

A Study on Chronicles of Musical Culture in Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 黄艺鸥

【导师】 洛秦;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 北宋音乐是中国古代音乐史中重要的历史时期,它上承以“歌舞伎乐”为代表的“中古伎乐”阶段,下启南宋“音乐世俗化”及以“戏曲曲艺”为代表的“近世俗乐”阶段,形成其在中国音乐史中独特的历史地位。然而,目前学界对于北宋音乐断代史整体性研究的关注较少。编年史是中国古老的史学体裁与叙事方式,以时间为经,以史事为纬,在历史的坐标系中构建出一幅纵横交错的历史生态图像。笔者在本文中尝试以编年史的叙事方式与研究视角对北宋音乐断代史进行研究,试图寻找一种新的音乐史叙事方式与研究模式,从整体上梳理与阐释北宋音乐史的发展脉络。本文分为三个部分,绪论、北宋音乐编年史及编后语。在绪论中笔者阐述了编年史作用于北宋音乐史学研究的理论思考,并对北宋音乐编年史的编撰体例进行说明,笔者认为,编年史的历史叙事方式与研究视角作用于21世纪中国音乐史学研究的学术意义并非仅仅是对于史料的挖掘和整理,其真正的理论意义在于对音乐史的叙事与重构。第二部分北宋音乐编年史是本文的主体,按照北宋九帝分为九编,在编撰体例上,笔者借鉴纪传体与纪事本末体的撰述特点,在编年中加入历史事件、考证与评注,并且对重大音乐事件进行专题编年,以保持音乐事件叙事的完整性与多元性。在编后语中,笔者根据北宋音乐编年史,谈及对北宋音乐及其研究的几点思考。

【Abstract】 The Northern Song is a significant stage in Chinese music history. It not only carried on the tradition of songs and dances from Han and Tang dynasty, but also opened a new era of narrative and opera music, which blossomed in Ming and Qing China. However, academics pay less attention to the dynastic history of Northern Song music. Chronicle is the oldest and classical tool of constructing narratives in Chinese history. Taking time as longitude and historical events as latitude, chronicle constructs a dynamic image of past realities. In this dissertation the author tries to study the dynastic history of Northern Song music in the manner of narrative and perspective of chronicle, looking for a new narrative and study pattern of musical history, in order to sort and expound the development of Northern Song music as a whole.This dissertation is divided into three sections:introduction, chronicle of Northern Song music and afterword. In the introduction the author expounds the theoretical deliberation of employing chronicle in study on Northern Song music, and introduces the compiling style of chronicle of Northern Song music. In the author’s opinion, the significance of employing chronicle to study Chinese historical music of21st century is not the listing of historical events and sources, but the construction of a dynamic view of the historical and musical past. The second section, chronicle of Northern Song music, is the principal part of this dissertation, consisting of nine volumes corresponding to the nine emperors in Northern Song. Taking biographical history and event-based history for reference, the author combines historical events, textual research and commentary into chronicle, and chronicles major musical events by special topic, so as to keep integrality and diversity of narrating musical events. In the afterword the author discusses some consideration of Northern Song music and its study according to the chronicle.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】647