

Wu Dayu’s Painting Study

【作者】 金临

【导师】 邱瑞敏;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 美术学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 吴大羽,中国第一代的油画家,中国油画的拓荒者。早年,留学于法国,对塞尚、毕加索、马蒂斯的绘画有深刻领会。归国后,主要在杭州艺专执教。1950年被艺专辞聘,回到上海。他的绘画,早期具有印象派的特点,晚期(70年代后期至逝世)在油画的“气、势、韵”的表达上,达到了一种新境界,创作出一批富有诗意的作品,很好地做到了中西融合。目前,国内对吴大羽绘画的研究逐渐增多,但对他的绘画具有“诗性”这一特征研究还不多,这恐不利用我们了解吴大羽绘画整体面貌。由于吴大羽具有丰厚的东西方文化的积养,使他的绘画,既有西方的特点,又有东方的情韵,画面里充满诗性的语言。本文通过对吴大羽艺术生涯的梳理,重点研究吴大羽晚期的绘画作品,通过对他晚期作品里的笔触、架构、色彩、题材的分析和研究,最终展示吴大羽绘画的视觉语言特征——“诗性绘画”,并力图把对吴大羽研究置于中国现代美术发展中,通过一种横向与纵向的比较,最终来论证吴大羽绘画对当下的启示和具有现实的意义。同时,中国现代美术的发展,动荡而曲折,我们在回溯中国现代美术发展路径的时候,吴大羽是一个回避不过去的人物,其作品本身也很值得我们研究。

【Abstract】 Wu Dayu was considered as one of the first generation oil painters in China.When Wu Dayu was young, he went to France for further study. The masterpieces created by Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse laid deepimpression to Wu Dayu. After backing China, Wu Dayu was taught inHangzhou Fine Art collage. In1950, Wu Dayu was fired, and went back toShanghai.In the early stage, his paintings had characteristics of Impressionism, however, in the late period (from late1970s to his death), he reached a new realm onthe expression of “spirit, momentum, character” and created a number of poetic works, which made a perfect combination of Chinese culture and Western culture. Nowadays more and more people put their eyes on studying the works ofWu Dayu, but the study on the “sense of poem” is weak, and such phenomenoncan not help us catch the whole features of Wu Dayu’s works.Thanks to the profound knowledge of western culture, Wu Dayu’s worksshow not only the western feature, but also oriental romantic charm, and theappearance of a picture turns a language as sense of poem.This essay mainly talked about the later works of Wu Dayu, by analyzingthe art career of Wu, studying and analyzing the brush stokes, layouts, colors,and theme. We finally find out the symbol of Wu’s visual language---“art’s senseof poem”. We tried to put Wu’s research into the development of Chinesemodern art, and we also use different means to demonstrate Wu’s paintings’enlightenment to current art field and the meanings which give us. In themeanwhile, the development of Chinese contemporary art is turbulent andwhen we review the path of such development, we shouldn’t neglect studyingWu Dayu.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期