

Effects of Different Multiple Cropping Patterns on Rice Growth and Soil Fertility

【作者】 周春火

【导师】 潘晓华;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 为了探讨紫云英+双季稻(ZDD)、油菜+双季稻(YDD)、冬闲+双季稻(XDD)三种复种方式下土壤性状变化、水稻生长发育和氮素养分吸收利用规律,采用田间实验和室内分析的方法,于2009-2011年就三种不同复种方式下土壤理化和生物学性状、水稻生长发育、水稻营养特性和不同复种方式下氮肥运筹对水稻生长的影响等方面进行了较为系统的研究。主要研究结果如下:1.不同复种方式对稻田土壤特性的影响冬种紫云英和油菜有利于土壤物理性状改善。土壤容重降低,总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和毛管持水量上升,冬种紫云英对耕层土壤肥力的增加和保持有积极意义。与冬闲相比,冬种紫云英和油菜均有提高早稻生育前、中期土壤温度的作用。冬种紫云英和油菜有利于土壤养分含量的增加;冬种油菜对提高土壤磷的含量作用明显;但冬种紫云英会导致还原性物质增加,pH和Eh值下降。土壤中三大微生物总量冬种紫云英>冬种油菜>冬闲,差异达极显著水平。2.不同复种方式对水稻生长发育的影响在施肥量相同前提下,与冬种油菜和冬闲相比,紫云英与化肥配合提高了水稻单位面积有效穗和每穗粒数,并显著提高水稻产量;促进水稻干物质积累,提高水稻干物质表观输出率和转换率,显著提高水稻根系的总干重。冬种紫云英和油菜有利于水稻抽穗期和抽穗后15天颖花伤流量增加,较好切合籽粒灌浆需求,提高籽粒灌浆速率。叶面积指数、群体光合势、总库容量和群体势粒比均呈ZDD>YDD>XDD,且均与产量显著正相关。粒叶比XDD>YDD>ZDD,与产量呈显著负相关。3.不同复种方式水稻营养特性研究冬种紫云英有利于水稻对氮、磷和钾素养分的积累,冬种油菜对水稻磷的吸收效果明显。生产100kg籽粒所需的N、K20的需要量ZDD最高,XDD最小;P205需要量为YDD>ZDD>XDD。氮素干物质生产效率、稻谷生产效率ZDD低于YDD、XDD,而氮素吸收利用效率高于YDD、 XDD。两年早、晚稻氮吸收总量、磷吸收总量、钾吸收总量与产量显著正相关。4.不同复种方式下氮肥用量对水稻生长发育的影响在施氮量为0-180kg/hm2范围内,不同复种方式产量均随施肥量的增加而显著增加。当施氮量超过180kg/hm2时,产量显著降低。ZDD早、晚稻最高产量分别比YDD、XDD高12.5%、9.3%和6.4%、12.5%。不同复种方式干物质积累量均随氮肥用量的增加而增加。早、晚稻干物质积累量平均值呈ZDD>YDD、XDD,冬种紫云英和油菜有利于水稻干物质积累。随着氮肥用量的增加,不同复种方式早、晚稻生产100kg籽粒所需要的氮量也逐渐增加。氮素干物质生产效率、氮素稻谷生产效率平均值ZDD<YDD<XDD;氮素农学利用率、氮素偏生产力平均值ZDD>YDD、XDD;氮素吸收利用率平均值ZDD为46.34%,YDD为42.73%,XDD为41.91%。与XDD相比,紫云英与化肥配合施用促进氮素吸收利用效率的提高。5.不同复种方式下氮肥运筹对水稻生长发育的影响在施氮量为180kg/hm2时,ZDD处理早稻取得最高产量时的穗肥施用比例较YDD和XDD处理高10%。基蘖肥与穗肥比例相同时,水稻产量呈ZDD>YDD、XDD,冬种紫云英有利于产量提高。不同复种方式早、晚稻干物质积累量均随穗肥比例下降而下降。紫云英替代部分化肥有利于水稻干物质积累,早、晚稻干物质积累量平均值ZDD明显高于YDD与XDD。相关分析表明,穗肥施氮比例与于物质产量呈显著正相关。在不同复种方式下,降低穗肥比例均不利于水稻对土壤氮和肥料氮的吸收利用。ZDD氮肥吸收利用效率最高时的基蘖肥与穗肥施氮比例早、晚稻均为7:3,YDD和XDD早稻均为8:2,晚稻均为7:3。

