

Research on the Time Varying Characteristics of the Stock Index Futures Market Functions Based on the Margin Trading

【作者】 林祥友

【导师】 彭韶兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 财务管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国证券市场于2010年3月31日开始实施融资融券交易试点,它改变了我国证券市场长期以来的单边市场格局;我国资本市场于2010年4月16日正式推出股指期货交易,有利于完善资本市场结构和发挥资本市场功能。证券现货融资融券交易和股指期货交易相差半个月先后陆续推出,意味着证券市场的融资融券交易和股指期货交易将长期共存于我国资本市场,是我国资本市场交易制度的重大变化,对我国资本市场的发展将产生深刻的影响。那么,在我国证券现货融资融券交易和股指期货交易共同发展的过程中,融资融券交易影响股指期货市场功能的作用机理是怎样的?股指期货的市场功能包括套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能这些与两个市场都紧密相关的功能将呈现出怎样的具体状况呢?这些市场功能又将表现出怎样的动态性和时变特征呢?证券投资者和期货交易者等跨市场参与者应该实施怎样的动态操作策略呢?证券市场和股指期货市场的跨市场监管者又该制定什么样的动态监管政策呢?文章将针对这一系列问题,进行在融资融券交易情况下股指期货的套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能的理论模型的数理推演,并利用沪深300股指期货真实交易和证券现货交易数据进行相应的实证检验,以揭示融资融券交易情况下股指期货的主要市场功能的时变特征和市场参与者的应对策略。通过本文的研究,为我国金融市场包括基础金融工具市场的完善和衍生金融工具市场的发展指明方向和路径,为我国资本市场监管者对融资融券交易和股指期货的跨市场监管提供有价值的决策依据,为股指期货市场的交易者和证券市场的投资者特别是机构投资者的套期保值、期现套利、资产配置等提供跨市场操作参考,为股指期货的套期保值、期现套利、价格发现功能在特定的融资融券交易条件下的具体表现及其时变规律的相关研究提供有价值的文献补充。本文对融资融券交易下股指期货市场功能时变性的研究主要包括其套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能时变性的研究,并且从股指期货市场发展不同阶段和股指期货合约存续不同阶段这两个视角进行展开,具体而言,表述如下:论文在第一章引入研究背景和研究主题,阐明研究思路和构建论文框架。特别强调本文的研究是在我国现有的证券现货融资融券交易背景下的关于股指期货市场功能的表现形式和时变特征的研究,证券现货的融资融券交易试点到逐渐转入常规和股指期货正式推出并顺利运行是其特定的研究背景。在证券融资融券交易的前提下,关于股指期货市场功能的研究包括套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能进行横向铺开,而对股指期货各类市场功能的研究又将其理论模型的推演和经验数据的检验结合起来,最后分别总结出各部分有价值的研究结论,特别强调关于股指期货各类市场功能的动态特征和时变规律的结论。在第二章中,对证券融资融券交易、股指期货的套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能、时变性等方面的相关研究文献进行全面系统地梳理、述评,总结已有研究文献的主要研究结论和重要观点,并试图从中发现新的研究视角和切入点。在第三章中,对与本论文相关的一些基本范畴和概念进行明确的界定,对股指期货市场功能时变性的相关理论进行阐述。具体包括证券现货融资融券交易的基本原理,沪深300股指期货交易的运行机理,股指期货的主要市场功能包括套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能的含义,股指期货市场功能时变性的具体表现形式,以及文中实证部分用到的沪深300股指期货和股指现货真实交易数据的数据区间、数据频率、数据连接方式等,最为关键的是对在证券现货融资融券交易下,股指期货的市场功能可能受到哪些方面因素的影响,其市场功能时变性特征的具体表现,融资融券交易影响股指期货市场功能的作用机理等进行理论分析,以为后文的继续展开做好理论铺垫。接下来,对融资融券交易下股指期货的主要市场功能包括套期保值功能、期现套利功能和价格发现功能的时变性特征进行横向铺开研究。第四章,研究融资融券交易下股指期货套期保值功能的时变性。首先对股指期货套期保值,特别是最优套期保值比率确定模型的相关研究文献进行系统梳理,找到确定最优套期保值比率的静态模型和动态模型发展的清晰脉络。全面比较分析确定股指期货静态套期保值比率的OLS方法、VAR方法和VECM方法的基本原理、优缺点和套期保值效果,以及股指期货动态套期保值比率的BGARCH模型、ECM-GARCH模型、修正的ECM-GARCH模型等方法的基本原理、优缺点和套期保值效果,利用我国沪深300股指期货正式推出之后的日交易数据对静态套期保值比率模型和动态套期保值比率模型的最优套期保值比率以及套期保值效果进行实证检验,得出的基本结论是,在融资融券交易下,股指期货的动态套期保值效果显著优于静态套期保值效果,这意味着股指期货的套期保值功能中的最优套期保值比率表现出明显的时变性特征,套期保值者应当采用动态的套期保值模型取代静态的套期保值模型实施套期保值。第五章,研究融资融券交易下股指期货期现套利功能的时变性。根据持有成本模型,确定完美市场条件股指期货的理论价格;然后放松市场条件假设,考虑交易成本、冲击成本、借贷利率不等和融资融券交易等市场条件,根据无套利原理,全面刻画融资融券交易下期现套利中的现金流,利用正向套利原理确定无套利区间的上限,利用反向套利原理确定无套利区间的下限,用错误定价率反映股指期货实际价格偏离无套利区间的程度,准确刻画股指期货期现套利的套利机会和套利空间;然后从股指期货市场发展不同阶段和股指期货合约存续不同阶段两个视角,去分析股指期货期现套利的套利机会和套利空间的时变规律。在本部分的实证研究中采用沪深300股指期货和股指现货的日数据和5分钟交易数据。得到的基本结论是,证券现货的融资融券交易会对股指期货的期现套利的无套利区间的上限和下限特别是下限产生重要影响,进而影响股指期货期现套利的套利机会和套利空间;从股指期货市场发展的不同阶段考察,我国沪深300股指期货市场发展前期的套利机会和套利空间多于后期;从股指期货合约存续的不同阶段考察,我国沪深300股指期货合约上市前期的套利机会和套利空间多于后期:基于日数据的期现套利机会远远少于基于5分钟数据的期现套利机会。第六章,研究融资融券交易下股指期货价格发现功能的时变性。通过对国内外研究文献的梳理,发现全面研究股指期货的价格发现功能主要包括三个方面,即股指期货和股指现货价格的领先滞后关系(价格引导关系),价格发现贡献度和波动溢出效应。由于股指期货与证券现货市场存在着影响价格发现功能的先天差异,比如股指期货交易的是整体市场,证券现货市场交易的是个股,这使得股指期货市场具有较快地反映总体市场信息的优势,而证券现货市场的价格不免掺杂来自个股的噪声交易的信息成分。知情交易者选择某个特定的交易市场而揭示其私有信息,那么这个市场的价格将引导其他同类产品市场。一般来讲,知情者交易偏好不同微观结构市场的原因主要存在四种假设:杠杆交易假设、交易成本假设、上点规则假设、市场系统性信息假设。从理论上分析,上述这些方面都决定了股指期货市场有优于证券现货市场的价格发现功能。但证券现货融资融券交易的引入,会使证券交易同样具有杠杆交易和交易成本低的特征,将使上述四大假设发生变化,股指期货在价格发现方面的相对优势会减弱,价格发现功能中股指期货与证券现货之间的价格发现关系也可能因此发生某些变化。