

On Emoitonal Expressions of D.H. Lawrence’s Novels

【作者】 李晓岚

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 劳伦斯小说的情感表现坦诚而直白,他把人内在混乱不整的隐秘现实表现出来,把现实中人们避而不谈的性话题写入小说,作为艺术表现的核心。他笔下人物形象生动鲜活,人物的情感丰富多彩。他把人的内心世界作为人最根本的存在,把性作为回归本真状态的最高境界而着力描写。他对情感的不同寻常的表现使其同时代的人深感迷惑不解。他笔下的性与人的情感、与人的思维、与人生的哲理,以及与人类文明发展中潜在的危机等都有着密切的关系,因此他小说蕴含丰富,具有深广的涵义和研究价值。然而,尽管情感表现是劳伦斯小说的最大亮点,但目前国内外对于他小说情感及情感表现方面的研究却是很少且不系统的。本论文采用以精神分析为主,以英美新批评、结构主义、符号学和读者反映批评为辅的研究方法,对劳伦斯小说的情感表现进行专门、系统、深层次的研究。全文共分为六章:第一章研究情感与情感表现,共分为三个部分:1.情感及情感的来源;2.自然情感与艺术情感的界定及两者之间的关系;3.情感表现及表现的层次,即外部情感、内部情感和本能情感。第二章阐述了劳伦斯小说的情感表现特征。本章在研究劳伦斯书信、小说、随笔、论文和散文的基础上挖掘出其小说情感表现的特征,即回归自然的关系中的以本能为核心的情感体系。在众多关系中,人与宇宙之间的关系、两性之间的关系和肉体与精神之间的关系是最基本、最核心的关系。第三章详细阐述了劳伦斯小说以本能为核心的情感三层结构,本部分在对劳伦斯小说中呈现出的绚丽多姿的情感故事展现的同时,挖掘出其小说情感的基本结构层面,即情感表现层、思维方式层和本能冲动层。第四章研究劳伦斯小说以本能为核心的艺术表现。本章指出其小说情感的表现是基于他个人情感生活的丰厚积累。小说的情感表现分为三个层次:即外在情感的表现——突出动感的外表显现;内在情感的表现——突出内在本质的外在显现;本能情感的表现——突出以本能为核心的艺术整体呈现。第五章考察了劳伦斯小说回归自然的情感观的形成。本章探讨劳伦斯小说中内在的重物质的观念、重情感的观念与重自然的观念三者之间的关系,旨在剖析其小说回归自然的情感观形成的深层原因。第六章是劳伦斯小说情感的艺术阐释。本章通过劳伦斯小说引来的争议、劳伦斯本人的观念、小说的本质、对小说的评价、淫秽小说的界定和他小说情感的意义生成几个方面对其小说进行重新评价,并指出劳伦斯笔下的情感是经过艺术加工的情感表现,他突出本能情感是因为本能情感代表最强烈的情感体验,他通过本能情感旨在表现他对生命的强烈渴望,这两者之间存在异质同构的关系。结论部分指出,本能情感在劳伦斯这里代表的是一整套的情感表现体系。性本能代表的是生存本能中的主要力量,它是肯定性情感的来源,它具有引发出思维方式和其它情感表现的情感功能。本能情感是劳伦斯思想的高度抽象和浓缩,它之所以成为劳伦斯小说艺术表现的核心,是因为它可以辐射出多个意义,它是情感表达的最高境界,也是艺术表现的最高境界。劳伦斯独特的情感表现与他的出身、身体状况、所处的时代、生活经历和直率、坦诚、特立独行的个性密切相关。情感和文学都具有个性化的特点,需要通过对作家的生平、人生经历、历史和时代背景的考察,才能对所评论的作品做出更加客观、准确的评价。劳伦斯的小说让人产生分歧的关键原因是:他将人的性本能当作富有生命之活力的源泉,而世人往往把性本能仅仅当作社会道德范畴的东西来看待。劳伦斯的情感观是回归自然的情感观。他以本能为核心的情感表现的目的是对当时人们普遍的重物质的情感观的反拨。劳伦斯通过小说以本能为核心的情感表现告诉我们,要珍惜生命、珍惜机体的活力,因为生命是最宝贵的。人应该尊重自己作为生命体的最基本的需求,勇敢地经历人生、感受人生,让生命散发出灿烂的光彩。

