

The Study of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Media Era

【作者】 季海菊

【导师】 孙迎光;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪下半叶兴起的新科技革命浪潮,正在将人类社会推向一个全新的信息时代——新媒体时代。具备强大传播功能的新媒体日益深刻地影响着社会发展,其“双刃剑”效应亦日益凸显。新媒体发展给高校思想政治教育所带来的新情况、新问题需要我们作出新的概括和解释,这不仅是时代赋予高校思想政治教育工作者的新使命,也是创新和发展思想政治教育理论的新机遇。本文从教育学、社会学、心理学、伦理学和新闻学等多学科交叉的角度,运用文献资料法、社会调查法、质的研究法、比较研究法等方法,从全新的视角全面论述和阐释了新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的基本要素、现实背景、思维转换、话语变革、内容结构优化、载体合力、模式构建和评估机制等内容。新媒体时代高校思想政治教育所面临的现实背景是双重的:一方面,新媒体使得思想政治教育的社会环境、文化环境变得更加复杂,工作对象、模式、队伍受到冲击,大学生的生活、学习、心理和价值观都带来了重大影响和严峻挑战:另一方面,由于新媒体技术在信息收集、信息内容与形式、信息传播渠道等方面的重大变革,作为新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的一种新形式,对大学生的思想政治素质、价值取向和道德观念的形成有着积极的影响作用,给高校思想政治教育带来了难得机遇。充分利用新媒体所带来的积极影响,深入分析产生消极影响的成因,将为加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的路径选择提供依据。跨界思维是加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育思维转换的新起点。本文提出的跨界思维,是指打破固有的框架,跳脱熟悉的位置,用多角度,多视野的看待问题和提出解决方案的一种思维方式。新媒体时代,跨界思维作为高校思想政治教育寻找和发现新的交叉点、定位点的一种理性向度,它体现了生成性思维方式的价值实现之要求、人才培养之必须、课程改革之需要、人的全面发展之诉求,并强调在实践中要做好理论与实践间的跨界结合、学习资源的跨界融合、部门间的跨界组合、教育主体间的跨界汇合和精神文化的跨界联合。话语变革是加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育有效性的新手段。新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的话语创新是一项系统工程,需要从多方面进行:一要尊重大学生的话语权,加强高校思想政治教育者的平等对话意识;二要关注生活维度,实现高校思想政治教育话语向大学生现实生活的回归;三要借鉴网络话语,积极拓展高校思想政治教育话语资源;四要注重人文关怀和心理疏导,通过主动服务增强高校思想政治教育话语的感召力;五要倡导立体化引导,提高高校思想政治教育话语的管理水平;六要提升思想政治教育工作者素质,增强话语创新能力;七要健全新媒体信息监管机制,增强高校思想政治教育话语传播的实效性;八要坚持话语创新发展,努力构建高校思想政治教育新话语体系。内容结构优化是加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的新需要。反思多年来我国高校思想政治教育所历经的发展和调整,大多数是在形式上的,而内容方面没有发生根本的改变,在实践过程中,内容结构方面存在的问题正是导致高校思想政治教育实效性不高的根本原因。为此应当对其进行主动调整,实现最大程度的优化:在政治教育方面,突出主导性内容;在思想道德教育方面,优化基础性内容;在文化素质教育方面,奠定人文素质根基;在媒体素养教育方面,拓展教育内容结构。“载体合力”是加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的新平台。选择高校思想政治教育载体合力生成的路径,可从以下几个方面着手:在课程载体方面,打造“网络教学平台和教学资源中心”;在物质载体和管理载体方面,建立导航系统和特色网站;在校园文化建设方面,丰富延伸校园文化功能;在教育者团队建设方面,打造师生信息快捷传递通道;在载体合力的功能延伸方面,高度重视相关媒体平台建设。构建共享社区模式是加强新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的新途径。新媒体时代高校思想政治教育的实现,需要以“共享”为基本方式,以“社区”为共同体,这种“共享社区”体现了知识共享、生活共享、资源共享和过程共享,是新媒体时代高校的一种道德文化圈,是实现高校思想政治教育的新模式。构建这样一种新模式,是适应新媒体时代的客观要求,也是新媒体时代高校思想政治教育创新的落脚点。为保证新媒体时代高校思想政治教育共享社区模式的有效运行,建立健全共享社区的评估机制是完全必要的,不仅是正确评价思想政治教育共享社区模式运行效果的需要,而且是实现教育者对思想政治教育过程控制的需要,更是实现新媒体时代高校思想政治教育目标的保证。

