

Preliminary Investigation to Developmental Biology and Ecology Features of Eogammarus Sinensis

【作者】 薛素燕

【导师】 赵法箴; 方建光;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文采用实验生态学和基础生物学的方法,对端足目中华原钩虾的生活史进行了初步观察描述;研究了中华原钩虾的胚胎发育及其与水温的关系;探讨了环境因子温度和盐度对中华原钩虾胚胎发育时间、幼体孵化、存活及生长的影响;采用生理生态学方法,研究了温度对中华原钩虾摄食率和消化酶活力的影响;在此基础上,将端足类钩虾中华原钩虾和蜾蠃蜚作为生物饵料移入对虾养殖池,比较了不同密度的饵料生物对中国对虾生长的影响。主要试验结果如下:1.中华原钩虾生活史的初步研究结合形态学、生理生态学方法,初步研究了中华原钩虾的生活周期、繁殖周期等生活史特征,为掌握中华原钩虾的繁殖生长等生物学特征奠定基础。中华原钩虾f1代在水温20℃,盐度3033,光周期13:11(L:D)条件下,雄性最长存活时间为183d,雌性260d。抱卵数量与雌性个体大小成正相关,拟合方程为y=7.4696x-42.257,R2=0.8147。f2代幼体性比约为1.55:1(♀:♂),幼体孵出后3540d性成熟,性成熟后雌性约每23周抱卵一次,并且一定时间范围内,随着体长的增加,生产幼体数量也相应增多,其中第5批幼体数量达到最高。雌体一生产卵811次。2.中华原钩虾的胚胎发育及其与水温的关系观察描述了中华原钩虾的胚胎发育过程,并研究了胚胎发育与主要环境因子水温的关系。结果表明,试验水温21℃、盐度2833和pH7.748.03条件下,中华原钩虾胚胎发育全程大约需要220h,卵中孵出的仔体与成体形态相似。温度对其胚胎发育时间的影响差异极显著(P <0.01),水温1527℃范围内,随着温度的升高,胚胎发育时间缩短,最快、最慢平均发育速率分别为0.15d-1及0.07d-1;孵出幼体个数呈先升高后降低的趋势,孵出幼体个数受温度影响差异显著(P <0.01);测定各恒温条件下培养中华原钩虾的胚胎发育时间,根据有效积温法则公式和最小二乘法计算发育阈温度C为6.02℃,有效积温K为137.30(d·℃),历期预测式N=K SK137.307.90/T (C Sc)=T (6.020.89)。3.中华原钩虾的存活及生长与温度和盐度的关系采用室内受控实验方法测定了不同温度(15,20,25和30℃)和盐度(5,10,15,20,25,30和35)以及温度(15,18,21,24,27℃)和盐度(15,20,25和30)交互作用对中华原钩虾幼体孵化、存活及生长等的影响。结果表明:1)中华原钩虾幼体孵出数量受水温影响显著(P <0.05),20℃幼体孵出率最高,平均每只亲体孵出幼体30.67个。水温对幼体生长的影响差异十分显著(P <0.01),1525℃范围内,幼体的日增长和特定生长率随水温升高而增加,水温25℃时达到最大值,平均日增长体长为0.23mm/d、平均日增长体质量为0.20mg/d,特定生长率体长为6.40%/d、特定生长率体质量为15.79%/d;当水温高于25℃,钩虾的日增长和特定生长率降低。中华原钩虾幼体的存活率受温度的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),20℃钩虾幼体存活率最高,为98%,30℃存活率最低,为87.67%。2)温度盐度交互作用实验结果表明,在1527℃温度范围内,中华原钩虾的胚胎发育时间随着温度的升高而呈降低的趋势。经ANOVA双因素差异显著性分析,温度对中华原钩虾的胚胎发育时间具有显著影响(P <0.001),而单独盐度(P>0.05)或盐度-温度组合(P>0.05)条件下,胚胎发育时间差异不显著;单只雌性中华原钩虾产幼数量受温度影响(P <0.001)以及温度-盐度协同影响差异显著(P <0.05),但盐度单因子对钩虾幼体孵出数量影响差异不显著(P>0.05);试验结束时,27℃水温条件下各盐度处理组个体死亡率显著高于其它水温处理组,结果显示,温度对中华原钩虾的存活率存在显著的影响(P <0.01),而单因子盐度以及温度和盐度交互作用对幼体存活率影响差异不显著(P>0.05);特定生长率在水温1521℃范围内时随着温度的增加而增加,但在2427℃时,生长率随着温度的升高而呈降低趋势,温度(P <0.001)以及温度-盐度组合处理(P <0.001)依然对体长特定生长率具有显著影响。中华原钩虾体长和体质量间存在明显的正相关,回归方程式BW=5E–05BL2.4999,R2=0.9665。4.温度对中华原钩虾摄食率和消化酶活力的影响采用生理生态学方法,测定了不同温度下中华原钩虾的摄食率和消化酶活力。结果表明,中华原钩虾的胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶及淀粉酶在1525℃范围内随着培养温度的升高而呈现增加的趋势,其中2025℃温度范围内,胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力较高,说明是中华原钩虾幼体生长发育所需的适宜温度。消化酶各温度处理组之间差异十分显著(P <0.01)。作为甲壳动物食性指标的淀粉酶/类胰蛋白酶活力(A/T)值波动较小,均在1.21.5之间,偏植物食性,此阶段钩虾幼体的食性受温度影响不明显。中华原钩虾日摄食率受温度影响显著(P <0.05),幼体在水温2025℃之间具有最大摄食率,根据回归方程(y=-0.7544x2+33.297x-277.57,R2=0.9577)可计算得到最大日摄食率为89.84%,成体在20℃附近达到日摄食率的最大值,根据回归方程(y=-0.2471x2+10.463x–78.287,R2=0.9976)计算得到最大日摄食率为32.47%;中华原钩虾幼体和成体饵料吸收率同样也是随着温度升高而呈现先升后降的趋势,各温度处理组幼体的吸收率均高于成体的吸收率。根据饵料吸收率趋势线回归方程,可以计算得到最大饵料吸收率分别是幼体为59.86%,成体为56.86%,对应的温度分别是幼体为21.30℃,成体为21.24℃。5.钩虾的生物饵料功能初探将端足类钩虾中华原钩虾、蜾蠃蜚作为生物饵料移入中国对虾养殖池,结果显示,对虾投放密度很大程度上决定了其产出,对虾投放密度低,单尾对虾增重率虽然明显高于其他各组,但整池产出较低,反之,投放密度高,单尾对虾增重率明显低于其他各组,整池的产出也不十分乐观。按中国对虾生长情况的排名计分进行比较,认为中国对虾35尾-蜾蠃蜚10g-中华原钩虾40g组合为理想的投放密度。饵料生物要达到一定的量才能保证对虾的高产出,但是钩虾的生物量是否与对虾的产出呈正相关,还有待于深入的试验研究。本试验是小型的中试试验,所得的对虾和饵料生物密度的优化组合还需要生产试验进一步验证。

【Abstract】 The amphipod Eogammarus sinensis belongs to the gammaridean crustaceanswhich is widely distributed along the coastal and estuarine ecosystems of the YellowSea and Bohai Sea in northern China. Because of its easy maintenance and the fact thatthe yield of offspring is abundant, this amphipod is a favourable choice for the diet oflarge decapod crustaceans in China, such as the shrimp Penaeus chinensis. In thecurrent study, we investigated its basic features of developmental biology and ecology.The embryonic development processes and life history were recorded usingexperimental ecology combined with basic biology methods. The influence ofenvironment factors on the growth and development were determined. Then, thepossible reason which