【Abstract】 The emotional expressions of D.H. Lawrence’s novels are honest andstraightforward. He manifests the confused hidden reality in people’s heart, writesthe topic that people tend to avoid in real life and even takes it as the center of hisartistic expressions. The images of his characters are vivid, and their emotions arerich and colorful. He takes the inner world of men as the most fundamental existenceand describes sex as the highest realm of returning to nature and his unusual way ofexpressing emotions puzzled and confused his contemporaries. Sex in his writings isclosely connected with emotions, ways of thinking, philosophy of life, and thepotential crisis existed in the development of human civilization, etc., which makeshis novels rich in meanings and has deep and broad connotations and research value.However, although emotional expressions are the biggest highlight of his novels, fewpeople do research on it in deep, specialized and systematical way. This dissertationanalyzes Lawrence’s emotional expressions by using mainly the method ofpsychoanalysis, new criticism, structuralism, semiotics and reader’s response as well.It is divided into6chapters:Chapter One focuses on emotions and the emotional expressions. It is dividedinto3parts:1. Emotions and the generation of emotions.2. The demarcation ofnatural emotions and artistic emotions and the relationship between them.3.Emotional expressions and its levels such as outer emotions, inner emotions andinstinctive emotions.Chapter Two is about the features of the emotional expressions of Lawrence’snovels. This part excavates the features of Lawrence’s emotional expressions basedon Lawrence’s letters, novels, essays, papers and proses, and comes to theconclusion that the feature of Lawrence’s emotional expressions is the emotionalsystem based on instinctive emotions in relations to returning to nature Among allthe relations, the relationship between man and cosmos, the relation between menand women, the relation between body and soul are the most basic ones.Chapter Three deals with the three tier structure which exist in Lawrence’snovels. This part mines out the basic structure of Lawrence’s novels whilepresenting the striking and colorful emotional stories, i.e. the tier of emotionalexpression; the tier of thinking mode, and the tier of instinctive impulse.Chapter Four probes into the emotional expressions which are centered oninstinctive emotions. It points out that his emotional expressions are based on his rich emotional experiences. His emotional expressions can be divided into3tiers:outer emotional expressions; inner emotional expressions and the instinctiveemotional expressions as a whole.Chapter Five aims to figure out the formation of Lawrence’s view of emotions.It explores into the relationships among the view emphasizing materials, the viewemphasizing emotions and the view emphasizing nature. It aims to identify the deepreasons forming his view of emotions.Chapter Six is the interpretation of the emotions of Lawrence’s novels. Itfocuses on the re-evaluation of Lawrence’s novels through analyzing thecontroversies,Lawrence’s view, the nature of the novel, the evaluation of the novel,the definition of the pornographic novels and the generated meanings of Lawrenc’semotions.The dissertation comes to the conclusion that instinctive emotions in his novelsrepresent a full set of emotions. They are the main power in life instinct, the sourcesof positive emotions and they have the emotional function which can form the wayof thinking and produce other emotions. Instinctive emotions are the high abstractand enrichment of Lawrence’s ideas. They become the center of the artisticexpressions of his novels because they can produce numerous meanings. They arethe highest realm of emotional expressions and artistic performance.Lawrence’s unique emotional expressions are related to his origin, health,historical background, life experiences, and his frank, honest and noteworthyconduct. The dissertation holds that both emotions and literature have thecharacteristics of personalization. We can get the objective and accurate evaluationonly through the inspection of the author’s life, experiences, historical background.The reason why Lawrence’s novels produce such differences is that the author takesthe sexual instinct as a source of vitality of life while others regard it as somethingconnected to the social morality. Lawrence’s view of emotions is that of returning tonature. The aim of his emotional expressions based on instinct is to reject the view ofemphasizing materials. Lawrence communicates through his emotional expressionsthat we should cherish life and the vitality of our living organism, as life is the mostimportant thing. We should respect the basic need of our living body, experiencelife bravely and let our life shine brightly.
