

Research on Legal Issues under International Energy Investment Disputes

【作者】 张正怡

【导师】 丁伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 国际能源投资对于一国的战略发展、国家利益甚至全球稳定都发挥着较为重要的作用,是国际投资法甚至国际公法发展的新领域之一。从国际争端的角度看,近年来,以能源投资为背景的国际投资争端数量日益增加。研究国际能源投资争端的法律问题不仅是国家战略和发展的现实需要,同时也是国际实践与学科发展的迫切要求。本论文由导言和正文部分构成,正文部分共六章内容。第一章作为论文的开篇,主要对国际能源投资争端的相关概念进行了分析、比较,为论文的展开奠定基础。国际能源投资争端概念的明晰源于对国际能源投资的界定。近年来,随着国际能源投资的迅猛发展,对能源投资的关注日益升温。本章开篇介绍了国际能源投资的发展以及国际投资仲裁庭对“投资”概念法律含义的探索。国际能源投资争端作为国际能源争端的一部分,主要在投资者和东道国之间展开,其涉及的主要争端内容和当事方都具有特定性。不同于其他投资争端,国际能源投资争端具有较为特殊的背景特征,即涉及利益的敏感性、涉及内容的复杂化、投资风险的多样化。而这些背景特征的之后,蕴藏着国际能源投资争端的多重法律关系,即东道国与投资者之间的行政管理关系、东道国机构与投资者之间有关特许协议的合同关系、国家之间有关投资的双边或多边条约关系。最后,本章比较了国际能源投资争端和国际能源贸易争端的差别,集中体现在争端解决方式、程序设计以及实体法内容。国际能源投资争端在发展的过程中已经明显区别于国际能源贸易争端,显现出自身独特的发展趋势。第二章作为国际能源投资法律问题的基础,对国际能源投资的法律基础进行分析,主要对国际能源投资的法律框架展开了如下的剖析:首先,在国际层面上,能源投资宪章作为全球唯一直接规范能源投资的国际文件对能源投资产生了理论与实践中的影响。此外,全球性国际经济组织如世界贸易组织、联合国国际贸易和发展会议、经济合作组织也有相关规定对能源投资有所涉及。在专门的组织中,国际能源署、国际原子能机构以及石油输出国组织也强调了能源投资特别是能源安全和能源效益的重要性。其次,在区域层面上,欧盟和北美自由贸易区作为最具有影响力的区域性组织,均对能源投资进行了政策和法律方面的规定。其中,欧盟以其政策与法律的多元化、区域合作的丰富性而著名,对能源投资的关注着重于战略层面的考虑;《北美自由贸易协定》专章列举了能源制度,其争端解决机制也适用于成员方之间的能源争端。其他典型的区域性国际组织如东南亚国家联盟、亚太经济合作组织以及南方共同市场等也对能源投资的政策与法律有所涉及。最后,在国家层面上,美国作为北美地区最大的能源消费国,其能源法律制度纷繁复杂,涉及内容较为广泛;欧盟成员国内德国的能源投资法律制度也较为发达。作为能源供应大国、俄罗斯和加拿大的能源投资法律制度同样值得关注。第三章主要探讨了国际能源投资争端的相关程序问题。以争端解决机制为核心,分别探讨了国际能源投资争端的解决方法、仲裁解决方式的不同选择及其比较、争端解决的若干具体程序问题。国际能源投资领域争端解决已经开始逐步寻求替代性争端解决方法,除了传统的诉讼方式外,协商、和解、调解、专家裁定和仲裁已经逐步为投资者所考虑,这些方法各自具有独特的特征,根据投资争端的具体情况可以选择适用。其中,仲裁已经成为国际能源投资争端较为重要的争端解决。在仲裁争端解决方法中,对国际能源投资的处理主要集中在三大国际仲裁中心:世界银行下属的国际投资争端解决中心(ICSID)、斯德哥尔摩国际商会仲裁院(SCC)、联合国贸易委员会仲裁(UNCITRAL)。在对三大争端解决规则进行介绍后,本章从国际能源投资者的角度对三者进行了比较。随着能源投资争端数量的增长,在处理能源投资争端的过程中,也将出现一系列程序问题,如管辖权、岔路口条款、对ECT条约的临时适用和否定适用问题。本章结合仲裁庭在实践中的处理,对上述问题进行了分析。第四章结合能源投资争端的实践,围绕公平公正待遇、间接征收以及国家责任问题展开论述,这既是能源投资法律争端实体问题的核心,又是能源投资争端今后的重要发展方向。对以上三个问题的梳理和把握,成为掌握能源投资争端实体争议及其发展的重要环节。近年来,国际投资争端中的公平公正待遇标准在投资仲裁庭的实践中有了一定的发展。本章首先按时间顺序分阶段梳理该仲裁庭对公平公正待遇标准的界定,随后结合最新的裁决实践,评价公平公正待遇标准要素的发展现状。在此基础上,试图寻找仲裁庭对公平公正待遇标准要素的发展特征。在把握公平公正待遇标准内涵发展趋势的前提下,我们应积极思考并研究我国及投资者的相应对策。间接征收相关法律问题在国际能源投资争端中的地位日益上升,特别是有关间接征收标准的判断,是国际投资仲裁发展中的重要方向。由于对间接征收的判断长期以来具有争议,国际能源投资争端背景下的间接征收的界定仍然面临着一定困境。近年来,国际投资仲裁判例对间接征收的标准进行了探索和阐释,对国家实践及国际投资法的发展带来了启示。国际投资仲裁实践中,不乏对国家责任进行判断的情形。2001年《国家及其不法行为责任草案》为国家责任的确立奠定了理论基础,该草案自身确定了国家责任归因的基本原则及判断标准。在国际投资仲裁实践中,大量仲裁案件基本遵循了草案的判定标准,实现了判定国家责任标准由结构主义向功能主义的转变,主要采用功能测试的方法进行判断。尽管判定国家责任的过程中,仍会出现联邦国家等特殊问题,国家责任的判断标准仍然在实践中不断明晰。第五章主要探讨了国际能源投资合同中最具特色的两类条款稳定条款和重新协商条款及其在争端解决中的作用。作为能源投资合同中的重要条款,稳定条款和重新协商条款分别从不同的方面展示出国家和投资者在能源投资争端领域中的博弈。近年来,稳定条款在国际能源投资争端中的地位逐渐上升,仲裁庭在实践中对稳定条款效力的认定发生了变化。仲裁庭通过与投资待遇相联系进行分析,体现出对东道国和投资者之间利益的平衡。稳定条款的效力问题也引发了对国内法、国际法基本理论问题的探讨。在国际能源投资的理论和实践中,稳定条款的发展趋势和效力认定应当引起海外投资者和东道国的充分关注。重新协商条款作为现代能源投资合同中的一项重要条款,已经在一定程度上对合同的修订、争端的预防以及当事人的沟通提供了良好的平台,并逐渐在能源投资合同实践中得到应用。通过介绍并分析该类条款对国家及投资者的影响,可以增强对该类条款作用的把握以及加深对合同领域能源投资争端的理解。第六章作为结尾章节回应了中国对于国际能源投资争端的基本应对策略。中国在国际能源投资中的地位取决于自身在国际投资舞台的角色。中国在国际能源投资中同样出现了作为吸引外资的东道国和对外投资的投资母国之间的身份混同现象。就我国国际能源投资现状而言,外商投资在2011版《外商投资产业指导目录》的指引下有序进行,能源投资的范围有所扩张,并且在形式上呈现出多样化的趋势。近年来,随着我国海外能源投资迅速发展,形成了大量具有国际影响力的投资案例,也体现出中国海外能源投资发展以并购为核心的新动态。在此基础上,我国的能源法制体系也在初步形成的过程中。从东道国的视角出发,我国在应对国际能源投资争端时应当着重考察对能源投资准入领域的控制、对投资及其基本待遇的完善以及能源投资特许协议的相关法律问题。从投资母国的视角出发,我国应当正视海外能源投资争端背景下的法律风险,通过海外投资保险制度和法律制度的构建和完善保障海外能源投资的有序进行。

【Abstract】 International Energy Investment which has been playing an important role innational strategies, national interests as well as global stabilization, now emerges as oneof the brand new field in international investment law even in international public law.From the perspective of international disputes, there have been an increasing number ofcases with energy investment as their backgrounds in recent years. Research on legalissues under international energy investment disputes would not only meet the demand ofthe reality for national plans and developments but also satisfied the urgent needs ofinternational practices and study enlargement. This dissertation is composed of anintroduction and six chapters.Chapter I serves as the foundation of the