本文在这一部分将基于价格发现功能的几大假设,分析证券现货市场的融资融券交易使得证券交易也具有了杠杆交易和低成本交易的特点,随着证券融资融券交易规则的调整和交易规模的增加,股指期货在价格发现方面相对于证券市场的优势逐渐变化,导致股指期货与股指现货的价格发现关系体现出某种时变特征。本文从股指期货市场发展不同阶段和股指期货合约存续不同阶段两个视角研究股指期货价格发现功能的时变性。前者的研究采用沪深300股指期货和股指现货的5分钟高频交易数据,在进行阶段划分的基础上,全面研究各阶段股指期货的价格引导关系、价格发现贡献度和波动溢出效应;后者的研究采用沪深300股指期货不同合约和股指现货的5分钟或1分钟高频交易数据,按股指期货合约在合约序列中的地位作为阶段划分标准,主要研究各阶段的股指现货、股指期货主力合约和股指期货非主力合约之间的价格引导关系。本部分研究得到的基本结论是,股指期货市场发展不同阶段和股指期货合约存续不同阶段价格发现功能都存在显著的时变性特征,前者表现为股指期货价格发现能力由强到弱再到强的趋势,后者表现为股指期货价格引导股指现货,股指期货主力合约价格引导非主力合约。第七章,主要研究结论和展望。根据前面每一部分的研究结论,该部分对股指期货套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能的时变性特征的相关研究结论进行全面系统地总结,为股指期货市场和证券现货市场的参与者提供动态的交易策略建议,为股指期货市场和证券现货市场的监管者提供动态的监管政策建议。同时,指出本文研究的主要创新和贡献,以及尚存的不足之处和后续的研究方向。本文的主要创新之处和后续研究展望主要表现如下:创新之处:(1).系统分析了融资融券交易影响股指期货市场功能的作用机理。融资融券交易通过影响套期保值的方向和成本来影响股指期货套期保值功能的发挥。融资融券交易通过影响无套利区间的上下限来影响股指期货期现套利功能的发挥。融资融券交易通过影响价格发现的假设(比如杠杆交易、低成本交易、卖空交易等)来影响股指期货价格发现功能的发挥。(2).以股指期货市场功能的时变性为研究对象,是研究对象的创新。文章系统研究了在我国特定的融资融券交易背景下,股指期货的主要市场功能包括套期保值功能、期现套利功能、价格发现功能的表现形式和时变特征,重在对市场功能的时变规律的总结,而不仅仅研究股指期货的市场功能本身。(3).以股指期货市场发展和股指期货合约存续两个视角去研究股指期货市场功能的时变性,是研究视角的创新。对于股指期货每一类市场功能的时变性特征的研究分别从股指期货市场发展的不同阶段这一宏观视角和股指期货合约存续的不同阶段这一微观视角进行展开,从宏观层面和微观层面揭示股指期货市场功能的时变性规律,得到的研究结论比较系统全面。(4).从不同切入点研究股指期货市场功能的时变性,是研究切入点的创新。股指期货的套期保值功能主要研究套期保值比率和套期保值效果的时变性,期现套利功能主要研究套利机会和套利空间的时变性,价格发现功能主要研究价格引导能力和价格发现贡献度的时变性。研究展望:(1).研究的样本区间有待进一步拓展。由于我国的证券市场融资融券交易试点和股指期货交易的推出时间并不太长,基于已有数据进行的股指期货市场功能时变性的相关研究结论的可靠性有待进一步检验,后续的研究应当在更长的研究区间,更多的划分阶段,不同的数据频率中去进行检验,得出更为可靠的研究结论。(2).股指期货的其他功能也可以进行研究。本文中只涉及股指期货的套期保值功能、期现套利功能和价格发现功能,主要是考虑到这三项功能都能将证券市场和股指期货市场两个市场紧密地联系起来,易于受到融资融券交易的影响。至于股指期货的其他市场功能包括风险投资功能和资产配置功能的时变性也可能成为后续的研究方向。(3).现货组合的构建和现货指数的复制应当纳入后续研究之中。因为文章的重心在于分析、归纳和总结股指期货市场功能的时变性特征,因此统一将股价指数作为现货组合来看待。后续研究时,应当在套期保值功能研究中构建现货组合,在期现套利功能中进行指数复制。

【Abstract】 Margin financing and securities lending transactions were implemented in the stock market of China on March31,2010, which has changed the unilateral market pattern of stock market.On the other hand, the stock index futures market has been established in China on April16,2010, which has improved the capital market structures and the capital market functions.Since then, the margin financing and securities lending transactions and the stock index futures have coexisted in our capital market.Then, how will the margin trading of securities influence on the stock index futures?Under the background of the margin trading, what will be like of the stock index futures market functions including the hedge function, the arbitrage function, and the price discovery function, and so on?Which kind of time varying characteristics of the stock index futures market will appear?How will the investors carry out the trading strategy on the spot and futures markets? The paper aims at these series of questions, carries out the mathematical deduce and the empirical study with the data from Shanghai and Shenzhen300spot market and stock index futures market to find the answers. Through these researches, it indicates the development directions and ways of the securities and derivatives in China, it provides the valuable policy-making basis for the effective supervisions, it helps the investors of stock markets and futures markets to make discisions correctly to invest, to hedge and to arbitrage, and at last, it riches the valuable related literatures for the functions of stock index futures based on the margin trading.The paper mainly studies