

Romance Pattern and Chinese Present Novel

【作者】 张文东

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于中国当代小说向中国古代小说“传奇叙事”传统以及现代小说传奇叙事“经验”进行承袭并获得创造性转化和发展的有关历程与表现的一种系统整理和论述。本文遵循传统与发展相统一的方法论原则,通过对中国古代和现代小说中传奇叙事传统的全面检视,以及对中国当代小说在不同阶段上呈现出来的叙事特征的系统梳理,发现并确证了中国当代小说发展中富有“中国特色”的传奇叙事样貌,并将这种样貌的形成和发展置于多元、多变的社会历史背景之下,结合不同阶段、层面以及不同主题、载体的小说文本的具体分析,充分地论证说明:传奇叙事作为中国古代小说的重要样式和基本传统,历经现代小说以来的特殊承袭和转型,其精神和模式也一直延续到了中国当代小说当中,并因特殊的时代际遇和文化内涵,得到了更为广泛的、也更有创造性的应用和发展。本文展开论述的基本思路如下:第一,在中国古代小说的发生、发展当中,作为真正具有小说成熟体式意味的“传奇”,不仅是中国古代小说最核心的叙事“表现”模式,同时也是中国普通大众最传统的小说“接受”模式,对于包括二十世纪小说在内的中国小说整体发展演变而言,它必然是一种具有强大影响力的,同时也是最具有“中国特色”的基本模式和叙事传统。第二,中国现代小说的发生和发展尽管是以反传统的姿态开始其现代化进程的,但作为一种强大文学传统的传奇叙事,还是因现代社会的形成、启蒙与救亡的目的、大众读者的扩展、民间样式的萃取等等社会与文学的因素,不断焕发出更为深刻而巨大的新生力和影响力,在现代小说发展的各个历史时期当中被有意识并个性化地转化、使用和发展着,成为中国现代小说叙事的一种特殊形式。第三,伴随着新中国成立而发生、发展起来的中国当代小说,首先在“十七年文学”和“文革文学”的意义上,直接承袭了自“延安文学”以来的“革命文学”的经验和传统,并在社会主义现实主义等主流创作方法的导引下,把最具有民间、大众基础的传奇叙事作为自己完成“为工农兵服务”这一现实革命政治任务的主要手段之一,从而使这一时期的小说呈现出鲜明的“革命传奇”样貌。第四,“新时期文学”意义上的中国当代小说,尽管流派众多并有着向西方学习以及“向内转”的“新潮”取向等,但不管是作为小说家的思想资源,还是作为小说创作的艺术传统,传奇叙事始终都是文学开始形成“自觉”之后的重要选择之一,不论是在“改革”或“知青”小说等现实主义主流中,还是在“地域”或“市井”小说等“寻根”的意识里,或是在“民间”或“历史”的重新发现并重构的意义上,始终都有着连绵不断的传奇叙事的艺术取向。第五,进入1990年代以后的中国当代小说,面对大众文化兴起的背景以及“泛文学”的语境,其原本属于文学的传奇叙事精神也在大众狂欢的意义上以各种“类文学”的形式发生了新变与转型,并通过言情小说、网络文学以及影视镜像的表现,呈现出种种面向大众、迎合市场、制造消费的姿态,从而使在这个意义上所演发出的传奇叙事,进一步成为一种无所不在的大众语态的传奇性。通过上述这种按照不同发展阶段,基于不同文学表现所完成的较大规模地梳理,本文所达到的目的以及形成的结论就是:中国古代小说不仅有其独特的传奇叙事传统,而且这种传统还始终对中国现代以来的小说发展有着巨大的作用和影响,并在整个二十世纪中国小说中得到了创造性的承袭和发展,即便仅就中国当代小说几十年的发展而言,作为“中国经验”的传奇叙事传统,也始终是其之所以成为一个丰富性存在的必然条件。因此,本文这种基于“传统与发展”辨证关系的文学史辨析,便不仅可以让我们真正回到以马克思主义辩证史观来认识中国文学及其小说发展的正确道路上来,同时也使我们能够对传统文学与文化在新世纪文学与文化建构中的重要意义,进一步形成某种更为科学地认识和把握。

