

【作者】 白福宝

【导师】 杨莉萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会公正问题已经成为我国现阶段比较突出的发展问题,并影响到公平公正的和谐社会的构建,公正感的研究因而具有重要的现实意义。本研究在系统梳理有关公正感的理论与实证研究的基础上,提出“公正感”概念有两种用法,即特质公正感和状态公正感;并通过理论分析,指出特质公正感是个体基于特定的公正观念所表现出来的稳定的心理倾向和行为特征,侧重于指对不公正做出反应的行为倾向。本研究还进一步分析了特质公正感的结构,包括公正感受性与公正敏感性两个成分,并从角色卷入的视角把特质公正感分成三种类型:受害者公正感、旁观者公正感和加害者公正感。围绕公正感概念的两种用法及特质公正感的内涵、结构和类型,论文展开了三个部分的实证研究。第一部分的实证研究以大学生为样本,编制了特质公正感问卷。本研究在对大量相关文献进行搜集、梳理与分析的基础上,进行了开放式调查、预测和正式施测,结果发现,特质公正感是由加害者公正意识、对不公正的行为反应、受害者公正意识、对不公正的情感态度、旁观者公正意识和做公正之事的倾向等六个因子组成的多维度结构;据此所编制的问卷具有良好的信效度,符合心理测量学规范,可用于测量个体的特质公正感水平。第二部分的实证研究考察了不公正感体验与公正感特质对风险水平的影响。研究结果表明,在风险概率不确定或确定两种条件下,不公正感体验均导致风险水平显著上升,受害者公正感特质对个体在不公正感体验下的风险水平有显著影响。第三部分的实证研究考察了愤怒状态下公正感特质对风险水平的影响。结果发现,在风险概率不确定或确定两种条件下,愤怒状态均导致个体的风险水平显著上升,沉重状态均导致个体的风险水平显著下降,而公正感特质对个体在愤怒状态下的风险水平无显著影响。本研究的结论是,不公正感体验和受害者公正感特质对风险水平均有显著影响,而这很可能是通过愤怒情绪达成的。因此,对特质公正感过高或高低的个体进行心理辅导十分必要。本研究在论文的第六部分探讨了调节个体特质公正感的辅导策略和技巧。

【Abstract】 Social justice has become a very prominent development issue in China at present, and it affects the construction of harmonious and just society. So it has very important practical significance to study justice. Based on the systematic account of the relevant theoretical and empirical research of justice, the paper pointed out that there were two uses of the concept of justice, namely state justice and trait justice. Through the theory analysis, this paper came to a conclusion that trait justice refers to individual’s stable psychological tendencies and behavioral characteristics which are on the strength of the concept of justice, and it lays particular emphasis on the tendencies of individual’s behavior when in response to injustice. This study further analyzed the structure of trait justice which including justice sensibility and justice sensitivity. According to role-involving, trait justice was classified into three types: victim sense of justice, observer sense of justice and perpetrator sense of justice. In terms of the two uses of the concept of justice and the meaning, structure and types of trait justice, this paper carried out three sections of empirical studies.The first part of empirical research concentrated on drawing up Trait Justice Questionnaire (TJQ) in a sample of Chinese college students. Based on collection and analysis of the relative literature, the researcher implemented an open-ended question, pre-test and formal test. The results showed that trait justice is a multi-dimensional trait, consisting of perpetrator just consciousness, victim just consciousness, observer just consciousness, behavior responses toward injustice, emotional attitude toward injustice and tendency to perform the just conduction. According to the structure model, we drew up a high reliability and validity scale of trait justice which fits for psychometric rules and can be used to measure individual’s trait justice.The second part of empirical research focused on the effect of experience of injustice and trait justice on risk level. The results showed that experience of injustice gives rise to risk level increasing significantly under the condition of probability of risk is certain or uncertain. The victim sense of justice has a significant effect on risk level under the condition of the experience of injustice.The target of the third part of empirical research was to investigate the effect of state anger and trait justice on risk level when the individual is in the state of anger. The results showed that anger gives rise to risk level increasing significantly and heavy heart gives rise to risk level decreasing significantly under the condition of probability of risk is certain or uncertain. Trait justice has no significant effect on risk level when the individual is in the state of anger.The conclusion of this study was that both experience of injustice and trait justice have significant effect on risk level. Therefore, it’s very necessary for individual whose trait justice is very high or very low to consult. The sixth part of this study discussed the counseling strategies and skills to regulate individual’s trait justice.
