

Research on Earthquake Simulation Experiment and Uplift Response of Cylindrical Unanchored Liquid Storage Tanks

【作者】 方舟

【导师】 陈志平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大型立式非锚固圆柱形储液罐凭借其投资少、占地面积小、呼吸损耗小、能耗低和便于操作管理等优点,在石油储备基地中被各国广泛采用。其在使用中的安全可靠性极为重要,地震中储液罐一旦遭到破坏,将带来重大的经济损失和环境污染,甚至危及生命安全。本文在国家“863”高技术研究发展计划重点项目(项目编号:2009AA044803)、国家科技支撑计划项目(项目编号:2011BAK06B02)的资助和支持下,基于非锚固钢制圆柱形储液罐模型进行地震模拟实验,综合考虑了多种因素的影响,系统地研究了地震动作用下模型罐系统的提离响应,开展的主要工作如下:(1)完成了圆柱形钢制非锚固储液罐模型的大型地震模拟实验。详细介绍了实验过程和数据处理方法。系统地阐述了实验中所选用的实验设备、实验方法、模型罐设计和制作、传感器、数据采集系统、测点布置方法、实验用地震激励及其输入方法等实验基本情况。实验模型系统包括空罐模型、半罐模型、满罐模型和浮顶罐模型。地震激励种类包括实测天然波、人工拟合波、白噪声波和简谐波。(2)测试分析了模型罐的加速度动态响应情况;阐述了加速度时程实验数据的分析方法;解决了多台采样设备的不同步及测量结果存在差异这一实验研究中普遍存在的问题;以加速度实验结果为基础研究了各模型罐频谱特性,详细阐述各模型罐频谱分析的方法和实验结果;应用ANSYS有限元软件进行数值模拟,得到了各模型罐系统的低阶频率和基本频率;参照国家标准设计规范中的方法计算得到半罐和满灌模型的基本频率;将实验、数值模拟和设计规范计算结果进行比较研究,并分析了三者存在一致性和差异的原因。(3)研究了地震动的多维性对模型罐竖向绝对位移和提离响应的影响。提出应同时关注罐体竖向绝对位移和罐体提离情况;比较一维不同方向激励对模型罐响应的影响,提出开展多维地震激励下模型罐动态响应研究必要性;比较一维激励和多维组合激励对模型罐响应的影响,研究表明多维组合激励下模型罐提离值甚至高于不同方向的一维激励作用下提离值之和;并进一步研究了多维组合激励中Z向分量的变化对模型罐动态响应规律的影响,提出Z分量的变化对提离响应的影响明显。(4)研究了多种因素对模型罐动态响应规律的影响。将储液高度、有无浮顶情况、地震波加速度幅值、地震波频率、场地类别等因素作为可变参数,实验得到各因素以及它们联合作用下的位移和提离响应行为规律和数学表达式。(5)实验得到不同工况下的动液压力时程数据,提出在地震动作用下,应用雨流计数法,同时以实验测得的压力均值、压力幅值和有效幅值的累计循环次数共同描述动液压力的强度,研究其与储液罐提离响应的关系。

【Abstract】 Large vertical cylindrical unanchored tanks are widely used in oil reserve bases for the advantages of less investment, smaller footprint, smaller respiratory loss, lower energy consumption and easer operation and management. The security and reliability of the liquid storage tanks in using has become extremely important. Once the liquid storage tanks are destructed under a seismic disaster, significant economic losses and environmental pollution would be brought out, even more, the human life safety may be threated.An earthquake simulation experimental research of the cylindrical unanchored liquid storage steel model tanks has been taken on a seismic test table. The effects of a variety of factors were considered. Uplift responses of the model tanks under earthquake have been systematically studied. The main tasks of this work are listed as follows:(1) A large-scale earthquake simulation experiment about the cylindrical steel liquid storage model tanks has been completed. Experimental procedures and data processing methods were introduced in detail. The selection of test equipment, the experimental methods, the design and production of the model tank, the sensors, the data acquisition systems, the test point arrangement method, the experimental seismic excitation and its input methods were described systematically. The experimental model systems included a tank without water, a tank with half water, a tank with full water and a tank with floating roof. The seismic excitation included the measured natural waves, artificial waves, white noise waves and harmonic waves.(2) Acceleration dynamic response of the model tanks were tested and analyzed. The analysis method of the acceleration time history experimental data were described. A common problem in the experimental studies that the multiple sampling devices are not synchronized and measurement results were different is solved. The spectrum characteristics of the model tanks were studied basing on the results of acceleration experiment results, the analysis methods and experimental results of the model tanks were introduced. ANSYS finite element software was used to simulate the low order natural frequency and fundamental frequency of the model tank systems, which were also calculated according to the national design standard. The reasons for the existence of consistency and differences between the results obtained from experiments, numerical simulation and national design standard were discussed.(3) The impact of earthquake multidimensional characteristics to the vertical absolute displacements and uplift response were studied. A point was proposed that the vertical absolute displacement and uplift response should be concerned simultaneously. The effects of different excitation’s direction were compared, which verified the necessity to carry out an analysis on dynamic response of tanks under multidimensional earthquake. Model tank responses under one-dimensional and multidimensional seismic excitation were compared; it showed that the uplift values under the latter were much higher than that under the former. And a further study were carried out about the effect of the changes of Z component in earthquake excitations, experiment results showed that the effect was significant to the uplift response.(4) Varieties of important factors were studied to investigate the impact of the dynamic laws of the model tank. The height of liquid in the tanks, with or without a floating roof, seismic wave acceleration amplitude, seismic wave frequency, site classification, etc. factors were considered as parameters. Under above factors and combined effects, laws and mathematical expressions of displacement and up lift response behaviors were got under experimental ways.(5) Dynamic fluid pressure was got by the tests, and rain flow counting method was used under seismic loading in this study. The mean pressure throughout the vibration process, the pressure amplitude and the effective amplitude of the cumulative number of cycles factors were considered to describe the strength of the dynamic fluid pressure, and the tank uplift responses to above factors were discussed.We would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Key Projects of "863" High-tech Research Development Plan (Project No.2009AA044803), National Key Technology R&D Program (Project No.2011BAK06B02).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期