【Abstract】 This article pertaining to contemporary Chinese fiction and ancient Chinese novelstraditional of “legend narrative” and the “experience” of traditional mode of fiction andcontemporary fiction narrative, the article has inherited the process for the transformation anddevelopment of creativeness by the performance and the system of organization anddiscussion.This paper follows the methodology of unity with tradition and development, through acomprehensive view of the legend narrative tradition of Chinese ancient and contemporaryfiction, As well as the characteristics of contemporary Chinese fiction narrative, presented inthe different stages of the system narrate, discovered and confirmed the appearance of thelegend narrative of the "Chinese characteristics" in the development of contemporary Chinesefiction and the formation and development of this appearance on diverse, changing social andhistorical context, the combination of the different stages, levels and different themes, carriernovel text analysis, they are fully explained: legend narrative as the ancient Chinese novelstyle and basic traditional, after special inherited since the contemporary fiction and transition,The spirit and the model came to Chinese contemporary novels, it get a creative applicationand development because of the special times and cultural connotations.This paper we will spread out the basic idea as followsFirst, with the occurrence and development of Chinese ancient novels, the "legend" witha real mature form, it not only to be the key mode of “performance” on narrative but also tobe the most traditional “accept” mode of the ancient from Chinese general public, includenonfiction books of the twentieth century and during the development and differentiation ofChinese ancient novels,it certainly has a kind of powerful influence, meanwhile as the basicpatterns and narrative tradition with “Chinese characteristics”.Second, the start of modernization process with occurrence and development ofcontemporary fiction is anti-tradition gesture, but because of the society and literature of theformation of the modern society, the purpose of enlightenment and salvation, the expansion ofthe mass of readers, folk style extraction, Chinese fiction as powerful literary tradition of thelegendary narrative, it glows more profound and great freshmen and influence continuously,among the various historical periods, the development of the modern novel is awareness andpersonalized transformed into the use and development, as a special form of modernnarrative.Third, along with the founding of People’s republic of China, the occurrence anddevelopment of Chinese contemporary fiction, first in the sense of "17years of literature" and "Cultural Revolution Literature, directly inherited from Yan’an Literature" follow up the"Revolutionary Literature’s experience and tradition, and under the guidance of the creativemethod of socialist realism mainstream, the most legendary narrative of the civil society, themass-based as yourself "for the workers, peasants and soldiers," one of the primary means forthe reality of revolutionary political tasks, so that the novels of this period showing adistinctive revolutionary legend "appearance.Fourthly, on the significance of “the literature of the new period” in the contemporaryfiction, although many schools and has to learn from the West, with " turn inward "and"trendy "orientation, but Whether as the ideological resources or novel creation artistictradition to novelist, the legendary narrative always to be one of the important choose start ofan ingrained habit of culture. whether in the mainstream realism "reform" or "educated youth"of fiction of the main realistic literature, or the conscious of seeking root literature in "areas"and "street life", or in the sense of re-discovered and reconstructed from " among the people "and "history", it always has a continuous artistic tropism of legendary recount.Fifth,after the Chinese Contemporary Novels entering1990s, the face of the rise ofpopular culture background as well as the context of pan-literature, which originally belongedto the legendary narrative literature spirit in the popular Carnival sense in a variety of "literary fiction " in the form of changes and transformation, and through the love story, thenetwork literature and performance video image, showing a variety of mass, catering to themarket, manufacturing consumption attitude, so that the legendary narrative played out in thissense, further become a ubiquitous public voice of the legendaryThrough above this in accordance with different stages of development, based ondifferent literature performance by completed of more mass to combs, this article by reachedof purpose and formed of conclusions is: the Chinese ancient novels not only has its uniquelegend narrative tradition, but also has a tremendous effect and influence on the ModernChinese novels since the development, and get creative inheritance and development ofChinese novels in the whole twentieth Century, even only on China contemporary novels fordecades years of development, as “China’s experience “of legend narrative tradition, it isalways a necessary condition for the existence of richness.Therefore, this discrimination based on "Tradition and the development of the literaryhistory of the dialectical relationship, it not only can let us back to the Marxist dialecticalhistory to real understanding of Chinese literature and novels on the correct road ofdevelopment, but also allows us to further the formation of a more scientific understandingand grasp of the importance of traditional literature and culture in the new century literary andcultural construct.
