

Research on Drawing up Methodology of Cooperative Train Working Diagram and Route Allocation Plan for High Speed Railway

【作者】 周妍

【导师】 周磊山;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 与既有铁路相比,高速铁路具有高速度、高密度的运营特征,因此需要更加精确、合理的列车运行图用以指导铁路行车组织工作。由于车站径路计划是列车运行图的重要延伸部分,两者之间有着密切的相互作用关系,所以通过对两者进行协同编制方法的统筹研究,更有利于改善列车运行图的编制质量,以实现高速铁路运营良好的社会效益和经济效益。因此,本文研究列车运行图与车站径路计划协同优化编制方法具有一定的现实意义。本文在阅读大量相关文献的基础上,对列车运行图和车站径路计划的协同编制方法进行了深入的研究。首先分析了列车运行图和车站径路计划的关联关系,研究了两者协同编制的理论基础。引入协同学理论,分析高速铁路行车组织系统的系统特征,给出了基于协同学的列车运行图和车站径路计划优化编制方法的优化策略。依据该策略,提出了列车运行图和车站径路计划协同编制模型和算法。通过对实例的求解,验证了该理论方法的有效性。本文的主要研究工作总结如下:1.阐述高速铁路列车运行图和车站径路计划问题的内涵和特点,并从两个问题的建立基础、动车组因素影响、解的空间结构和问题相互间作用机理的四个方面分析了列车运行图和车站径路计划问题的关联关系,总结得到列车运行图和车站径路计划问题具有协同编制研究的理论可行性结论。2.分析了高速铁路行车组织系统的系统特性,利用协同学理论,将系统内列车流所体现出的状态分为有序状态与无序状态,把列车运行图和车站径路计划对铁路行车系统内资源的控制行为定义为对列车流的役使作用,其计划内的指令定义为系统的序参量,并建立序参量方程。通过对方程的分析,总结得到列车运行图和车站径路计划协同优化编制方法策略,形成了基于协同学的高速铁路行车系统计划层面的协同优化思想。3.研究了列车流的基本属性、列车流的区间属性、列车流区段属性、列车流车站属性以及列车流列车属性的属性特征,分析了以上特征对列车流有序性的影响。提出了列车流有序性的计算方法,并将列车流有序性的计算结果作为列车运行图和车站径路计划协同优化的决策依据。4.基于高速铁路列车流的特征分析,根据分层优化的求解思路对列车运行图和车站径路计划进行协同优化建模,首先从最大化能力利用的角度出发,编制“满表”运行图;并在此基础上,应用基于状态转移的全局调整算法求解局部优化问题,以一种动态协同的方式寻求模型的最优解。

【Abstract】 High speed railway, comparing to conventional railway, has the operating characteristics of high speed and high density, aiming at providing passengers with high quality service. Therefore, a more accurate and reliable train diagram is needed to conduct train operation. Train route allocation plan at stations is an important extension of train diagram, and has an intimate interaction relationship with train diagram. Study on integrated scheduling theory and method of the two problems will improve the quality of train diagram and helps to serve passengers better. For this reason, the research has a certain practical significance.This study carries on research on integrated scheduling of train diagram and train route allocation plan on the basis of a large number of relevant literatures. It analyses the interaction relationship of train diagram and train route allocation plan, which provides the theoretical basis of collaborative programming of the two. Using synergetics theory, this study analyses the systematic characteristics of high-speed railway operation system, and gets a strategy of optimization method of train scheduling and train route allocation. Appling on the optimizing strategy, the research develops the formulation and arithmetic of train diagram and train scheduling on stations. By solving the real-world problem, the research gets the result of train diagram programming and train scheduling on stations considering relative optimizing factors of train operation in sections and on stations. The main work is presented as follows:1. This paper expounds the connotation and characteristic of high-speed railway train diagram and train route allocation plan. It analyses the interaction relationship between the two problems from the aspects of fundamentals, influential factor of motor train unit, spatial organization of solution and reactive mechanism of action. The theoretical feasibility of integrated programming train diagram and train route allocation plan synergistically is proved.2. This paper analyses system characteristics of high-speed railway operation system, showing that the system runs in the shape of train flow. Train flow of high-speed railway system is classified as ordered state and disordered state under synergetics. It defines the controlling on resources in train operation system of train diagram and train scheduling on stations as the slaving affects, instructs of system as order parameters, and creates order parameter equation. It summarizes the optimization strategy of integrated scheduling of train diagram and train route allocation plan, idealizes the method of optimizing the scheduling of high-speed train operation synergistically on basis of synergetics.3. This paper puts forward the attributive characters of grain flow, including essential attributes of train flow, interval attributes of train flow, station properties of train flow, train properties of train flow and corresponding impact on position order of train flow. It proposes an algorithm of train flow order, and takes the result as the decision basis of optimizing synergism of train diagram and train route allocation plan.4. This paper builds the "full timetable" in the context of programming statement, known as model of train diagram which maximizes the number of trains. Meanwhile, a heuristic algorithm of train diagram and train route allocation plan is designed on basis of state transition. Take the result of best utilizing train diagram on this level as the basic result of optimizing collaborative problem. Create optimizing collaborative model route allocation plan, and seek the best solution of train diagram and train route allocation plan on basis of basic result using general state transition adjustment algorithm.
