

The Spatial Developing Pattern of Zhongyuan Urban Agglo Meration: Polycentric Network Pattern

【作者】 史雅娟

【导师】 王发曾;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济和科技的快速发展,现代城市的功能逐步向更大的区域范围拓展,城镇化发展的区域化态势呈现,城市与城市之间的相互联系和影响日益密切,一定地域范围内的诸多大、中、小城市相互交织成的城市群,在全球城镇体系中日益占据重要的枢纽地位,成为国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的全新地域单元。各国政府和专家学者都非常重视城市群的科学研究。党的十八大报告明确提出的“科学规划城市群规模和布局”任务,那么,在中原城市群地区,其空间格局是如何演化的?是单中心引领还是多中心发展?中原城市群最适宜的空间发展模式是什么?这些都是中原城市群发展过程中亟待解决的应用性研究课题。本文前三章由绪论、文献综述、理论基础与分析框架等构成。该部分主要界定研究对象和研究内容,梳理理论基础,确定分析框架。第四章主要对中原城市群空间格局演变进行了深入分析。第五章从产业发展与空间关联角度对中原城市群的多中心性进行了论证。第六章基于“流”视角进一步探讨了中原城市群的网络空间。在此基础上,第七章对中原城市群多中心网络空间发展模式及其建构进行了辨识。第八章是总结与展望,总结主要研究结论,并提出进一步研究的方向。研究的主要结论如下:(1)透过城市人口要素、经济要素、产业发展、社会发展等指标,再现了中原城市群的空间格局及演变过程,并在此基础上形成了对中原城市群空间发展格局的新认识。一方面,中原城市群的碎化式空间布局特征,为城市群城市功能性的多中心发展奠定了重要的基础和条件。另一方面,中原城市群的“中心-外围”结构日益显著,其空间发展的“去单核化”特征和“多中心性”比较显著,二三产业空间发展也同样呈现明显的多中心结构。再一方面,中原城市群在人口和产业的空间循环运动方面具有非均衡发展和极化发展的特征,但在整体空间发展上处于均质发展状态。值得关注的是,郑州市在中原城市群乃至中原经济区的极核地位尚未完全形成,仍处于“弱核带动”的发展状态,而一些具有发展潜能且快速集聚发展的中心城市正在形成,这为中原城市群多中心并存发展的态势和发展路径提供了现实基础和可能性。(2)基于产业发展和空间关联视角发现,中原城市群在空间发展上具有显著的多中心性。一方面,以工业产业为主的产业集聚区,在中原城市群的区域空间上呈现出多中心的发展格局。另一方面,中原城市群主导产业的圈层结构比较明显。以此为基础,在中原城市群区域,贯穿主要中心城市的产业轴带基本形成,形成一条北至中原城市群的最北部,覆盖新乡、焦作和济源的大部分地区,南至许昌、平顶山和漯河市部分区域的南北条带状产业区域。另外,本文还发现,中原城市群城市间经济联系强度在不断提升,围绕郑州、洛阳、许昌三个中心城市正在形成三大核心发展区域,这是中原城市群多中心性特征的一个重要体现。(3)基于“流”的视角发现,通过道路交通网络和互联网络,中原城市群正在日益呈现网络式空间发展。一方面,在中原城市群公路里程稳步增长的背景下,中原城市群的区域交通网络已经形成,围绕郑州、洛阳和许昌等三个中心城市正构建起一个贯通其他城市的中原城市群交通网络。另一方面,根据高速网络交通流量、四级公路网络交通流量和铁路流量的分析,进一步凸显了郑州、洛阳、许昌在中原城市群网络空间结构中的中心枢纽地位。再一方面,从货流量、客流量和城际公交客流量看,以郑州为单一中心的网络结构正在转变为以郑州、洛阳、许昌为多中心的网络结构。(4)尝试性提出中原城市群的空间发展模式——多中心网络发展模式,以及“多中心内聚”和“网络式外联”的深度整合途径。一方面,辨析了中原城市群多中心网络空间发展模式的科学性和合理性。另一方面,提出了中原城市群多中心网络空间发展模式的构成,认为中原城市群多中心网络式空间发展模式中主要包含郑州市、洛阳市和许昌市三个中心,并可划分出围绕三个中心城市形成的“中心-外围”发展区域,即以郑州市为中心的“郑州-开封-新乡-焦作”菱形核心发展区域;以洛阳市为中心的“洛阳-济源”核心发展区域;以许昌为中心的“许昌-平顶山-漯河”三角形核心发展区域。尤其是,本文进一步拓展了城市群深度整合理论“内聚-外联”的内涵和外延,提出中原城市群可通过“多中心内聚”和“网络式外联”实现深度整合。在此基础上,本文有两个新的发现:(1)通过再现中原城市群的空间格局及演变过程发现,以郑州为单核的中原城市群空间发展格局正在发生变化,逐渐从“弱核带动”向“多中心格局”转变,这为重新辨识中原城市群的空间发展模式提供了认识论基础。另一方面,中原城市群城市人口的碎化式空间发展、新兴中心城市的日益凸显、城市人口与产业空间循环行为的非均衡发展和极化发展、各节点城市的均质和碎化式发展,以及郑州在中原城市群和中原经济区的弱核牵引地位,对重新认识中原城市群的空间发展模式提供了重要的现实基础。(2)在城市群的空间发展模式上,进一步拓展了城市群深度整合理论,尤其是拓展了“内聚-外联”的内涵和外延,提出中原城市群在空间发展模式上可通过“多中心内聚”和“网络式外联”实现深度整合。中原城市群的深度整合,既需要“多中心内聚”,围绕郑州、洛阳和许昌三个中心城市进行有序内聚或分区域内聚发展,又需要“网络式外联”,把“网络式外联”作为中原城市群强化和提升内聚发展及联动发展的重要策略。尤为重要的是,通过“多中心内聚”和“网络式外联”相辅相成,同步发展和深度整合,中原城市群将成为一个“多中心内聚”和“网络式外联”协同互补的有机整体。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global economy and science and technology, the urbanization hasbeen extending to larger regions, and demonstrates a regionalized trend. The inter-connection betweencities becomes more intimate; and those cities of various sizes within certain territorial scope interact witheach other to form an urban agglomeration, which becomes the brand new unit in the global competitionand international division, playing an important role as a pivot in the global urban systems. Greatimportance has been attached to the scientific research of urban agglomeration by governments andscholars. China has just announced the objective of "scientifically distribute the urban agglomeration in aproper scale" in the18threport of the Communist Party of China. As to the Zhongyuan UrbanAgglomeration (ZUA), how will its spatial pattern evolve: