

The Practice in the International Communication of Sports Culture and Concept Exploration

【作者】 史友宽

【导师】 杨改生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着国际社会在全球化和民族化两个看似对立的方向上不断前行,文化作为人类存在的标志在传播学的意义上被广泛探讨。关注体育现象的学者们则试图对大量的既有事件进行文化学和传播学意义上的双重考察。这种考察绝大部分围绕“本国的或者在世界范围内开展较好的项目”深入前行,而对体育文化国际传播的宏观研究略显薄弱,对不同历史时期传播理念的梳理有待加强。本研究通过对近400年体育文化国际传播的时代辨析,提炼规律,找出方向,并在此基础上提出中国体育文化国际传播的实施建议,具有一定的理论和实践价值。本研究运用历史学、人类学和社会学的研究方法,沿着“提出问题——实践考察——理念创设——实践指导”的思路逐步展开。研究认为:(1)体育文化国际传播在不同的历史阶段表现出不同的特征;体育文化传播力与国家综合实力呈正相关;成功的体育文化国际传播都是主动调适自己以适应外部环境的结果。强有力的推动者能够促进体育文化国际传播;体育文化国际传播有必要充分利用国际舞台的影响力;不断的创新是体育文化国际传播成功的关键因素。(2)17世纪英国体育文化国际传播整体上处于自然传播的状态;18世纪由于世界格局的变迁,主动的、积极的文化传播策略成为时代特点;19世纪最后30年,美国借助于经济和宗教的力量将体育文化传播到世界的各个角落;20世纪中叶以后世界体育文化国际传播开始朝着文化的思路转移。(3)中国体育文化国际传播的时代特征表现为:经济发展为体育文化国际传播奠定坚实基础;国家文化战略为体育国际传播确立方向;时代的创新诉求为体育文化国际传播提出挑战。(4)从少林功夫和太极拳文化国际传播的案例中可以看出,中国体育文化国际传播正经历从无序向有序的转变过程,不同的项目类别表现出各具特色的传播模式。(5)建立在中国、世界和体育3个维度的坚实基础上,有必要提出体育文化多元共享理念。就中国而言,提出体育文化多元共享有着自身的传统和气度;对于世界而言,能够对多元文化和共享文化达成共识;就体育学科而言,其动物性和文化性的双重基因,为多元共享奠定了学科基础。研究建议:(1)中国体育文化国际传播进行理念更新,必须与国家发展紧密联系,抛开沉重的历史包袱,担当大国的时代责任,树立多元共享的国际理念。(2)不同运动项目的国际传播所面临的情况不同,策略亦应有别。(3)不同传播主体,责任不同。对于政府机关应定位好“为”与“不为”,对于社会团体要切实抓好“人”与“事”,对于单位传播要科学定位“点、线、面”,对于个体传播既要通过外部管理来监管传播者行为,又要从个体内部提高传播者素养。(4)中国传统体育文化国际传播过程中,无需刻意强调技或道,应确立“分而为二、合而为一”的基本思想。(5)中国传统体育文化国际传播在文化圈层上的路径选择应该首先是东亚文化圈、印度文化圈和北大西洋文化圈,其次是东欧文化圈、拉美文化圈和非洲文化圈,最后是中东文化圈。

【Abstract】 With the continual processing of international communities in seemingly opposite globaland national direction, the question of culture as the sign of human existence within thetransmission context is under discussion for a long time. Scholars who give attention to theappearance of sports make efforts to conduct dual research on existing sports events withinthe context of culturology and transmission context. The research, for the most part probesinto "good sports events at both home and abroad". However, there is little attention paid toexplore the macro research of sports culture international transmission. More efforts shouldbe given to present the concepts of transmission in different historical periods. In this paper,the analysis of sports culture international transmission in recent400years has been made toshed lights on the laws of transmission as well as the research orientation, based on whichsome practical suggestions concerning sports culture international transmission are putforward. Hopefully the study made in this paper will be of some theoretical significance andpractical value.The methodology applied in this paper includes historiography, anthropology andsociology, and this paper is organized in four parts: introduction of the problem—practicalanalysis—theoretical foundation—theoretical applicationThe research indicates that (1) sports culture international transmission displays differentcharacteristics in different historical period; a positive correlation is found between the effortsshared on sports cultural transmission and national comprehensive strength; the successfulsports culture transmission is the product of initiative adjustment to exterior context. Apowerful propeller will be helpful to promote sports culture international communication;sports culture international transmission should take full advantages of the influence ofinternational platform; continuous innovation serves as critical element in the successfulsports culture international communication;(2) in17thcentury, English witnessed the naturalspread of sports culture international transmission; in18thcentury, initiative and positivecultural transmission strategies dominate the characteristic of social landscape due to thetransformation of global situation; in the last30years of19thcentury, with the help of itseconomy and religion, America spreads its sports culture to every corner of the world; after the middle of20thcentury, the world has witnessed the transition of sports cultureinternational transmission in the domain of culture;(3) the sports culture internationaltransmission in China displays the following characteristics: economic development serves asthe solid foundation of sports culture international communication; national culture strategysets the direction; and need for state-of-the-art innovations poses challenge;(4) the exampleof international transmission of Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi shows that the internationaltransmission of Chinese sports culture is undergoing a period from disorderly to orderlydevelopment with distinctive transmission modes being applied to different sports events;(5)it is necessary to put forth the concept of pluralized sharing of sports culture based on thedimension of China, world and sports. As far as China is concerned, the proposal of conceptof pluralized sharing conforms to its tradition and whole situation; as far as the world isconcerned, the concept of pluralized sharing reaches common ground between plural cultureand shared culture; as far as sports discipline is concerned, because of its dual genes in bothanimal nature and cultural nature, the concept of pluralized sharing lays discipline basis.The research suggests that (1) the concept of sports culture international transmission inChina should be upgraded to close relate to national development, dispose heavy historicalburden, shoulder the responsibility as a major power in the world and build internationalconcept of pluralized sharing;(2) strategies concerning international transmission shoulddiffer according to different sports events;(3) the main body of international transmissionshould face different duties. Party and government organs should set clear lines about "whatto do" and "what not to do" while social organization should stress the implementation of"personnel arrangement" and "affairs"; the transmission conducted by units should setscientific definition of "point, line and area" while when the transmission is conducted byindividuals, they should be under the exterior supervision and their quality and qualificationsshould be improved;(4) in the international transmission of traditional sports culture, there isno necessity to stress skills or doctrine, instead, the basic ideology of "one divides into twoand two merge into a single whole" should be set up;(5) circle of culture in East Asia, Indiaand North Atlantic should be the first area in the international transmission of traditionalsports culture, and circle of culture in East Europe, Latin America and Africa are among thesecond and Middle East the third.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期