dissertation, mainly analyzes and comparesrelated concepts under international energy investment disputes. Initial definition oninternational energy investment is the basis of the concept on international energyinvestment disputes. With the rapid development of international energy investmentrecently, much attention has been paid on energy investment. This chapter firstlyintroduces the growth of international energy investment and explores the legal meaningof “investment” under international investment arbitration. As one part of internationalenergy disputes, the international energy investment disputes focus on the investors andthe host states, with the feature of definite disputes and parties. Differ from other types ofinvestment disputes, international energy investment disputes boast special background,namely sensitive interests, complex contents, diversity risks, which has obvious reflectsthe multiplied legal relationships, namely administrative regulation from the host statesto the investors, concession agreements between the host states organs and the investors,bilateral or multilateral treaty relationship among states. Finally, the chapter comparesthe difference between international energy investment disputes and international energytrade disputes on disputes settlement, procedure device and substantive content. Theinternational energy investment disputes have shown its unique development path fromthe international energy trade disputes. Chapter II sets the legal basis for international energy investment, whichdemonstrates the legal framework of international energy investment on the followingparts: On the global level, Energy Charter Treaty, the international document whichdirectly regulates energy investment has influenced energy investment on both academicand practical respect. In addition, international economic organizations such as WTO,UNCTAD, and OECD also developed provisions on energy investment. Under somespecific organizations such as IEA, IAEA and OPEC has put emphasis on energyinvestment especially the importance of energy security and efficiency. On regional level,the famous EU and NAFTA have energy investment in their policies and laws. Amongwhich, EU is celebrated for the diversity of law and regional cooperation since itconsiders the energy investment from the respect of strategies. While NAFTA has energysystem in a codified chapter, with the dispute settlements apply to all members. Othertypical regional organizations such as ASEAN, APEC and MERCOSUR also considerenergy investment in their laws and policies. On the state level, United States, the largestenergy consuming country in North America, boasts a complex and comprehensiveenergy laws and regulation. EU country Germany has also formed a developed energyinvestment legal systems. As the major energy supply countries, Russia Federation andCanada also have their own characteristics.Chapter III discusses the related procedural issues in international energyinvestment disputes. With the dispute settlement as the core, this chapter unfolded theissues on the methods for international energy investment disputes, choices on arbitrationwith different paths, special procedural issues in dispute settlement. It is to be noted thatADR has been waked up under international energy investment disputes field, besides thetraditional litigation. The investors have their preference on negotiation, conciliation,mediation, expert determination as well as arbitration with their unique features. Amongarbitration for dispute settlement, three international arbitration centers would beavailable, ICSID afflicted to the World Bank, SCC of ICC Stockholm, UNCITRALarbitration. After a brief introduction for the above, a comparative judge has been madefor the investors. As the jump of energy investment disputes number, several proceduralissues appeared in the process of energy dispute settlement, for example, jurisdictionissue, fork-in-the-road