the functions of stock index futures including the hedge function, the arbitrage function, and the price discovery function and their time varying characteristics under the background of margin trading.In the first chapter of the paper, the research background, the research significance, the research subjects, and the research frameworks are introduced. The paper especially emphasizes the research backgrounds. That is to say. the margin financing and securities lending transactions and the stock index futures transactions are the unique research backgrounds. And to find the time varying characteristics of the stock index futures market functions is a very important problem.In the second chapter,many literatures including the literatures on margin trading,the literatures on hedge function,the literatures on arbitrage function,the literatures on price discovery function,and the literatures on time varying are introduced and reviewed.In the third chapter of the paper, some related basic categories and concepts are carried out, including the margin financing and securities lending transactions, the stock index futures, the Shanghai and Shenzhen300stock index futures transactions, the stock index futures’functions including hedge function, arbitrage function, and the price discovery functions.How the margin financing and securities lending transactions influence on the stock index futures’functions,and what time varying characteristics of stock index futures functions appear in China stock index futures market have also been theorical analysised in the chapter3.And the fourth chapter studies the hedge function and its time varying characteristics of the stock index futures market under the margin financing and securities lending transactions, Using mathematical model’s deducing, it is found that margin financing and securities lending transactions affect the hedge direction, the hedge cost as well as the optimal hedge ratios (quantities) of the stock index futures. With the data from the Shanghai and Shenzhen300spot and futures market,the hedge ratios and hedge effectiveness of the stationery hedge model including OLS model,VAR model,VECM model and the dynamic hedge model including the BGARCH model,ECM-GARCH model,Modiffied ECM-GARCH are studied and compared based on the margin financing and securities lending transactions. The conclussion is drawn that the dynamic hedge models are more effective than the stationery hedge models,that is to say,the time varying charateristics of stock index futures market hedge function is significant.The fifth chapter studies the arbitrage function and its time varying characteristics of the stock index futures market under the margin financing and securities lending transactions. Because only the Shanghai and Shenzhen300index futures exists in Chinese stock index futures market, arbitrage and spread opportunity can be found. The margin financing and securities lending transactions influences the upper and lower bounderies of the non-arbitrage intervals, and it influences the arbitrage opportunity and arbitrage degree. By using the forward arbitrage principle to determine the upper boundery, using the reverse arbitrage principle to determine the lower boundery, and using the MPR to reflect the degree of the stock index price deviates from the non-arbitrage intervals, the paper then presents the arbitrage opportunity and