

Effect of Ensiling on Micronutrient of Herbages in Meadow Steppe

【作者】 那亚

【导师】 王宗礼;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 草地资源利用与保护, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 以呼伦贝尔草甸草原区46种主要牧草为研究对象,开展单独青贮和混合青贮对草甸草原牧草脂肪酸、氨基酸和维生素等微量营养成分的影响研究,主要结论如下:1.46种牧草及不同青贮处理样品主要由6种长链脂肪酸组成,均以亚麻酸和棕榈酸为主,亚油酸含量也比较高;均含有18种氨基酸,包括8种人体必须氨基酸;都含有5种维生素,其中,维生素C的含量最高,而维生素B1和维生素B2的含量较低。2.四种草地类型不同青贮处理样品间各长链脂肪酸、氨基酸和维生素的含量均有所差异,其中,混贮处理对各长链脂肪酸含量变化的影响最大;单贮后总氨基酸和总必须氨基酸的含量明显下降(P<0.05);两种青贮处理后不同草地类型牧草所含几种维生素含量均有所下降。各草地类型经不同处理后不同取样点之间脂肪酸、氨基酸及维生素含量的差异均为显著(P<0.05)。3.46种牧草青贮样品粗脂肪含量为1.35%-10.85%;脂肪酸总量为0.0376%-3.2505%;SFA/TFA、MUFA/TFA、PUFA/TFA和UFA/TFA比值分别为7.53%-88.27%、3.33%-72.24%、7.05%-73.70%、11.73%-92.47%;SFA:MUFA:PUFA比值达到或者接近1:1:1比值的样品有7种;n-6/n-3比值达到或者接近(4-6):1比值的样品有6种。综合分析,46种牧草青贮样品脂肪酸构成不平衡。4.46种牧草青贮样品粗蛋白质含量为5.85%-23.67%;总氨基酸含量为6.15%-20.41%;必需氨基酸含量为2.39%-9.56%,含硫氨基酸含量为0.12%-1.61%,呈味氨基酸总量为2.43%-6.77%,限制性氨基酸含量较高,BCAA/AAA值为0.98-4.29;89%的样品同时满足EAA/NEAA高于60%和EAA/TAA高于40%,98%的样品高于FAO/WHO模式标准蛋白,AAS、CS、SRC、EAAI、NI和模糊识别法综合分析,46种牧草青贮样品氨基酸组成合理,营养价值较高。5.46种牧草青贮样品中维生素C和β-胡萝卜素的含量较高,分别为5.40mg/100g-84.87mg/100g和0.48mg/100g-12.46mg/100g。6.46种牧草青贮样品营养成分相关性分析结果显示:粗脂肪含量与各脂肪酸含量之间没有明显的相关性,而各脂肪酸组成间存在着较为复杂的相关性;粗蛋白含量与组氨酸、酪氨酸、精氨酸、苏氨酸和缬氨酸显著正相关,与异亮氨酸、赖氨酸和色氨酸呈极显著正相关,各氨基酸组份间存在着较为复杂的相关性;粗脂肪含量与维生素E呈显著正相关,而各维生素组份间存在着较为复杂的相关性。7.综合三种评价方法,分析结果显示,呼伦贝尔草原各科牧草青贮样品氨基酸和维生素营养特点较为相近,豆科牧草青贮样品微量营养价值最高。

【Abstract】 Forty-six Herbages on Hulunbeir meadow steppe were ensiled separately and mixedly in this study,and composition and nutritional quality changes of fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins before andafter ensiling were evaluated, and main conclusions are as follows:1. Fatty acids of forty-six herbage silages ensiled separately and mixedly were mainly six kinds oflong-chain fatty acids, and in which, contents of linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid werepredominant; eighteen kinds of amino acids were detected in these silages, including eight kinds ofessential amino acids; five kinds of vitamins were also detected, in which contents of vitamin C werethe highest, while vitamin B1and B2were relatively low.2. Contents of long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins varied among four grassland types anddifferent silage treatments, and mixed ensiling had a big impact on the changes of long-chain fatty acidscontents; contents of total amino acid and essential amino acid decreased significantly after ensilingseparately (P<0.05); contents of vitamins all decreased after ensiling; There was obviously difference oflong-chain fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins contents among sample plots of different type ofgrassland.3. The ether extract and total fatty acids(TFA)contents of forty-six silages ranged from1.35%to10.85%and0.0376%to3.2505%, respectively. The value of SFA/TFA, MUFA/TFA, PUFA/TFA andUFA/TFA were7.53%-88.27%,3.33%-72.24%,7.05%-73.70%and11.73%-92.47%, respectively;There were seven silages with SFA: MUFA: PUFA reaching to or approaching1:1:1;6silages werewith n-6/n-3reaching to or approaching (4-6):1. Comprehensive evaluation suggested that compositionof fatty acids in herbages silages on Hulunbeir were unbalanced.4. The crude protein contents of forty-six herbage silages ranged from5.85%to23.67%, and contents oftotal amino acids (TAA) ranged from6.15%to20.41%. Contents of essential amino-acids (EAA),sulfur amino acid and flavor amino acids varied from2.39%to9.56%,0.12%to1.61%, and2.43%to6.77%, respectively, contents of limited amino acids were high, and the value of BCAA/AAA rangedfrom0.98%to4.29; There were89%of the silages with EAA/NEAA higher than60%, and EAA/TAAhigher than40%, and98%of the silages were higher than FAO/WHO reference protein; Comprehensiveevaluation by AAS, CS, SRC, EAAI, NI and fuzzy pattern recognition suggested that composition ofamino acids in herbage silages on Hulunbeir were balanced, and were excellent protein resources forlivestock feed.5. The content of vitamin C and β-carotene of forty-six herbage silages were relatively high, andranged from5.40mg/100g to84.87mg/100g and0.48mg/100g-12.46mg/100g, respectively.6. The correlation analysis of nutrient components among forty-six herbage silages showed that: therewas no obvious correlation between ether extract contents and fatty acid contents, while there werecomplexive correlations between different fatty acids; crude protein contents were significantly positivecorrelated with Tyrosine, Histidine, Arginine, Threonine and Valine, and extremely significant positivecorrelated with Isoleucine, Iysine and Tryptophan, and there were complexive correlations between different amino acids; crude protein contents was positively correlated with vitamin E, and there werecomplexive correlations between five vitamins.7. To evaluate forty-six herbage silages on Hulunbeir, comprehensive cluster analysis, principalcomponent analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation were conducted, and the results indicated thatsilages of different herbages families on Hulunbeir had stable nutrition quality with protein and vitamin,and micro nutritive value of Leguminous forage silages were relatively high.

  • 【分类号】S812
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