

Optimization of Land-use Structure Based on Biodiversity Conservation

【作者】 王建英

【导师】 李江风;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存的空间,是人类社会生产中重要的自然资源和生产资源,是地球上各类复杂的生态系统的载体及物种的栖息地。随着人口增长,城市化进程的推进,土地开发利用的强度逐渐增大,进而引发一系列的生态环境问题。在人口资源环境可持续发展的大背景下,如何使地球上有限的资源在时空上最合理、最有效地组合或配置,使各种资源得到充分有效的利用,兼顾社会、经济和生态效益,成为当前研究的前沿和热点。海南乐东黎族自治县位于海南省的西部,地势北高南低,靠山临海,海岸线总长84.3公里,地貌类型有山地、丘陵和平原,属热带海洋性季风气候,动植物资源在海南省最为丰富,其境内的尖峰岭自然保护区几乎浓缩了世界热带地区所有的植被类型,该区作为中国生物多样性保护热点地区之一,生物多样性保护不仅具有全球意义上的重要性,而且对本地区经济发展和文化保护也具有重要意义。文献分析显示,国内外土地利用过程中的生物多样性保护的相关研究主要集中在小尺度土地利用方式或管理对生物多样性的影响及通过构建景观安全格局的方式进行生物多样性保护等方面,但并没有形成系统和完整的理论和方法体系。而土地利用空间格局对区域生态过程的影响已达到共识,如动物迁徙,地表水的径流、侵蚀,物种的多样性以及干扰的传播或边缘效应等问题。因此本研究将生物多样性保护的理念融入土地利用结构优化设计中并展开理论和实证研究,研究结果主要有:(1)土地利用系统与生物多样性保护之间的关系研究在对国内外文献进行梳理的基础上,系统的分析了目前我国的农田保护政策、城镇扩张、土地整治和旅游用地开发等土地利用方式对生物多样性的影响。现代高度集约化农业生产方式,城市化过程中原生境破碎化和污染、土地整理规划不合理以及旅游基础设施建设和游客超载是引起生物多样性受到威胁的主要原因;并从两方面总结了生物多样性对土地利用活动的限制。一方面生物多样性自身功能和空间分布限制着土地利用方式和空间格局,另一方面人类生物多样性保护意识的提高也使土地利用方式受到一定的限制。两者之间既相互影响又相互依赖,是一种非线性的关系且存在着耦合关系。基于上述分析,研究采用系统理论和耗散结构理论对土地利用系统和生物多样性保护两者之间的关系进行了深入探讨。研究认为土地利用活动必须低于生态系统阙值范围,旦超出阙值,土地利用子系统对生物多样性将产生不可逆转的影响并使整个复合系统处于受损阶段。同时随着工业化程度的提高,社会经济发展速度趋于稳定,人类开始意识到生物多样性保护的重要性,生物资源对土地利用强度的约束将逐步体现。(2)生物多样性保护-土地可持续利用优化设计提出在土地利用数量结构调整和空间布局中实现生物多样性-土地可持续利用优化设计。土地利用结构调整通过采用在土地利用类型中增加生态用地,减少土地利用类型转换频率、保持一定比例的低集约化农业用地和优化城镇建设用地内部土地利用结构的方式合理配置土地资源;土地利用空间布局则借鉴景观生态学的原理,构建“斑块一廊道一基质”的景观格局模式实现生物多样性保护-土地可持续利用。(3)土地利用时空动态分析研究将1996年、2008年土地利用现状数据从数量结构、空间布局和景观格局三方面进行时空演变分析。结果显示:1)1996-2008年间,耕地、林地和水域呈下降的趋势,其中林地下降的速度最快,园地、建设用地呈上升趋势;土地利用结构在1996-2008年间变化幅度较大,其中2002-2008年间耕地、园地、林地、建设用地和水域土地利用变化程度和年变化程度远大于1996-2002年间;1996-2008年间,园地、建设用地变化速率呈增长的趋势,而其他土地利用类型变化速率呈递减。2002-2008年间土地利用动态变化速率远大于前一阶段(1996-2002)。2)空间布局上耕地主要集中分布在望楼河平原和佛罗滨海平原以及内陆盆地,从1996年到2008年,耕地面积不断减少:园地规模呈大幅增长,主要分布在坡度较高的内陆山区,且由原来的零星分布发展为集中连片分布;林地主要以有林地和灌木林等天然林为主,以自然保护区的形式分布在研究区北部和东部。3)1996年到2008年,研究区所有的土地利用类型的斑块个数均有所增加,林地斑块面积比例呈下降趋势;耕地、园地和林地的斑块密度较大,从1996年到2008年呈现出不断增加的状态:1996-2008年间林地的最大斑块指数不断下降,耕地和园地的最大斑块指数在上升;研究区集聚度指数和景观多样化程度较高,1996-2008年优势类型的景观单元在逐渐减少,且分布并不均匀。(4)生物多样性现状评价系统对研究区的物种多样性、遗传多样性、生态系统多样性和景观多样性四个评价因子进行了描述,通过层次分析法确定评价因子权重,以100m*100m作为评价单元,采用加权叠加的方法获取研究区生物多样性丰富度指数,在ArcGis9.3中采用标准方程分类法将研究区划分为五个等级并提出分区保护对策。结果显示:生物多样性极丰富区面积为54878hm2,约占总面积的19.86%。呈片状分布在北部尖峰岭国家级自然保护区和佳西省级自然保护区、东部卡法林场和滨海部分地区。生态系统类型主要为热带山顶矮林、常绿季雨林、热带沟谷雨林等,生态系统结构复杂,受人类活动干扰小。与国家级一级和国家级二级重点保护动植物集中区分布一致。景观单元完整度高,景观类型单一,抗干扰能力差,一旦破坏,难以恢复。土地利用规划中应维持原有天然植被,禁止人类开发利用。(5)生态用地的划定研究以“景观安全格局理论”为基础,借助GIS的空间数据处理技术,采用最小累积阻力模型和耗费表面模型,以斑块面积大于100hm2的水域、河流和面积大于800hm2的林地为“源地”,选取生物多样性丰富度分区、景观生态服务价值、海拔和高度为阻力因子,建立阻力面。采用标准方程分类法,对最小阻力耗费距离进行分类,构建景观功能分区。结果显示:“源地”为核心保护区,Ⅰ区为生态缓冲区,Ⅱ区、Ⅲ区为生态过渡区,Ⅳ区为生态隔离区、Ⅴ区为农业耕作和人类生产生活区。综合考虑各生态功能区的土地利用现状、生物多样性分布情况和生态意义,将核心保护区和生态缓冲区划为生态用地。此外依据实地调研情况,将沿海防护林靠近海岸带200m范围补充为生态用地。(6)土地利用转移矩阵创建研究采用1996年和2008年的土地利用现状数据,在Idrisi软件中运用Markov模型构建土地利用转移矩阵,结果显示:在过去的12年中,约20.2%的耕地流向园地,约6.5%的耕地流向林地,约4.16%的耕地被建设用地占用。流入的耕地主要依赖占用其他土地和水域;园地主要流向了林地和耕地,而流入的主要类型为林地和其他土地;林地主要流向了园地,流入类型为其他土地和园地,其他土地主要流向了耕地、园地和林地,流入类型为耕地和园地;建设用地主要流向了园地和耕地,流入类型主要为耕地和水域;水域主要流向耕地和园地,流入的主要类型的流出量大于流入量,流出的主要类型为林地和耕地,流入的量较小。1996-2008年间耕地的流出远大于流入,应严格控制耕地的流出,特别是严格控制建设用地占用耕地。研究对1996-2008年土地利用转移矩阵进行修正,得到2009-2020年土地利用类型转移比例预测矩阵。(7)土地适宜性决策研究分别对耕地、园地和林地从农用地自然质量、区位条件、水利设施条件、城镇村镇辐射影响、生态安全五个方面选取七个评价因子,并运用层次分析法确定权重,采用理想点排序法对各类土地质量进行排序,得到研究区耕地、园地和林地适宜性评价结果。建设用地适宜性直接采用二值法,将城市规划、旅游规划及其他产业规划中规划的建设用地设定为1。水域和其他土地适宜性评价结果则采用Markov模型预测的水域和其他土地适宜性图集。采用Collection Editor模块研究区土地适宜性图集。(8)土地利用结构优化在CA-MARKOV模块中,以2008年土地利用现状图为基期,土地利用类型转移矩阵作为每个土地利用类型转换为其他土地利用类型数量约束条件,以土地适宜性图集(.rgf)为土地利用类型空间格局转换规则,设定循环次数为12,得到研究区2020年土地利用结构预测结果。将生态用地划定结果与2020年土地利用结构预测结果进行叠加,得到研究区2020年土地利用结构优化配置图。结果显示:1)与2008年相比,建设用地、耕地、水域和其他土地面积有所增加,生态用地中林地的比重达到83%;2)与2008年相比在空间布局上使各地类分布更加集中,更加规模化;3)与2008年相比,2020年斑块密度(PD)有所降低,景观多样性程度得到了提高,土地利用类型较2008年比更丰富;此外,景观破碎化指数有所下降,反映了土地利用结构调整时在一定程度上降低了人类对景观格局的干扰。