

3D Seismic Acquisition Technology Research for Piedmont Tectonic Belt in Halaalate Mountain

【作者】 邸志欣

【导师】 刘怀山;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地球物理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 哈拉阿拉特山位于新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘的克夏断阶带和哈山构造上,为中国石化胜利西部新区登记矿权区块之一,也为一个历经了多家单位多年勘探未果的探区。该区主要构造为山前逆掩推覆构造带,与中石油发现的夏子街、乌尔禾、风城等油田处于同一区域构造带上,具有相似的成藏地质背景和油气运移条件,推覆体下伏隐伏圈闭为最有利勘探目标,成藏条件优越,勘探潜力大。但以往由于技术等条件的限制,勘探程度低,认识肤浅,因此,迫切需要开展新的三维地震勘探来获取新的立体三维资料,深化地质认识,落实该区山前带勘探目标,为油气勘探突破寻找出路。近几年,借助发现胜利东部老区隐蔽油气藏的经验,用全新的研究视角,以前缘斜坡带勘探理论为指导,对该区山前逆掩推覆构造带进行了系统的三维地震采集技术方法研究和试验,取得了明显的勘探效果。完成的主要工作量包括:(1)系统收集了国内外山前带地震勘探已有的研究成果,了解了国内外关于复杂山前带地震勘探的技术现状及发展趋势;(2)提出了基于“双复杂”模型进行观测系统论证评价的方法,完成相应的理论研究;(3)完成了面积703.84km2、47773炮的激发方式分区设计和炸药爆炸理论、可控震源信号扫描激发理论研究;(4)完成检波器接收及耦合理论研究,并在野外现场进行了特殊干扰波调查、检波器组合压噪方式及检波器埋置耦合方式试验。主要取得了如下3项创新及技术成果:1.研制了双复杂模型条件下的三维观测系统设计方法以复杂近地表、复杂地下构造模型为基础进行观测系统设计与评价优选,基于成像效果进行观测系统参数分析,基于双复杂模型进行观测系统CRP属性分析论证,研制出了基于观测系统属性最优化的设计方法,以及基于“3S”信息(即遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统)的观测系统炮检点优化与变观设计,建立了相应的CRP分析流程。2.提出了多因素优选井震联合高品质激发方法提出了井震联合激发方式分区设计方法,依据“分片激发方式一致性”、“可操作性”和“单炮记录高质量”的原则实现激发方式分区,依据炸药爆炸理论优选最佳激发条件和激发参数,依据可控震源信号扫描理论设计和优选最佳扫描参数,最大程度的发挥井炮和可控震源的各自优势,实现山前带高品质地震激发。3.形成了山前复杂地表组合压噪方法及检波器埋置耦合技术依据地震波接收理论优选组合参数和组合图形压制山前噪音,困难地表采用检波器特殊埋置方式确保耦合质量。通过攻关研究和实际应用,形成了一套适合准北哈山地区山前逆掩推覆构造带的三维地震资料采集关键技术和方法。应用以上技术方法,显著提高了哈山地区山前逆掩推覆构造带地震资料的信噪比和剖面精度,达到精细解释的要求。新三维地震资料经过处理和解释,建立了哈山地区逆掩推覆加后期走滑的构造解释模式,评价优选了四个有利勘探区带,落实了四类有利区带,指导部署了数十口井位,相继发现了春晖油田和阿拉德两个超5000×104t的大油田,实现了准北区块重大勘探突破,累计新增可采储量748.7×104t,取得了油气勘探重大经济效益,证明该技术具有很好的推广和使用价值。

【Abstract】 Halaalate mountain located in the Ke-Xia step-fault zone and Halaalate mountain structure ofnorthwestern margin of the Junggar basin, Xinjiang, it is one of the registering mineral rights blockswhich belongs to ShengLi Western new area under Sinopec, it is also a unsuccessful region forexploration although experienced many years exploration.The main structures of this area ispiedmont overthrust nappe tectonic belt,and lie in the same regional tectonic belt with Xia Zi street, Urwo,FengCheng Oil field etc. of CNPC,they have the similar geological background and the conditionsof oil and gas migration accumulation,Under the nappe of concealed trap is the most favorableexploration targets,the accumulation condition is superior and Exploration potential is big.But lowdegree of prospecting and shallow understanding due to technical limitations etc. in the past. so,it isurgent need to develop new3D seismic exploration to obtain new3D stereoscopic data, deepen thegeological understanding,implement the piedmont zone exploration targets in the area,,find a way outfor the oil and gas exploration breakthrough.In recent years, with the help of experience that finds hydrocarbon reservoirs in ShengLi easternmature area.With brand new research angle of view,using frontal slope belt exploration theory as theguidance,proceeding systematic3D seismic acquisition technology methods research and experimentalresearch aiming at piedmont overthrust nappe tectonic belt,and obvious prospecting results have beenachieved.The main works completed Including:(1) collect systematically domestic and overseas existingresearch results for piedmont zone seismic exploration.study the technical status and development trendof seismic exploration about the complex piedmont zone;(2) Geometies analysis argument andevaluation method based on double-complex model is provided,and complete the correspondingtheoretical research;(3) Complete shooting mode partition design with area of703.84square kilometers,and47773shot records,complete dynamite explosion theory and signal scanning theory of vibroseis;(4)Complete geophone receiving and coupling theory research,and special interference wave investigationtest, geophone combination suppressing noise mode test and geophone embedment coupling mode teston site.Obtain mainly four innovation and technical achievements as following:1.3D geometries optimization design method under the condition of double complex model iscreated First proposed based on double complex conditions include the complex surface and near-surfaceand complex underground target structure to build3D model to design evaluate and optimizegeometries, proceed to analysis geometries CRP fold distribution,and proceed to optimize shot andgeophone points and lay-out-change based on “3S” which includes RS,GIS and GPS, establish theCRP analysis process.2. Multi-factor optimization dynamite-vibroseis joint high quality shooting method is providedPartitioned design method of dynamite-vibroseis joint shooting mode is provided, based on“sharding excitation way consistency”,“maneuverability”and “high quality records”three principles torealize shooting mode partitions, Optimal choose shooting conditions and shooting parametersaccording to dynamite explosion theory,design and optimal choose the best scanning parametersaccording to the signal scanning theory of vibroseis,Making their respective most advantage of theshothole charges and vibroseis to realize high quality seismic excitation in piedmont belt..3. Interference wave suppression method and geophone receiving coupling technoloy in piedmontcomplex surface are shapedOptimize parameters and figure of combination to suppress piedmont noise based on the theory ofseismic wave receiving,using special embedment geophone coupling mode to ensure the quality of thecoupling in hard surface.Formed a set of3D seismic data acquisition method and key technology which is suitable forpiedmont overthrust nappe tectonic belt in Halaalate mountain area of northwestern margin of theJunggar basin through the research and practical application research.Using technical methods above, significantly improved the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data andthe profile accuracy of piedmont overthrust nappe tectonic belt in Halaalate mountain area,as to meetthe requirement of fine interpretation. After new3D seismic data processing and interpretation,Set up Halaalate mountain area overthrust nappe and strike-slip tectonic interpretation model,evaluation of optimization for four favorable exploration zone, implementation of the four types offavorable zones,guide to deploy dozens of well location, and find two new large fields whose name areChunhui oilfield and Arad oilfield both over50Million tons proved reserves.Finally realize the important exploration breakthrough in northwestern margin of the Junggar basinblock,add up newly increased recoverable reserves of7.48million tons,achieve significant economicbenefit of oil and gas exploration,proved that the technologies have the very good promotion andvalue-in-use.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
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