

Multiple Constraints and the Systems of Action: the Practice of Alien Chambers of Commerce in Hangzhou

【作者】 刘玉能

【导师】 李友梅;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 大部分商会研究倾向于用某个概念来对商会的性质、功能及其与其他组织的关系进行“单一的定型化”。这类研究由于忽视现实的复杂性而有失真之虞。本文以“行动体系”为分析单位,借助于“多重问题定位的行动体系”的分析框架,通过对杭州的异地商会的经验调查,探讨了在解决异地商会的合法化、权力关系治理和实质性功能的实现这三个关系异地商会生存的问题的过程中,相关行动者之间存在的利益结构以及所动用和面对的具体手段-条件组合,是如何形成相应的行动体系的。研究发现:1.在异地商会的合法化中,国家和异地商会之间存在一种分离性的利益结构,因此形成一种抗衡性行动体系类型。而国家管理部门所分别采用的法律-结果控制和政治-过程控制两种主要手段,导致监管对象——异地商会分别采用形式遵从和选择性遵从的应对方式。2.在异地商会权力关系治理中,国家、商会、商会官员和会员等不同行动者之间存在一种矛盾性的利益结构,因此形成既合作又竞争的竞合性行动体系类型。在行动体系的具体形式上,一方面,来自国家的制度性压力使异地商会的正式权力关系表现出趋同性。另一方面,异地商会内部的制度性的和技术性的手段-条件组合的约束,则使权力关系的治理采用接力式授权、有限的权力控制、会长和秘书长集权、以及志愿主义与关联性补偿相结合的机制等具体形式,这些约束有:商会会员主要通过会费和参与或撤出来影响商会,但缺乏监督和控制商会官员的有效手段;商会官员缴纳比一般会员更多的会费,有时为商会提供活动经费补助,行使商会权力;商会具有评估和分配某些声望和资源的权力。3.在异地商会的实质性功能的定位中,制度性因素和技术性因素的共同作用,使异地商会形成了集团利益、共赢利益和利他利益三类不同的实质性功能定位。而每一类利益的实现又由于制度性因素和技术性因素的制约而分别形成不同的行动体系具体形式。其中,异地商会集团利益的实现主要形成了联保信贷模式、矛盾和纠纷的调解者、社会支持网络、法人团体、沙龙、专业知识培训平台、信息沟通平台等具体形式;异地商会和地方政府之间共赢利益的实现采取互惠和交换的形式;而积极性利他利益的实现主要有引导式动员和主动奉献两种具体形式,但消极性利他利益的实现主要依靠国家、社会公众等力量的外部控制形式,而缺乏有效的内部控制手段。4.对两家杭州异地商会的活动数据的统计分析表明,异地商会所开展的活动主要集中在集团利益活动和共赢利益活动两大类上,而其他类型的活动则开展得少得多,其中主要原因在于稳定的制度性因素(业务主管部门的监管)、某些有利的技术性条件(资本网络、异地商会和地方政府间在招商引资领域的合作)和某些不利的技术性条件(商会运行主要依赖于等级化的会费)。这表明,组织会在结构不变的情况下依据现实的约束和条件来对活动分配进行调整。由此,本文的结论是,异地商会不仅在解决组织的合法化、权力关系治理和实质性功能的实现三个不同问题时形成了不同的行动体系,而且每一个致力于解决一个问题的行动体系在阵营关系、具体形式和活动调整三个不同层次上受制于不同的因素,其中,行动体系的阵营关系受制于行动者之间的利益结构类型,行动体系的具体形式受制于相关行动者所动用和面对的手段-条件组合,而组织活动的分配则根据行动者之间的利益结构和大家动用和面对的手段-条件组合两个方面来进行调整。

【Abstract】 Most of the studies on the Chamber of Commerce tend to use a certain conceptto make a “single and stereotyped” categorization of its nature and function and itsrelationship with other organizations. However, such studies distort the truth of theChamber of Commerce for they fail to recognize the complexity of reality. In order topromote the understanding on the Chamber of Commerce, this paper, with “actionsystem” as the unit of analysis, drawing on an analytical framework of “the actionsystem oriented to multiple problems” and using the methods of interviews, theinterpretations of institutions and the statistical analysis of activities, examines andstudies the interest structures and the combination of means and conditions thatrelevant actors have mobilized and faced to establish the corresponding camp relations,specific forms and activity adjustment of the action system, therefore, the alienchambers of commerce can hope to realize their legalization, governance of powerrelations and concrete functions. The study finds out that:1. There exists a detached interest structure between the state and the alienchambers of commerce in the legalization of the latter, thus a type of confrontationalaction system is formed. However, two major means adopted by the stateadministrative authorities, i.e. law—result control and politics—process control leadto the two different ways—formal compliance and selective compliance—to cope withthe state regulations.2. There is a contradictory interest structure between different actors: the state,Chamber of Commerce, officials of the Chamber of Commerce and members in thegovernance of power relations of the alien chambers of commerce, and therefore, a typeof competitive and cooperative action system is formed. In its specific forms, theformal power relations of the alien chambers of commerce are converged due to theinstitutional pressure from the state. On the one hand, the constraints of theinstitutional means and technical conditions inside the alien chambers of commerceendow the governance of the power relations in the following ways: relay licensing,limited power control, centralization of the director and the secretary-general and thecombination of volunteerism and relevance compensation. These constraints includethe following.(1) Members influence the Chamber of Commerce by contributingmembership fees and participation in or withdrawal from the Chamber of Commerce,however there lacks an effective means of supervising and controlling the officials of the Chamber of Commerce.(2) The officials of the Chamber of Commerce pay moremembership fees than members; sometimes they provide funding to the Chamber ofCommerce, and exercise the powers of the Chamber of Commerce.(3) The Chamberof Commerce has the power to assess and allocate certain prestige and resources.3.Three concrete functional orientations of group interest, win-win interest andaltruistic interest are formed due to the joint effects of the institutional and technicalfactors. However, the realization of every interest leads to different concrete actionsystems with the restrictions from institutional and technical factors. Among them, thegroup interest of the alien chamber of commerce leads to the joint guarantee creditmodel, mediator for conflicts and disputes, social support networks, a corporate body,salons, professional training platforms, and information communication platforms. Thewin-win interests between the alien chambers of commerce and local governments arerealized in reciprocity and exchange. The guided mobilization and active dedication aretwo specific forms to realize the positive altruistic interest. The negative altruisticinterest mainly depends on the external control by the forces of the state, society and thepublic, but there lacks an effective means of internal control.4. Finally, the statistical analysis of the activity data on two alien chambers ofcommerce in Hangzhou shows that the activities of alien chambers of commercemainly focus on two types: those of the group interests and the win-win interests,among which, major reasons are stable institutional factors (regulation from businessauthorities), some favorable technical conditions (capital networks, cooperationsbetween the alien chambers of commerce in investment and fund introduction) andsome unfavorable technical conditions (the operation of the Chamber of Commercemainly depends on the stratified membership fees). All the studies show that theorganization tackles the changes with structures and strategies and adjusting activitieswhile the structures and strategies keep the same for self survival and development.As a result, the paper concludes that the action system of the alien chambers ofcommerce is not one but several, every action system is targeted at solving a matter of survival..In dealing with every problem, the types of interest structure between the relevantactors shape the camp relationship of the action system and the combination of meansand conditions utilized and faced by relevant actors restrict the concrete forms of theaction system, while the joint efforts of the interest structure and means and conditioncombinations promote the organization to adjust its activity allocation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期