

Research on Fabrication and Property of High Temperature Regenerated Grating

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 何大伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 光学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 光纤布拉格光栅(Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG)是沿光纤轴向在纤芯内形成周期性折射率调制分布的光纤无源器件,具有抗电磁干扰、插入损耗低、质量轻、体积小、易于组成阵列、波长编码和灵敏度高等诸多优点,因此作为重要的元器件广泛应用于光纤通信和光纤传感领域。但普通FBG耐高温性能差,长时间工作在高温环境下会逐渐衰退直至被完全擦除,这极大地限制了FBG在航空、冶金和石化等高温环境中的应用,亟需研制出性能稳定的耐高温光纤光栅。通过高温退火形成的再生光纤光栅能够工作在大于1100℃的高温中且性质稳定,很适合应用于高温环境。本文针对高温再生光纤光栅进行了深入的理论和实验研究,论文的主要工作归纳如下:使用四种不同型号的光纤制作出再生光纤光栅并加以比较,使用不同的高温退火方案制作再生光栅并比较,研究影响光栅再生的各种因素。通过批量制作光纤光栅进行分组实验研究了光栅再生的可控性和可重复性,分析并通过实验证实了影响光栅再生重复性的因素,为该技术的批量生产提供依据。测量并对比了普通光栅、再生光栅和后退火处理过的再生光栅的性质,包括耐高温性能、温度特性、应变特性和应变断裂点。讨论了再生光栅在其他传感领域的应用可能。研究了施加应力情况下的光栅再生,通过使用两种不同的光纤、改变应力大小和后退火温度进行多组对比实验,研究了施加应力对光栅再生的影响。首次发现了在后退火过程中的波长漂移现象,通过理论分析和实验验证确定该现象的产生原因。

【Abstract】 Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is one kind of optical fiber passive device in which there is a refractive periodic distribution in formed along the core. FBG have lots of advantages such as Electromagnetic immunity, low insertion loss, light weight, small dimension, wavelength encoding and high sensitivity, making it an important element in the field of Optical fiber communication and optical fiber sensing. But the performance of normal FBG in high temperature is poor, because the grating structure would be erased when working a long time in high temperature, which limit the application of FBG in the field of high temperature environment such as aerospace, metallurgy, and petrochemical industry. So it is urgently to develop a high temperature resistant grating. The performance of regenerated grating formed by high temperature annealing is stable in the environment of over1100℃, making it ideal choice for high temperature sensing.In this thesis, grating regeneration was studied both theoretically and experimentally. The main work is as followed:Four different types of fiber were used to fabricate the regenerated grating and compared. Regenerated grating formed with different annealing recipe were compared to find the various factors in grating regeneration.By mass fabrication, Grouping experiment was conducted to research the controllability and repeatability in grating regeneration. We analyzed and verified the factors of grating repeatability to provide a basis for the technology of mass production.The properties of seed grating, regenerated grating and regenerated grating with post-annealing were measured and compared, including temperature resistance, temperature characteristic, strain characteristics and breaking point.Grating regeneration under strain was studied. Opposite experiments with gratings based on two types of fiber has been done to find the influence of strain and post-annealing temperature in grating regeneration. The wavelength shift in post-annealing was firstly observed and explained with theoretical analysis and experimental verification.