might lead to the difference of growth was estimated. At last, thestudy was designed and Corophium sp. and E. sinensis were transplanted into farmpond-reared prawns P. chinensis. Our results will be useful in the mass production ofthis species for use in aquaculture. Details on the studies of this paper were as follows:1. The preliminary study on the life history of E. sinensisObservation described the life history including life cycle and breeding cycle wasstudied using the combination of morphological, physiological and ecological methods.It will be useful to learn about the biological characteristics of E. sinensis such asreproduction and growth. The longest survival time of f1generation female of E.sinensis recorded was179days, the male was260days under the conditions of20℃and a13h light/11h dark cycle. The number of eggs showed positive correlation to thelength of female E. sinensis and the relation can be described by equation y=7.4696x-42.257, R~2=0.8147. The sex ratio of f2infants were determined to be about1.55:1(♀:♂)The sexual maturity period of juveniles released was35to40days. Matured femaleand male of E. sinensis mated one time every2to3weeks. Within a certain period of time, larval quantity production increased with the increase of the body length of female.Female spawned about8to11times in her life.2. The embryonic development of E. sinensis and its relationship with watertemperatureThe embryonic development process was studied and the relationship between theembryonic development and the main environmental factor temperature. The resultindicated that the development process of E. sinensis embryo was about220hoursunder the conditions of21℃, salinity28~33and pH7.74~8.03. The hatched larvaewas with similar morphological characters to those of adult. Temperature showedsignificant influence to the embryonic development time (P <0.01). Within15~27℃,the embryonic development time decreased with the increase of temperature, and viceversa. The maximal and the minimal development rate were0.15d-1and0.07d-1.Hatchability was significantly influenced by temperature (P <0.01) and presented aupside-down parabolic curve with the increase of temperature. Based on thedevelopmental time under the different temperature, the developmental thresholdtemperature (C) was calculated to be6.02℃, sum of effective temperature (K) was137.30d·℃and the formula of duration calculation was N=K SK137.307.90/T (C Sc)=T (6.020.89).3. Effects of temperature and salinity on survival and growth of E. sinensisIn the current study, the effects of temperature (15,20,25,30℃), salinity (5,10,15,20,25,30and35) and temperature-salinity combination (five temperatures15,18,21,24and27℃and four salinities15,20,25and30) on the development, fecundity,survival and growth rate of E. sinensis were investigated.1) The results showed that thattemperature had significant effects on the development of E. sinensis (P <0.05), butthat different salinities did not (P>0.05). As the temperature increased, the duration ofembryonic development of E. sinensis decreased. Fecundity was affected significantlyby temperature and the combination of temperature and salinity, but not by salinityalone. The number of juveniles released from each female E. sinensis was significantly influenced by the temperature and the salinity-temperature (P <0.05), but not in thesalinity treatment group. Within the temperature limits of15and30℃, the relation canbe described by equation y=–0.1958x2+7.2975x–36.037, R2=0.9952. Survival ofmatured E. sinensis was affected significantly by the temperature but not the same casein the new born organisms. There was positive correlation between the length and theweight of E. sinensis which