clause, provisional and negative application of ECT.Chapter IV starts form the practice of international energy investment disputes,demonstrates on the issues of FET, indirect expropriation and state liability which are thekey points in substantive parts of international energy investment disputes that direct the further development in this field. In the recent years, FET standard under internationalinvestment arbitration tribunal has its own trend, which is collected in this chapter bytime order. Combined with the latest arbitration award, this chapter has reviewed theelements of FET standard and summarized its trend. With the general situation of FET inthe mind, suggestions are expected to be made for the states and their investors. On theother hand, indirect expropriation has witnessed a growing status under internationalenergy investment disputes. The judgment for the indirect expropriation has become thecrucial parts to be improved in international investment arbitration. Controversy has beenexisted for a long time for indirect expropriation; however, the definition still confrontsobstacles to some degree. Explanation from the international has some implication on thestates practices and the international investment law itself. Also the arbitration practicescomprise circumstances for state liability. The2001Draft works as the theoreticalfoundation for it has a clear picture on the principals and rules for the state liability. Mostcases have followed the criteria in the draft, which reflects the transformation fromstructure test to function test with the later has the major way. Despite some specialissues such as federal states in judging state liability, the criteria are still to be furtherclarified in practices.Chapter V mainly explores on the two typical clauses, stabilization clause andrenegotiation clause which have shown the bargain between states and investors formrespective sides. With the rise of stabilization clause, the tribunal has taken an newattitude towards the effect of such clause, combing the clause itself and investmenttreatment to strike a balance between the host states and investors. The stabilizationclause also triggered the discussion on basic questions of domestic law and internationallaw. Much attention should be paid on stabilization clause in academic and practicalinternational energy investment. The renegotiation clause stemmed from modern energyinvestment contract, now provides a better place for contract revision, disputesprevention and the communication of the parties with its growing application. Theintroduction of renegotiation clause is beneficial to states and investors understandinternational energy investment disputes in contracts.Chapter VI makes a response to international energy investment disputes from theperspective of China. The status of China under international energy investment is highlydependent on its role on the international investment. A current phenomenon is thatChina has tagged as dual status, one is the traditional host state to attract foreigninvestment, and the other is the outbound investing state. As the status quo of international energy investment, foreign investment is directed in order on2011editionCatalogue for the guidance of Foreign Investment Industries. There has beenimprovement on the scope of energy investment. The soaring of outbound investment hasaccumulated cases of international significances, with the mergers and acquisitions as thetrend in overseas energy investment from China. From the respect of the host state, it isimportant to control the pre-establishment of investment, improve the investment and thetreatment, to deal with the concession agreement related issues. From the respect of theinvesting state, legal risks under overseas investment should be noticed with theconstruction and improvement of overseas investment insurance and regulations in orderto safeguard the smooth operation of overseas energy investment.
