

Technology Research on the Compact EFP Warhead of Terminal Sensitive Projectile

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 刘荣忠; 李勇;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文对紧凑型末敏弹爆炸成型弹丸(Explosively Formed Penetrator,以下简称EFP)战斗部的成型方式与结构设计进行了研究。首先,对有内嵌结构存在的EFP战斗部成型机理进行了分析。由于内嵌部分敏感器件对EFP战斗部装药内的爆轰波传播有阻隔作用,爆轰波传播过程中会在内嵌结构的边缘进行偏转。偏转后的爆轰波呈喇叭状作用于药型罩,造成了药型罩上各处微元的运动情况差异。根据绝热爆轰理论、格尼假设、有效装药理论与爆轰波作用于金属结构的半经验公式,对药型罩上微元的运动情况进行分析,可以定性分析药型罩以何种可能的方式进行压合。其次,对紧凑型末敏弹EFP战斗部中内嵌构件对成型的影响进行了分析。内嵌构件对成型带来的影响主要包括两个方面:一是内嵌大直径敏感器件包覆结构改变了爆轰波的形状,使得药型罩压合过程中的径向压合速度大增;二是波导管结构的存在需要药型罩顶部开孔,当喇叭状爆轰波在弹体轴线处汇聚、压垮波导管后,部分爆轰产物会从药型罩开孔处高速溢出,冲刷开孔处金属材料。内嵌构件的直径变化造成了药型罩的压合存在较大的差异,本文提出内外球面错位布局球缺药型罩结构,通过改变药型罩母线质量分布的方式以适应内嵌构件带来的变化。对于药型罩弧顶处开孔会被爆轰产物冲刷带动导致外翻严重的问题,通过调整波导管厚度以及增加药型罩开孔处结构相对厚度的方法进行了处理。再次,对内外球面错位布局球缺罩的结构参数进行了优化设计。在选定EFP战斗部的结构参数后,对新型药型罩的结构参数,包括内外球面的曲率、内外球面球心之间的径向距离以及轴向距离进行了优化。通过引入均匀设计方法安排优化方案,引入回归分析方法对结构因素间的交互作用项进行分析。建立了药型罩结构参数与EFP指标之间的量化关系式,据此找到了最优化的结构设计,通过仿真方法得到了最优化方案对EFP的外形和速度预期。对配用新结构药型罩的优化方案进行了实弹实验,其成型性能基本符合仿真预期,对于装甲靶板的侵彻能力也优于采用弧锥结合药型罩的EFP战斗部。最后,对新型钽钨合金在EFP战斗部上的应用进行了探索。Ta-10W合金具有较高的延展率和密度,应用于药型罩制备,对于提高末敏弹EFP战斗部的威力具有重要意义。本文以粉末冶金方法制得了Ta-10W合金药型罩并进行了实验,实验结果与仿真得到的预期结果基本符合,表明Ta-10W合金用于药型罩的制备是可行的。

【Abstract】 A study on the shaping way and structural design of the compact EFP warhead which was loaded in the terminal sensitive projectile has been reported in this paper.First, to analyze the shaping mechanism of the EFP warhead with embedded structure. A deflection will happen at the edge of the embedded structure during the detonation wave propagation because the embedded structure’s sensitive devices can block the detonation wave propagation in the charge of the EFP warhead. Deflected bell-shaped detonation wave acts on a shaped charge liner, resulting in differences among the motions of all micro-units on the liner. According to theories of adiabatic detonation and effective charge along with the semi-empirical formula of detonation wave acting on metal structures, we analyze the motions of all micro-units on the shaped charge liner and qualitatively analyze how the liner might be pressed in.Second, to analyze how shaping mechanism will be affected by embedded components in the EFP warhead of the compact terminal sensitive projectile. There are mainly two factors of embedded components affecting the shaping:(1) Embedded large-diameter components change the shape of the detonation wave to greatly increase the radial pressing speed of the liner in pressing process.(2) The existence of waveguide structure requires an open pore on top of the liner; a portion of detonation products will overflow from the open pore of the liner at a high speed and wash out the metallic material of the open pore after the bell-shaped detonation wave has gathered on the axis of the projectile body and overwhelmed the waveguide. Because the diameter change of the embedded component results in a larger difference in the pressing of the liner, this paper presents an internal-and-external spherical heteroaxial segment liner structure which changes the mass distribution of the liner bus to adapt the changes of embedded components. We adjusted the wall thickness of the waveguide and thickened the material of the open pore to solve the problem of severe eversion caused by detonation products washing out and driving the open pore on the top of the liner arc.Third, to optimize the design of the structural parameters of the internal-and-external spherical heteroaxial segment liner. The structural parameters of the new liner were optimized after selecting the structural parameters of the EFP warhead, including curvatures of both internal and external spheres, radial and axial distances between internal (external) sphere and centre of sphere. An optimization scheme was arranged by introducing a uniform design method and the interactions of structural factors were analyzed by introducing a regression analysis method. A quantitative relation between structural parameters of the liner and EFP indicators was established to find out an optimized structural design. An expectation of an optimization scheme for both speed and appearance of EFP was achieved by simulation. A live ammunition firing test was performed on the optimization scheme equipped with a newly-structured liner, in which showed that its shaping ability was largely in line with the expectation of the simulation-based design and the penetration to the armored target plate was superior to that of the warhead with sphere-conical liner.Finally, to explore the application of new tantalum tungsten alloys on the EFP warhead. Ta-10W alloy features high density and percentage of elongtation, which is applied to the manufacturing of liner and is of great importance to the promotion of the power of the EFP warhead of the terminal sensitive projectile. In this paper, Ta-lOW alloy liner was manufactured by powder metallurgy and loaded with live ammunition and the experimental result was largely in line with the expectation of the simulation-based design, showing that Ta-lOW alloy was feasible for the manufacturing of liner.