could be described as the equation that: BW=5E–05BL2.4999, R2=0.9665. In addition, high temperature accelerated the growth rate of E.sinensis juveniles within15℃to25℃, and the largest daily growth rate and specificgrowth rate were recorded as0.23mm/d and6.40%/d respectively at25℃. Higher thanthat, growth of E. sinensis was inhibited. Whereas, high salinity reduced the growth of E.sinensis and the maximal body length and body weight were detected at salinity30and20. Between the salinity5~35, the body length and body weight showed no obviousdifference.2) The results of temperature-salinity combination showed that thattemperature had significant effects on the development of E. sinensis, but that differentsalinities did not. As the temperature increased, the duration of embryonic developmentof E. sinensis decreased. Fecundity was affected significantly by temperature and thecombination of temperature and salinity, but not by salinity alone. In addition, hightemperature accelerated the growth rate of E. sinensis juveniles, whereas high salinityreduced it. Therefore, our data suggest that the E. sinensis tolerates a wide range ofsaline conditions and that temperature has more significant effects on the embryonicdevelopment, fecundity and growth of E. sinensis than does salinity.4. Effects of temperature on feeding rate and digestive enzyme activity of E. sinensisDifferent temperatures on the feeding rate and digestive enzyme activity of E.sinensis were determined and analyzed by using physiological ecology methods. Theactivities of pepsin, trypsin and amylase in E. sinensis presented an increasing trendwithin the temperature scope of15to25℃. Pepsin, tryptase and amylase activity ishigher between20to25℃, which shows that the scope of temperature is the optimumtemperature. And there were significant differences on digestive enzyme activitybetween temperature treamtment groups (P <0.01). As the index to evaluate the feeding habits of crustacean, amylase/trypsin (A/T) value fluctuation is small, and the A/Tvalues are between1.2to1.5. It seems that the larvae of E. sinensis is partial to plantdiets. Consumption rate of E. sinensis juveniles was affected greatly by the temperature,and the maximal consumption rate was calculated to be89.84%according to thecorrelation equation (y=-0.7544x~2+33.297x-277.57, R~2=0.9577) within20℃to25℃. Moreover, the assimilation rates were similar between the juveniles and the adultsof E. sinensis. The maximal assimilation efficiency was59.86%and56.86%and theoptimal temperatures were21.30℃and21.24℃.5. The small ecological breeding test for shrimp farming by feeding biological baitgammarid amphipodsA small ecological breeding test for shrimp farming by feeding biological bait wasdesigned. The polyculture experiment was composed of Corophium sp., E. sinensis andP. chinensis in the cylindrical tank. The results showed that the initial density of P.chinensis might be the main limiting factor to control the total output of P. chinensis.High density may bring a good total yield but with the small individuals, while lowdensity bring large individuals but with low total yield of P. chinensis. Based on theoverall consideration of growth and total yield of P. chinensis, we proposed thecombination of Corophium sp., E. sinensis and P. chinensis that of each species wasrespectively as follows:10g-40g-35individuals. Meanwhile, it seems that the biomassof living bait is an important factor to influence the yield of P. chinensis, but the detailedcorrelation need to be researched further. The proposed consists of living baits and P.chinensis was set up on the basis of pilot scale test, which would be amended in thefollowing cultivation in large scale.
