

Research on Zhengde Edition of Wen Xuan

【作者】 赵蕾

【导师】 王立群;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当代文选学研究的成果颇为丰富,基础文献《文选》的版本研究成果层出不穷。古钞本以及宋以后的李善注、五臣注、六家注与六臣注刻本诸体系,都不乏论述专文。相对而言,学界对于五臣注本的研究仍显薄弱。近年来,随着学界研究视野的日益拓展,加大对李善注之外的旧注与五臣注的研究力度,已成为《文选》版本研究新的学术生长点。在当前五臣注《文选》研究悄然勃兴的学术氛围中,对五臣注《文选》版本体系的确认,已成为迫切需要解决的学术问题。作为现存最完整的五臣注《文选》——朝鲜李氏王朝正德四年(1509)所刊印之五臣注《文选》,在《文选》研究史上具有不可或缺的“坐标”价值,然而迄今为止,学界尚未有系统整理研究。本文以正德本五臣注《文选》为研究对象,综合运用校雠学、音韵学及训诂学等传统学术方法,考辨其源流、探讨其特征;并以此本为参照,尝试为《文选》各五臣注本及六家注本在《文选》版本的流传谱系中科学定位。本文的思路框架如下:第一部分,正德本的研究现状。在《文选》版本体系中,李善注本与合注本的研究最多,学者对五臣注本关注较少,至今尚无专门研究正德本五臣注《文选》的论著。第二部分,正德本的体系归属。通过正德本与宋刻陈八郎本及以奎章阁本为代表的朝鲜六家注《文选》中断句下注位置的对比,能够确定面世较晚的朝鲜正德本五臣注《文选》并非自合注本剥离而来,而是真正的五臣注本。秀州本是历史上首部将五臣注与李善注合并的《文选》版本,它的底本之一是刊刻于公元1026年之孟氏本五臣注《文选》。将正德本与孟氏本比较,可以发现,二者在体式、正文、注文方面皆有他本所无之讹误,特别是正德本具备孟氏本独有之字句,这说明正德本五臣注《文选》属于孟氏本一系。南宋初年刻五臣注《文选》杭州猫儿桥本,为孟氏本体系中的另一版本。虽与正德本关系密切,但二本各存异文,且正德本中出现了早期孟氏本之讹误(此讹误经修订已不见于杭州猫儿桥本),说明正德本并非出自杭州猫儿桥本,其底本应是孟氏本于后世的其他翻刻本。第三部分,宋刻五臣注本的源头。正德本所属的孟氏本一系虽与陈八郎本在正文、义注、音注诸方面存在差异,但众五臣注《文选》本在文章分类、篇名、正文、注文等方面的共同讹误,表明宋代各五臣注本乃由一共同祖本衍生而来,此祖本极可能是《文选》史上最早的刻本——后蜀毋昭裔本。通过宋刻与唐钞五臣注《文选》的比对,可以发现五臣注《文选》在由抄本到刻本的转变过程中,无论在正文、音注、注家名、义注内容等方面都发生了相当大的变化。第四部分,正德本的正文。正德本在篇章次序、文体及次文体的分类等体例方面的特征,与陈八郎本一致而与李善注本、合注本相异。正德本与陈八郎本唯一不同之处是,正德本沿袭了毋昭裔本无总目的状况。正德本的正文文字与奎章阁本所呈现之孟氏本高度一致。二本的文字与陈八郎本有许多不同,与明州本亦有所区别,说明正德本的正文乃是承继孟氏本而来。另外,由于递修和校语等因素,奎章阁本中的孟氏本原貌遭到破坏,而正德本则完整保留。正德本正文中独有的少量异文与讹误,很可能来自于朝鲜五臣注《文选》体系的底本。第五部分,正德本的音注。正德本保留了唐钞五臣音注采用夹注的形式,但简化了注音用语。相对于陈八郎本,正德本在内容上更完整地保存了唐钞五臣音注的原貌。虽然在音注的位置、注音的方法及用字等方面,正德本与奎章阁本中之孟氏本基本一致。而秀州本系列的五臣音注,羼有李善音注还有脱漏或删除五臣音注的现象,这已使其远离真正的孟氏本音注。正德本作为独立刊行的五臣注本,则完全保留了孟氏本的音注原貌。第六部分,正德本的义注。正德本中义注的下注位置与唐钞五臣注本基本相同,其注文文字及注家名与奎章阁本中的五臣注最为接近。通过与陈八郎本、明州本的对比可以发现,正德本之注文比奎章阁本之五臣注,更能反映真正的孟氏本甚至毋昭裔本的原貌。最为可贵的是,正德本五臣义注的内容,比陈八郎本、合注本中之五臣注都要完整。此外,正德本之注文独有一定数量的异文与讹误,其中的几起倒文现象,证明了正德本或其底本很可能为活字本。本文作者经过梳理文献,发现正德本五臣注《文选》,是今日所见五臣注本中当之无愧的足本。其舛讹少、多用后起字的优点,使之成为今人研究五臣注《文选》的最佳版本。此本最接近首部合注本《文选》的底本——孟氏本五臣注《文选》。笔者以正德本为参照,探明从单行本到秀州本,再到明州本、奎章阁本的六家注本体系的源流轨迹,以期能够填补《文选》研究史上的一个空白。