4)划定的生态用地几乎涵盖了研究区重要动植物分布区、重要物种生境区等生物多样性分布的重要区域,生态用地中的林地多为天然林,景观破碎化程度低,受人类干扰较少,自然生境保护的较好,是生物多样性分布的重要区域,与生态用地不发生冲突。此外,水域约占生态用地的3%,是各类野生动植物重要原生地、栖息地、迁徙地,具有重要的生态价值,与生态用地不发生冲突。而目前生态用地中对生物多样性保护影响较大的地类主要有建设用地、园地、耕地和其他土地,但所占的比例较低,对生物多样性保护的影响不大。在土地利用结构中增加生态用地并建立相关的保护条例对协调土地利用与生物多样性保护具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Land is the survival of human space, and is the important resources in the human social production, and is the carrier of all kinds of complex ecosystems on the planet and the production of the habitats and species. As the population grows, urbanization process moves forward, human on land exploitation and utilization develops, the contradiction between the land use system and ecology system is highlighted. Under the background of population resources and environment sustainable development, how to make limited resources in time and space on earth is the most reasonable and in most effective combination or configuration, balancing social, economic and ecological benefits, becomes the current research frontier and hot spots.Located in the western part of Hainan province, LeDong County is in the high terrain north south low, near to the sea. Total length is84.3km; geomorphic types are mountains, hills, plains. LeDong County is in subtropical maritime monsoon climate, and there are most abundant animal and plant resources in Hainan province, the JianFengLin nature reserve almost have all the vegetation types of the world. LeDong County as one of China biodiversity conservation hot spots, biodiversity protection is not only the importance of a global sense, but also significant to the region economic development and cultural protection.。 Based on literature analysis, related research at home and abroad on biodiversity conservation in the process of land use mainly concentrated on land use in the small scale or management of the influence of biological diversity, or through constructing landscape security pattern to biodiversity conservation, etc., but still not form system and complete theory and method system. But the land use spatial pattern influencing regional ecological progress has reached a consensus, such as migrating animals, surface water runoff, erosion, species diversity, as well as the interference or the spread of the problem or edge effects. Therefore this research takes the concept of biodiversity conservation into the land use structure optimization, and forms the theoretical and empirical studies. The results of the study are:(1) The relationship between the land use system and biodiversity protection Based on the research of domestic and foreign literature, this research analysis systematically effects on biodiversity of the current farmland protection policy, urban expansion, land management and tourism land for development. Modern highly intensive agricultural production mode, the urbanization process of central plains habitat fragmentation and pollution, unreasonable land consolidation planning and tourism infrastructure construction and tourist overload are major causes of endangered species; And this research summarized from two aspects the limitation of land use activities to biodiversity, on the one hand, features and spatial distribution of biodiversity itself limits land use and spatial pattern, on the other hand, the development of biology diversity protection also limit land use under certain restrictions. Both influence each other and depend on each other, is a kind of nonlinear relationship and a coupling relationship.Based on the above analysis, this research explores relationship between