monocentric or polycentric? What is the mostsuitable spatial development pattern for the ZUA? All these questions are urgent research subjects in thedevelopment process of the ZUA.The first three chapters of this paper present an introduction, literature review, theoretical basis andanalytical framework. These sections intend to define the research objective and research contents, sort outthe theoretical basis and determine the analytical framework. Chapter4analyzes the evolution process andcharacteristics of the spatial pattern of the ZUA. Chapter5proposes the multi-center spatial pattern throughanalyzing the development trend and spatial correlation of the industry of ZUA. Chapter6discusses thenetwork structure of ZUA from the perspective of transport and internet "flow". Based on the former study,we in chapter7discern the spatial development pattern of ZUA, which is polycentric, and propose somesuggestions on the next steps to perfect the pattern. Some concluding remarks and prospect are given inchapter8, where we summarize the conclusions of our research and point out the direction of the futurestudy. The following conclusions can be inferred from this paper:1) Brand new recognition of the spatial developing pattern of ZUA has formed by re-presenting theevolving process of its spatial pattern from the trend of population, economy and some indexes of industrialand social development. On one hand, the fragmentation characteristic of ZUA provides the basicconditions for its functional polycentric development; on the other hand, with the significant developmentof "core-periphery" structure in ZUA, the character of de-polarization and poly-center also becomes evident in the development. The development of secondary and tertiary industries demonstrates polycentricspatial structure as well. Moreover, the spatial development of population and industry characterize asnon-equivalent and polarized trend, but the whole ZUA area developed homogeneously. It is noteworthythat the polar nucleus status of Zhengzhou city has not been established in the ZUA, even in the CentralPlains Economic Region; and it is still in the state of leading other cities as a weak core. However, someother central cities that have the development potential and agglomerate rapidly, providing the possibilityand realistic basis for the coexistence of multi centers in the ZUA.2) The spatial development of ZUA shows significant polycentric characteristic from the perspectiveof industrial development and spatial correlation between each city. Firstly, the manufacture industrycluster areas demonstrate the polycentric pattern in the ZUA region. On the other hand, the leadingindustries have an evident spatial structure of circling layers. Therefore, the industrial axis bands runningthrough major center cities have formed. It covers most areas of Xinxiang, Jiaozuo and Jiyuan cities, andpart of Xuchang, Pingdingshan and Luohe cities. Furthermore, the intensity of economic correlationbetween each city in the ZUA has been strengthened continuously. Three core regions surroundingZhengzhou, Luoyang and Xuchang are being established, which especially reflects the polycentriccharacteristic of spatial development of the ZUA.3) From the perspective of "flow" of transport and internet network, the ZUA is developing