【Abstract】 There have been various of treatises on Wen Xuan versions, but rare on Wen Xuan annotated byfive-master. It’s urgent to confirm the edition system of Wen Xuan annotated by five-master now. Theedition printed in the4thyear of Zhengde(1509)in korea is very important, which can help us positiondifferent versions annotated by five-master. This thesis discusses the Zhengde Edition.The following is themain content:The first part, existing research on Zhengde Edition. Much attention have been paid to the editionsannotated by Li Shan and little to the edition by five-master. Till now, no treatises on Zhengde Edition at all.The second part, system ascription of Zhengde Edition. Contrasting punctuation and postil positionbetween Zhengde Edition block-printed by Chen Balang and Zhengde Edition, we can confirm the ZhengdeEdition is the pure edition annotated by five-master.Xiuzhou Edition is the firsr merge edition coming from an edition by Li Shan and an editionblock-printed by Meng which is an edtion by five-master. There are same faults in style, text and postil inZhengde Edition and Meng Edition, especially the distinctive part in Meng Edition also can be found inZhengde Edition. It shows that Zhengde Edition origined from Meng Edition. And Zhengde Edition is notfrom Mao er qiao Edition but other edition, although they are in close relationship.The third part, the source of all edtions annotated by five-master in Song Dynasty. There are manydifferences in text, annotation and pronunciation between Zhengde Edition and Chen Balang Edition, butthe same faults about classification, title, text and annotation show that editions by five-master in SongDynasty may origined from the earliest block-printed edition. In the process form copy edition toblock-printed edition, great changes tooke place in text, annotation and pronunciation in Wen Xuanannotated by five-master.The fourth part, structure and text of Zhengde Edition. There are same characteristics in arrangementof article and Stylistic classification between Zhengde Edition and Chen Balang Edition, while differentfrom Li Shan Edition. Many evidence prove that Zhengde Edition keeps the original text in Meng Edition.A small quantity of mistakes and peculiar letters in text of Zhengde Edition is likely from the original text of korea editions.The fifth part, phonetic notation of Zhengde Edition. The position of phonetic notations in ZhengdeEdition are same with copy edition in Tang Dynasty, but ones in Zhengde Edition simplify the form ofpronunciation postil. The phonetic notation by five-master, have been fully kepet the in Meng edition.The sixth part, the meaning annotation of Zhengde Edition.The position and exegete of annotation inZhengde Edition are basically the same as Tang Dynasty copy edition’s. The text of meaning annotation inZhengde Edition reflects the true Meng Edition even edition printed by Wu Zhaoyi and much more clearthan Kuizhangge Edition. Peculiar letters and faults in Zhengde Edition prove that Zhengde Edition or itsorigin is likely movable type-printed edition.In all, Zhengde Edition is the most complete version of today’s Wen Xuan editions by five-master.Fewer faults, latest words and other advantages make Zhengde Edition the best vertion. Taking ZhengdeEdition as reference, the imprint of Wen Xuan system’s emerge from separate edition to Xiuzhou Editionand change from Xiuzhou Edition to Mingzhou Edition and Kuizhangge Edition can be seen.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期