

【作者】 许倩倩

【导师】 刘晶波;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国幼儿教育的快速发展,幼儿教师队伍日益壮大,幼儿教师研究成为学前教育研究领域的重要课题。幼儿教师情绪作为影响幼儿及教师自我成长的重要力量,是考察教师专业实践的重要视角。近年来,学者们着重从个体角度对幼儿教师的情绪健康、情绪调节以及情绪智力等问题展开了广泛研究。然而,情绪作为个体与外部环境相互作用的产物之一,从根本上说是关系性的存在。将教师情绪置于师幼互动的背景中进行考察,对于了解自然情境下教师情绪的实际表现,整体把握教师情绪在幼儿教育中的作用具有重要意义。本研究立足人际互动视角,以情绪的外显表现为切入点,着力对教师情绪的类型、表现、产生与发展过程及作用进行探讨,在此基础上探寻维护教师情绪健康和改善教师情绪表现的策略。本研究采用质性研究设计,于2012年9-12月深入南京市某幼儿园三个班级的教育教学活动现场,对6位教师在师幼互动中的情绪表现进行了观察,并对部分教师进行了访谈。通过对获取的236个教师具有明显情绪表现的师幼互动案例及访谈资料的整理、编码与分析,形成了论文的基本框架。研究发现,教师在师幼互动中表达出大量的正向与负向情绪,其中负向情绪数量更多。教师负向情绪的表达从小班到大班呈递增趋势。教师负向情绪在教学活动和过渡活动中出现频率最高,正向情绪在教学活动中出现频率最高。师幼互动中的教师情绪多由幼儿行为诱发,教师正向情绪主要由“幼儿符合教师期待的行为”诱发,负向情绪主要由“幼儿影响班级秩序的行为”诱发。教师不同类型情绪产生的原因涉及诸多因素,正向情绪产生的原因主要是教师目标的实现或趋于实现、教师需要的满足以及互动进程的顺利与流畅。负向情绪产生的原因包括教师对幼儿不恰当的期待、教师人格特质的影响、教师指导经验和技能的缺乏、教师对幼儿行为原因的误解以及教师彰显自身权力的需要。教师情绪在互动过程中呈现出“转化-调节”、“终止-回避”、“升级-冲突”和“持续-扩散”四种变化类型,其中“转化-调节”是教师情绪变化的主要类‘型。从拟剧理论的视角看,情绪是教师角色“个人前台”的重要组成部分,是教师角色建构与调整的重要策略,是影响幼儿情境定义的重要方式,在幼儿园教育教学活动中具有多样化的功能。教师情绪的正向功能包括促进幼儿的情绪社会化、提高教育教学活动的效率、维持安全有序的班级生活以及维护和巩固师幼关系;负向功能既包括对幼儿的自主性、社会行为能力以及整个身心健康的不利影响,也包括对教师自身身心健康的损害。研究认为,维护幼儿教师情绪健康和改善教师在师幼互动中的情绪表现需要多方面的共同努力。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of early childhood education and expanding of its teacher staff, research in childhood education teachers becomes an important subject in pre-primary education research areas. Teacher emotions, as an important power in the growth of children and teachers, provide a significant perspective to examine teachers’ professional practice. Recently years, scholars did many researches about teacher’s emotional health, emotional regulation and emotional intelligence from the individual perspective. However, emotion as one of the products of the interaction of individual and external environment is fundamentally relational existence. Investigating teacher emotion from the view of teacher-child interaction can help us describe the actual performance of teacher emotion in natural contexts and understand the functions of teacher emotion in early childhood education. Based on the social interaction perspective, this study focuses on the performance of teacher’s emotion expression and gives focal analysis to the types, performances, processes and functions of teacher emotion, and then explores the strategies of improving teacher mental health and emotional performance.This study adopted qualitative research design. The researcher selected three classes of a kindergarten in Nanjing, observed the emotional performance of the six teachers from September to December, and conducted interviews with some of these teachers. Based on the sorting, coding and analysis of236teacher-child interaction cases with obvious emotional characteristics of the teacher and interview materials, the researcher developed the basic framework of the paper.The results show that early childhood teachers express various positive and negative emotions, with negative emotions prevailing. The average frequency of teacher’s negative emotions increased from junior class to senior class. The frequency of teacher’s negative emotions is highest in teaching activities and transitional activities, while positive emotions frequency is highest in teaching activities. Teacher emotions mainly results from the children behaviors in teacher-child interaction, while the positive emotions derive from "children behaviors that meet teacher’s expectation" and negative emotions come from "children behaviors that affect class order". The appearance of different kinds of teacher emotions involves many factors. The positive emotions derive from the realization or close to realization of teachers’ goals, satisfaction of teachers’ need and the fluency interaction process. The reasons of negative emotions includes high expectance of teachers towards children, the influence of teachers’ personality trait, the lack of teachers’ conducting experience and skills, teachers’ misunderstanding of the reason for children behavior and teachers’ need to show their own authority. Teacher emotions presents4types of "transform and adjust","terminate and avoid","upgrade and conflict" and "continue and spread", among which "transform and adjust" is the main type. From the perspective of "Social Dramatic Theory", teacher emotion plays an important part in teachers’"personal front desk", besides, it is prominent strategy for teacher construction and adjustment and is an important way that influences children’s definition of the situation, and has various affects in kindergarten’s educating and teaching activities. The positive functions of teachers’ emotions involved with promoting children’s emotional socialization, improving educating and teaching efficiency, maintaining the safety and order of class and consolidating the teacher-child relationship. And the negative functions of teachers’emotions not only includes the negative influence over children’s self-determination, social behavior ability and the whole physical and mental health, but also the harm to teachers’ physical and mental health. The research suggests that the joint effort of all parties of the society is needed to maintain the pre-school teachers’ emotional health and better teachers’ performance in teacher-child interaction.