in thedirection of inter-connective network type. The transport network connecting each city has been establishedin the ZUA, under the background of growing highway mileage. Three hub centers of Zhengzhou, Luoyangand Xuchang running through all other cities are forming. Analyses based on the transport "flows" ofhighway, four levels of road and railway further prove the center hub status of Zhengzhou, Luoyang andXuchang in the network structure of ZUA. Moreover, from the freight traffic volume, passenger trafficvolume and the passenger flow of inter-city public transportation, we can assert that the homocentricnetwork structure (centered at Zhengzhou) is transforming to the polycentric network structure (centered atZhengzhou, Luoyang and Xuchang).4) This paper tentatively proposes the polycentric network development pattern and deep integrationpathway that combines "polycentric cohesion" and "network type outreach". Firstly, we discuss thescientificity and rationality of the spatial development pattern of polycentric network. Secondly, we discern the composition of the polycentric network pattern, where the center hubs are located in Zhengzhou,Luoyang and Xuchang. Furthermore, three regions surrounding these centers form the "center-periphery"development areas, such as the "Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Xinxiang-Jiaozuo" region centered at Zhengzhou city,the "Luoyang-Jiyuan" region centered at Luoyang city, and the "Xuchang-Pingdingshan-Luohe" regioncentered at Xuchang city. Above all, we expand the deep integration theory of urban agglomeration and theconnotation and denotation of "cohesion-outreach"; and propose that the ZUA can fulfill deep integrationby "polycentric cohesion" and "network type outreach".Based on the conclusions mentioned above, we obtain two findings:1) Re-presentation of the spatialpattern and its evolution process of ZUA indicates that the monocentric developing pattern as Zhengzhouweakly leading other cities has been changing to polycentric structure, which provides the epistemologybasis for re-identifying the spatial development pattern of ZUA. The urban population of each city in theZUA demonstrates fragmentation spatial characteristic; burgeoning center cities have been established;urban population and industries of each city develop non-equivalently and polarizedly; the homogeneouslydevelopment and fragmentally development of each node city coexist; all these facts offer importantrealistic basis for re-recognizing the spatial development pattern of ZUA.2) The deep integration theory about urban agglomeration, especially the connotation and denotationof "cohesion-outreach" has been expanded. It is proposed that the ZUA can fulfill deep integration by"polycentric cohesion" and "network type outreach". While the "polycentric cohesion" requires the threecenters of Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Xuchang integrate orderly, and the "network type outreach" is animportant strategy to strengthen and improve the cohesion development. More importantly, with thesupplement of these two aspects and the deep integration, the ZUA will become an organic integrity thatsynergizing and complementing the "polycentric cohesion" and "network type outreach".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期