land use system and biodiversity conservation through system theory and dissipative structure theory. Research puts forward that land use activities must be in the threshold of ecological system, once beyond the threshold, the land use subsystem will bring about an irreversible impact on biodiversity, even making the composite system in damaging stage. At the same time, with the improvement of industrialization degree and the social and economic development in stable speed, human beings began to realize the importance of biodiversity protection, biological resource constraints on the strength of land use will gradually reflect.(2) Biodiversity conservation-Sustainable land use optimization designPut forward to implementing the biodiversity conservation-sustainable land use optimization design in the adjustment of land use quantity structure and space layout. Adjusting land-use structure rational allocation of land resources by means of increasing the ecological land in land use types, reducing the land use type conversion frequency, Keeping a certain percentage of low intensive agriculture and optimizing the structure of cities internal land use. Land use spatial layout is reference to the principle of landscape ecology, build "patch-gallery-matrix" landscape pattern to implementation the biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use.(3)Dynamic analysis of land use and land coverSpatial analand temporal evolution with the land use data of1996,2008from quantitative structure,space layout and landscape pattern analysis.The results showed that:1) From1996to2008, cultivated land, forest land and waters are a downward trend, among them,the forest land decilines in the fastest, garden land and construction land are on the rise; Variations in land use structure in1996-2008is larger,cultivated land, garden land, forest land, construction land and waters in land use change degree and degree of annual variation is greater than1996-2002;From1996to2008, the change rate of garden land, construction land is a growing trend, and the change rate of other types of land use decreases. The dynamic change rate of land use from2002to2008is greater than the former stage (1996-2002);2) Cultivated land mainly distributed in Florida coastal plains and river plain and inland basin in space layout, cultivated land was decreasing from1996to2008;Garden land has increased significantly, mainly in high slope of inland mountainous area,and developed fromy the original scattered to concentrated distribution;Forest land are mainly composed of forestland and shrub forest, and distributies in the north and east of studied area in the form of a nature reserve.3)From1996to2008, The patch number of all land use types in the study area has increased, the forest land patch area ratio is on the decline; Cultivated land, the density of garden land and forest land patch is bigger and shows a rising state from1996to2008. The largest patch index of forests land is falling between1996and2008, the largest patch index of cultivated land and garden land is on the rise; Agglomeration degrees index and landscape diversification degree is higher in the study area, edge types of landscape units is gradually reduced, and the distribution is not uniform.