【Abstract】 Field experiments and laboratory analysis were conducted in order to investigate the laws governing the changes in soil characteristics, in rice growth and development and in nitrogen uptake and utilization under the following three different multiple cropping patterns:milk vetch+double season rice (ZDD), rape+double season rice (YDD), winter-leisure+double season rice (XDD). A systematic study had been carried out from2009to2011to observe the changes of physicochemical and biological properties of soil, rice growth and development, rice nutrition properties and the influences of nitrogen fertilization on rice growth and development. The main results were as follows:1. Different influences on the properties of the tile soil under different multiple cropping patterns.Planting milk vetch and rape in winter improves soil properties, reduces the volume-weight, and increases the density of the total pore space, and the capillary and the hold-water capacity. A combination of increased gap of the pore space, reduced the sand quantity, added silt and cosmid, and planted milk vetch contributes greatly to retaining and even enhancing soil fertility. Compared with the pattern of winter-leisure, this practice has the function of increasing soil temperature before and after growing rice.Planting milk vetch and rape in winter is helpful for improving the nutrition of the soil; Planting rape in winter activates the phosphorus dramatically while planting milk vetch in winter leads to the increase of the reproducing substances, and the declines of PH and Eh value. The total amount of the microbe planting milk vetch in winter>Planting rape in winter> winter-leisure, and the differences are extremely distinctive. The amount of soil organics, the total nitrogen and the unease in the soil, the unease hydrogen peroxide activity has a positive or even extremely positive correlation. So does the relationship between the soil organics, and the total nitrogen and the ability of transforming unease activity, but the differences are not so obvious.2. Different influences on rice growth and development under different multiple cropping patterns.With the same amount of the fertilization, milk vetch can increase the output of the rice for it could replace fertilizers. The range, compared with rape and winter-leisure, is3.38%,3.81%. The output increases mainly because the number of effective spike and the grain number of the every spike have been increased. Planting milk vetch and rape in winter benefits the accumulation of the dry substances. The output rate and the turnover rate of the dry substance assumes ZDD>YDD>XDD, and the differences becomes obvious or extremely obvious during the process.The incremental ratio of the spike-let failure amount and the source library quantity assumes ZDD> YDD>XDD in and after the period of sprouting, positively correlating with the output. The average grout-in rate assumes ZDD>YDD>XDD, and the group ratio has a dramatically positive correlation with the average grout-in ratio.The leaf area index number ZDD>YDD>XDD, the ratio of group canopy sympathetic potential, of the total amount of the storage capacity and the group of potential grain assumes ZDD>YDD>XDD, which negativity correlates with the output.3. Study of the rice nutrition properties under different multiple cropping patterns.Planting Milk vetch and rape in winter helps rice absorb the nutrition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, planting rape in winter is dramatically beneficial for the phosphorus absorption. As for the amount of N, P2O5, KO2to produce100g rice grains, ZDD needs the most while XDD needs the least. P2O5assumes YDD>ZDD>XDD. As for Nitrogen dry substance productivity, the rice grain productivity, ZDD is lower than YDD and XDD, while the uptake and utilization efficiency is higher than that of YDD and XDD. During the two years, the total amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium taken up by the early and late rice has a dramatically positive correlation4. The influences of nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and the development of the rice under different multiple cropping patterns.In the amount of0-180kg nitrogen, different multiple cropping patterns have different results with the increase of the nitrogen, and the differences are distinctive or dramatically distinctive. When the amount exceeds180kg, the output declines dramatically. With the same level of the nitrogen, the match of the Milk vetch and chemical fertilizer increases the output, and both early race and late rice output assumes ZDD>YDD and XDD. The output and the amount of the nitrogen have a quadratic correlation.The amount of the dry substance grows with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer. In the same level of the nitrogen fertilizer, planting Milk vetch and rape in winter contributes to the accumulation of it, and the amount assumes ZDD>YDD>XDD. The nitrogen fertilizer positively correlates with the output of dry substance.As the amount of nitrogen fertilizer increases, it takes more nitrogen for the late and early rice to produce100g rice grain. The average value of nitrogen reproducing dry substance productivity and nitrogen rice grain productivity assumes ZDD>YDD>XDD; the average value of agriculture utilization of nitrogen in ZDD is46.73%, and XDD is41.91%. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer and nitrogen needed to produce100g rice grain positively correlates dramatically.5. Effects of nitrogen management on the rice growth and development under different multiple cropping patterns.When the nitrogen application in180/hm2, as for ZDD early rice, if the ratio between the tallow nitrogen fertilizer and the spike fertilizer is N (7:3), the output reaches the maximum, and the lowest is N (10:0). As for YDD and XDD the highest is N (8:2) while the lowest N (10:0). The same law applies to the late rice. The highest is N (7:3), and the lowest N (8:2). Under ZDD, the application ratio of the spike fertilizer is10percent higher than that of YDD and XDD. When the ratio is the same, planting Milk vetch in winter increases the output. During the four seasons in the2years, the average output value assumes ZDD>YDD and XDD. The correlation between the different tallow and the spike fertilizer and the output of the early and late rice is parabolic.The matter amount of the early rice and the late rice decreases as the spike fertilizer amount decreases in different multiple cropping patterns. Milk vetch replaces some chemical fertilizer, which contributes to the dry matter accumulation; the average value of ZDD is higher than YDD and XDD distinctively. The related analysis presents that the spike fertilizer ratio positively correlates with the output of the dry matter.Decreasing the spike fertilizer ratio does not help the uptake and utilization of the soil nitrogen and nutrition nitrogen. For both early and late rice in ZDD, as nitrogen fertilizer uptake and utilization rate reaches the top, the ratio of the tallow fertilizer and the spike fertilizer is7:3while early rice in YDD and XDD is8:2, late rice7:3.
