system,educational organization system and education operating mechanism and the choiceof individual education. This thesis provides some suggestion for the development of higher vocational education and it provides some academic support as well.The research includes seven parts that are organized as follows:Part1is the introduction of the research, which mainly includes the origin of thestudy, the significance of the study, the methodology of the study and the literaturereview of the related researches. It also proposes the innovation of the study.Part2is the chapter1of this research. It states the theoretical basis of theresearch, which includes the interpretation of the core concepts of system, formalsystem, and informal system of the higher vocational education. It provides aframework for constructing the formal and informal system of the higher vocationaleducation development. It explores the formation, development and the currentsituation of the formal and informal system of the higher vocational educationdevelopment of our country.Part3is the chapter2and chapter3of the research. These two chapters mainlymake a definition and the dimension division of the formal system and the informalsystem of the development of the higher vocational education development.Part4is the chapter4of this research. It reviews the development of highervocational education in our country briefly, the achievements and the problems facedby higher vocational education.Part5is the fifth chapter of this research. It concludes the construction of theformal and informal analytic framework of the higher vocational educationdevelopment. It analyzes the reasons of the problems from the perspectives of formalsystem and informal system and catalogues the reasons which constrain thedevelopment of higher vocational education.Part6is the sixth chapter of this research. It analyzes the experiences and theimplications of the higher vocational education development overseas from theperspective of system analysis. By a comparative study, it provides feasible theoryand practical basis for constructing the higher vocational education development.Part7is the chapter7of this research. It talks about the system arrangement of thehigher vocational education development in our country. It provides some practicalsuggestions for the sustainable development of the higher vocational education from fivedimensions of formal and informal system by constructing the system arrangementswhich suits the development of higher vocational education in our country.