(4) Biodiversity situation evaluationSystem to describe four valuation factors of the study area,which are species diversity, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity,AHP to determine weights of evaluation factors, with100m*100m evaluation units, adopting weighted stack(method to obtaining the biodiversity richness index in the study area,In ARCGIS using standard equation taxonomy,research region is divided into five grades and partition protection countermeasures are put forward.The results showed that:Extremely rich biodiversity covers an area of54878hectares, accounting for about19.86%of the total area,A patchy distribution in JianFenglin national nature reserve in northern and JiaXi provincial nature reserve, KaFa forest farm in eastern and the parts of coastal.Ecosystem types mainly include tropical montane elfin forest, evergreen monsoon forest, tropical rainforest valleys, ecological structure is complex and little influenced by human activities,which is consistent with the distribution of National level and state-level two key protected animals and plants concentrated area.Landscape unit complete degree is high, the landscape type is single,and anti-interference ability is poor, once damaged, it is difficult to recover. Original natural vegetation should be maintainined in Land use planning, human development and utilization should be prohibited.(5) Delineation of ecological landIt was based on "landscape security pattern" theory, with the aid of the GIS space data processing technology, adopting the minimum cumulative resistance model and cost surface model.And with plaque area more than100hectares of waters, rivers, covers an area of more than800hectares of forest as" source ", Selecting the biodiversity richness partition, landscape value of ecosystem services, elevation and height for the drag factor,establishs the resistance surface. It was used the standard equation taxonomy, classified the cost distance of least resistance and builds landscape functions partition.The results showed that:Source is the core protected area, Ⅰ area is ecological buffer zone, Ⅱ area, Ⅲ area is ecological transition zone, Ⅳ area is ecological isolation zone, Ⅴarea is farming and human production and living areas. Comprehensive consideration of land use status, distribution of biodiversity and ecological significance of the ecological function areas, the core protection area and ecological buffer zone are divided into ecological land. In addition, on the basis of field survey, the coastal protection forest close to the coastal zone is supplement for ecological land with200m range.(6)The establishment of land use transition matrixesLand use status data of1996and2008is adopted in the research. Based on the platform of IDRISI, land use transition matrixes were established using Markov model. The results shows that:In the past12years, about20.2%of the cultivated land transformed into garden plot,6.5%to woodland and about4.16%of the cultivated land are occupied by the construction land. The cultivated land was recharged by occupying other land types and waters. Garden mainly converted to woodland and cultivated land, and its supplying land use types were woodland and other land. Woodland mainly transformed to the garden plot, its supplying land use types were other land and garden plot. Other land mainly converted to the cultivated land, garden plot and woodland and there were also some cultivated land and garden plot turning to other land. Construction land mainly transformed to the garden and cultivated land, its supplying land use types were cultivated land and waters. The Water mainly converted to cultivated land and garden plot, its outflow area exceeded its supply amount. The amount of land transformed into waters was little. During1996and2008, the outflow of cultivated land outweighed its inflow amount. We should undertake strictly control of cultivated land, especially the transformation trend of cultivated land to construction land. In this article, the transfer matrix of land use from1996to2008was modified and the prediction matrix of land use from2009to2020was established.