

Symphony-on Original Thoughts of China "Yuan" Science Pioneer’s Language&Image Works

【作者】 周鼎

【导师】 王胜利;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 中国原学(或鼋学),实即“中国本原文化与本原哲学(体系)”的一种提炼。这种本原思想体系,以裂前之道即庄子“道术将为天下裂”之前的思想为研究对象,以地下考古同地上文献、传说及民艺民俗等相互印证为研究方法,着力探讨文明前这种原学思想的生成、分布、流变规律以及对文明时代诸子思想的影响及对当代文化生成的意义。20世纪80年末,中央美院教授、本原文化研究学者靳之林基于数十年的中外文化考察提出了本原文化概念并进行了开创性梳理,成果引起海外关注并被译成多国文字,无疑成为一代原学宗师和本原思想体系奠基人,而其言象作品本原思想也无疑成为原学研究的起点。然而饶有意味的是时人对其的评介即便不尽归诸误读也多囿于民艺研究或诸如始终如一地追求现实主义精神等习惯性释读上,而对其作品本原思想则鲜有关注。靳之林作品本原思想是一种由其著作和创作即言、象互为里表所构成的阴阳生生文化意识,这种意识在靳之林的研究和实践中分别形成了构成其本原思想体系的逻辑语言和视觉语言两大系统。宗师言象作品本原思想的生成有其家学、师友和民艺等方面的影响和长年艺术实践及学术探索等方面的渊源。靳之林《抓髻娃娃》中的保护繁衍意识、《生命之树》中的通天永生观和《绵绵瓜瓞》中的浑沌同体生生绵延意识以及《民间美术》中流变的阴阳生生观等书言作品思想有机地构成了宗师作品本原思想的逻辑语言系统。靳之林的艺术作品在创作上所沉潜的由初期、早期、中期、晚期至今的“技进于道”意识,题材上所突出的由肖像向人物、由风景向山水花鸟发展的物我为一思想,以及画面中所蕴含的阴阳生生思想及其表现等则生成了宗师象语作品思想的视觉语言系统。靳之林书言作品之“言”以立象尽意方式对抓髻娃娃、生命之树、绵绵瓜瓞等史前造物中的阴阳生生思想进行着“象”化;而其象语作品之“象”则以属文载道方式对油画人物、山水和花鸟的物我思想进行着“言”化。宗师作品的这种言与象就在由彼此互化的独舞走向言象共舞中实现对生命的载道与尽意。靳之林书言作品本原思想之“思”以逻辑叙事语言的民间化、本原文化基因符码的视觉化,诗歌创作中本原思想的直陈化以及艺术实践中本原思想的通俗化等方式对阴阳生生观进行着相合化生的“诗”化;而其象语作品之“诗”则以象语作品视觉言语的混沌化、民族文化基因的符码化和观物取象的身体化等方式对技道、物我与生生不息等观念进行着“思”化。宗师言象作品的思与诗就在由彼此互化的独奏走向思诗合奏中实现对生命的道说即缘构生成。靳之林言象作品本原思想就在这种言象共舞和思诗合奏中最终实现了其本原思想的天地“交响”。民国至今的百余年来,民族化成为徐悲鸿、刘海粟、林风眠等之后几代艺术家的梦想,然而这种民族化探索几度潮涨潮落和化否相争;并先后涌现出中西折中、互化、调和及合璧等传统民族化范式;当前随着对艺术救国、建国和兴国等社会责任的疏离,传统民化范式转入市场后呈现某种繁荣面貌却掩盖不了其日趋孱弱的精神危机,为此靳之林以本原文化基因内化于身又藉情感激发再观物取象外化的民族化范式的悄然形成,为中国当代油画民族化之舟走出“山穷水复”之境提供了新的探索和成长空间。

