

The Analyze on Doubtful Words and Phrases of the Art of War

【作者】 吴春生

【导师】 杨逢彬;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为春秋时期兵家学派的经典著作,《孙子兵法》是值得关注和继续研究的,尤其是其文本解读,长期以来,存在着较多的疑难词句未能得到合理的解释。本文拟在前辈研究的基础上,选取其中二十三个疑难词句作为研究对象,以普通语言学理论为指导,试图从语法、语义、语音等语言系统内部因素入手,或用新观点,或走新路径,或找新材料来辨析其中关键字词,以期获得有理、有据、有力的解释。对《孙子兵法》疑难词句进行研究,不仅对于《孙子兵法》的阅读和整理,而且对于古代汉语词汇、词义的研究,对于辞书的编纂和修订,都应当具有一定程度上的参考价值。全文共分三个部分。第一部分是绪言,主要对相关研究,包括《孙子兵法》和疑难词句的相关研究作了一个回顾,同时对疑难词句作了一个界定,并阐述选题的相关内容,主要有目的意义、研究重点及视角等。第二部分是本文的主体。本部分着眼于语言的社会性、历史性,力求与传统训诂学方法相结合,对《孙子兵法》中二十三个疑难词句进行辨析。最后一部分是余论,一来通过第二部分的辨析,归纳前人对《孙子兵法》疑难词句辨析的得失,尝试总结出辨析疑难词句所应当使用的方法及需要注意之处;二来从词汇的角度对《孙子兵法》的成书时代做了一个考证。本文正文部分约十九万字。

【Abstract】 As the classics of military school in the Spring and Autumn period, asthe most ancient book about war in our country",the art of war" isworthy of attention and further research, especially the interpretation ofthe text, there are many doubtful words and phrases can not be explainedreasonably for a long time. Basing on the predecessors research,selecting twenty-three doubtful words and phrases as the research object,leading by common linguistics theory and starting from the internalfactors of language system, such as syntax, semantic and phonological,this article attempts to use with new view, new ideas, or the new materialto discriminate the key word, in order to obtain the reasonable powerfulexplanation.Research on the doubtful words and phrases of the Art ofWar, has very important reference value,not only for reading and sortingthe Art of War, but also for the research to the ancient Chinesevocabulary and its meaning, for the compilation and revision ofdictionaries.This article is divided into three parts, the first part is introduction,which mainly reviews on the relevant research, including the Art ofWar and the doubtful words and phrases, meanwhile analyzes on themain topics relating content and purpose, method and ideas, focus anddifficulty and innovation point.The second part is the main body of thispaper. This part is focused on the social and historic characteristic oflanguage, which is combined with the traditional exegetics method, toanalyze the twenty-three doubtful sentenses of the Art of War. The last isa summary of the paper. Firstly,through the analysis of the second part,the predecessor’s gains and losses to the doubtful words and phrases ofthe Art of War, the methods and the need to pay attention to the analysis of doubtful words and pharses weer being to try to summarize. Secondly,the time of the Art of War was traced from the perspective ofvocabulary.This text is about One hundred and ninety thousand words.

【关键词】 《孙子兵法》疑难词句考辨
【Key words】 The Art of Wardoubtful words and phrasesanalyze
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期