(7) land suitability decision-makingIn order to evaluate the land suitability of cultivated land, garden plot and woodland, seven evaluation factors were selected from five aspects, they were agricultural land natural quality, location conditions, water treatment facilities, the radiation influence from towns and villages and ecological security. Then applying the analytic hierarchy process (Ahp) method to calculate weighted for each factor. Besides, ideal point method was also used to sort land quality for each land use type. Basing on the frontal several steps, the land suitability evaluation results of cultivated land, garden plot and woodland were acquired. Land suitability of construction land was evaluated using the binary method. The construction land planed by the following plans,for example, the urban planning, tourism planning, and other industry plans were set by one artificially. Land suitability evaluation of waters and other land used the predicted suitability atlas of Markov model. The suitability atlas was made basing on the Collection Editor module.(8) land use structure optimizationIn the CA-MarKov model, land use structure of2020was predicted by the following steps: take the land use status data of2008as annual base period, use the land use transition matrixes as an quantity constraint condition to decide whether one land use type should convert to another or not. The land suitability atlas was also adopted to define the spatial pattern transformation rules of land use types. Set the cycle number by12. By overlaying the prediction of land use structure in2020and the ecological planning results, the2020land use structure optimal allocation map was operated. The results showed that:a) compared with2008, the area of construction land, cultivated land waters and other land slightly increased. The proportion of woodland in ecological land reached83%. b) The spatial distribution of those land use types turned more concentrated and scale than that of2008. c) Patch density (PD) in2020decreased and the degree of landscape diversity improved. Land use types turned more abundant than2008. In addition, the landscape fragmentation index declined, which reflected that the adjustment of land use structure can reduce the interference to landscape pattern from human beings.d) The delimitated ecological land almost covered all significant biodiversity distribution area, such as the habitats for the important animals/plants and precious species. Most woodland of the ecological land are natural forest, they have lower degree of landscape fragmentation with less human interference, so the protection of natural environment is better. They are important religion for biodiversity distribution, thus the land conflict in this area is less. In addition, water accounts for about3%of ecological land, they are ideal native home, habitat, migration places for all kinds of wild animals and plants, and they have significant eco-values. This kind of land use type also meet with little land conflict with other land types. Among all the land use types, cultivated land, garden, construction land and other land have larger effects on biodiversity conservation, but their proportion in ecological land is low, so their adverse effects on biodiversity conservation are relatively small. Increasing ecological land in land use structure and establishing related conservation regulation have profound significance in coordinating land use and biodiversity conservation.

  • 【分类号】Q16;F301.2
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