【Abstract】 Chinese “Yuan” science (or names “turtle” science) is actually an abbreviation orrefining to “Chinese Original Philosophy System&Original Culture of China”, and thisoriginal thoughts system mainly exert itself to research the original thoughts’s generation,distribution, rheological law, influence to thoughts of Confucian and other Ancient ChineseClassics and meaning to modern art’s creation,through the research approach that makingunderground archaeology mutually corroborates ground document、legend、folk art&folkcustom on the basic of making the Dao not being divided before as object of study.In the late1980s, Jin Zhi-lin who is a professor of China Central Academy of Fine Artsand a scholor of original culture have advanced the concept of original philosophy&originalculture and first have hackled it on the basic of decades Chinese and foreign culturalinvestigation, his achievement of cultural research have caused attention overseas,and havebeen intranslated into many different foreign luangues, actually becomes a generation’s masterof “Yuan” science,and a founder of Chinese original thoughts system. However ironically,people of the age reviewing Jin Zhi-lin’s works still more stop at folk art research orhabitually decipher it as consistent pursuiting a realism sprit like the reviewing even if notattributing it misreading,and few people notice his language&image works.The original thoughts of Jin Zhi-lin’s works is actually a kind of“Yin-Yang”&“Sheng-sheng” cultural consciousness which consists of writings and creationthat is language&image being outside and inside each other. And Jin Zhi-lin’sconsciousness come to form his both of the branch system of logic language and branchsystem of visual language that compose together the complete system of original thoughtsduring Jin Zhi-lin’s studying and creating. Jin Zhi-lin’s original thoughts has been come intobeing in the good luck of many aspects like family, teachers, friends, folk arts and folk customs, at the same time it also come from years of art artistic practices and academicexploration. And the life consciousness with the protesting and multiplying in his work named“Baby Bandaging hair”, the perpetual life consciousness with going to heaven and contactingwith God in his work named “the Tree of Life”, the lasting life consciousness with springingall life of the world in his work named “Melon lasting for ever” etc has become organicallythe logic language system of original thoughts of his.And in Jin Zhi-lin’s art creation fromfirst to today hiding the idea of “Technology coming into the ‘Dao’”, in subjects showing theidea of “Thing and I being one”, in the picture containing“Yin-Yang”&“Sheng-sheng”thoughts has formed the visual language system of originalthoughts of his.Jin Zhi-lin’s writings language try to make the Yin-Yang&Sheng-sheng thoughts inprehistoric artifact of the Baby Bandaging hair、the Tree of Life and the Melon lasting for everturn into“image”through a way of setting up “image”to show fully the meanings;and JinZhi-lin’s image language try to make the “Thing and I being one” thoughts in the landscape,bird&flower and occasional figure of oil painting turn into writings through a way of writinga “language”to embody DAO.And the language&image works of the “Yuan” science masterhave realized the embodying DAO and showing fully the meanings in the course of frommutual interacting and interfusing solo dance to danceing with each other. Jin Zhi-lin’swritings “thought”make the the Yin-Yang&Sheng-sheng thoughts turn into a “poem”ofintercourse and creation through the ways of making logic language’s to be folk, makinggenetic to be code visualization, making in his poem to be direct speech,and making hisartistic practices to popularize; and Jin Zhi-lin’s image “poem”make the ideas of theTechnology&Dao, Thing&I and Life’s endlessness turn into thought through the ways ofmaking the visiual language to be chaos,making the cultural gene to be code,and makingwatching for images tending to body. The “thought” and “poem” of Jin Zhi-lin’s language&image works have realized the DAO’s speech that is ereignis generation in the course offrom mutual solo to thought&poem’s ensemble each other. The original thoughts of JinZhi-lin’s language&image works actually realized a kind of symphony coming from heavenand earth in the course of language&image’s danceing with each other and thought&poem’s ensemble.In about more than100years from the Republic of China to today, oil paintingnationalization have become several generations dream after Xu Bei-hong,Liu hai-su and LinFeng-mian,However this nationalization explore have experienced several times of the ebband flow, arguments of support and opposition;and successively emerge traditional nationalization paradigm such as compromising,mutually changing,reconciling andcombination,etc;at present with alienating the social responsibility of saving thenation,constructing nation,and revitalizing country, traditional nationalization paradigmappears a some prosperity after entering market,but it has not covered the spiritual crisisdeclining litle by litle. For this, Jin Zhi-lin’s nationalization paradigm that makes the originalcultural gene into the body and by stimulating emotion to watch for images and takes theimage of to create quietly comes into being, have provided a new exploration anddevelopment of space for the boat of China morden oil painting nationalization to walk out ofthe “poor water complex”’s environment.