arbitrage degree and their time varying characteristics during the development of the stock index futures market and during the stock index futures contract existing.The sixth chapter studies the price discovery function and its time varying characteristics of the stock index futures market under the margin financing and securities lending transactions. Generally speaking, the price discovery mainly includes two aspects:Different reactions rate of different market to recent information; the ratio of recent information integrates into different market prices. In the ordinary circumstances, the stock index futures markets and the stock markets have different price discovery capacities. The insider traders’choosing the different microscopic structure market to exchange mainly have four kinds of reasons:Release lever, transaction cost, uptick rule, market systematic information, which determin that the price discovery capacity of the stock index futures market surpass that of the stock market.But when taking consideration of the margin financing and securities lending transactions, something will be changed. Margin financing and securities lending transactions have the release lever transaction and the low transaction cost characteristic, which changes the four hypothesises, and the changes the price discovery function of the spot market and futures market.The paper studies the lead-lag relationships between the stock index futures and the stock market,the price discovery contribution of spot and futures market.and their time varying characteristics under the margin financing and securities lending transactions during the development of the stock index futures market and during the stock index futures contract existing.In this paper, the innovations and contributions are as follows:(1). The paper has systemly analysized the mechanism of margin trading influnce on the stock index futures market functions.The margin trading influences hedge function,arbitrage function,and price discovery function of stock index futures with different mechanisms.(2)The stock index futures market functions including hedge, arbitrage and price discovery and their time varying characteristic based on margin trading have been studied.(3).The time varying characteristis of the stock index futures market functions during the development of the stock index futures market and the existing period of the stock index futures contracts have been studied.(4).In different perspectives,the stock index futures market functions and their time varying characteristics have been studied,furthermore,the paper studies the optimal hedge ratio and hedge effitiveness,studies the arbitrage opportuniy and arbitrage degree,studies the price discovery capacity and price discovery contribution.Some problems in the paper haven’t been solved, including:(1). The studies period should become longer.Because the margin financing and securities lending transactions and the stock index futures have been existed only two years,longer periods,more stages,higer frequency data should be used in the future studies.(2).The stock index futures functions except the hedge function,the arbitrage function,and the price discovery function should be studied in the future.(3).The securities potifolios choices in the hedge function and the index tracking in the arbitrage function of stock index futures should be studied in the future.