【Abstract】 The human being has been pushed forward to a new era of information---the new media era, by the revolution of new science and technology happening since the second half of the twentieth century. The new media full of powerful communicative functions have increasingly and deeply influenced the social development, with their "double-edged sword" effects becoming more prominent. The new situation and new problems that the development of new media has brought to ideological and political education in colleges and universities need us to generalize and explain, which is the new mission for ideological and political educators endowed by this era and which provides new opportunities to innovate and develop ideological and political educational theories. In terms of pedagogical, sociological, psychological, ethical and journalistic aspects and by way of literature review, social investigation, qualitative research and comparative research, this dissertation discusses and explains the basic elements, realistic background, thinking transformation, discourse reform, optimization of structures of contents, vector force, model construction and evaluation mechanism of ideological and political education in the new media era from a totally new perspective.The realistic background of ideological and political education in the new media era is twofold:on the one hand, the social environment and cultural environment of ideological and political education have become more and more complex with the educating subjects, modes and teams being attacked and the life, study, ideology and value concept of college students being greatly influenced and challenged; on the other hand, there are also unexpected opportunities in ideological and political education as the new media technology has become an effective form of ideological and political education to positively influence the formation of the college students’ ideological and political consciousness, moral concept and value scale due to its big reform in terms of information collection, information contents and forms, and information dissemination channels. To make full use of the positive effects brought about by the new media, and to analyze profoundly the causes of negative impacts will provide the basis for the choice of ways to strengthen ideological and political education in the new media era. Cross-border thinking is a new starting point to strengthen the thinking transformation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era. The proposed cross-border thinking in this dissertation refers to a mode of thinking to break the inherent framework, to jump off a familiar position, to deal with problems and put forward solutions using multiple angles and perspectives. In the new media era, cross-border thinking, as a rational orientation to seek and find the new point of intersection and positioning in ideological and political education, reflects the requirements of realizing the values of generative mode of thinking, the necessities of talents cultivation, the need of curriculum reform and demands of man’s all-round development. It emphasizes the cross-border integration between theory and practice, among learning resources, protoplast fusion among departments, cross combination of education subjects and cross-border joint of spiritual culture.Discourse reform is a new means to strengthen the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era. Discourse innovation of ideological and political education in the new media era is a systemic engineering, which should be carried out from several aspects:to respect the students’right of discourse and strengthen the consciousness of equal dialogues of ideological and political educators; to pay attention to the life dimensions and realize the regression of discourse of ideological and political education to college students’real life; to actively expand the discourse resources of ideological and political education by means of network discourse; to focus on humanistic care and psychological counseling and strengthen discourse appeal of ideological and political education through active service; to advocate three-dimensional guidance and improve the management level of the discourse of ideological and political education; to promote the quality of ideological and political educators and enhance the ability of discourse innovation; to improve supervising mechanism in the new media information and enhance the effectiveness of discourse of ideological and political education; and to adhere to new development of discourse of ideological and political education and strive to build a new discourse system.Optimization of structures of contents is a new need to strengthen ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era. Having introspecting the development and adjustments of ideological and political education of colleges and universities China has experienced over the past years, we can find that they are mainly in the form of content, and there is no fundamental change in real contents. During the practice process, the problems that have existed in the structures of contents are the root cause of the ineffectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Therefore, we shall take the initiative to adjust them to achieve maximum optimization:to highlight the leading contents in political education, to optimize the basic contents in the aspect of ideological and moral education, to lay humanistic foundation in the cultural quality education, and to expand the structures of educational contents in the media literacy education."Carrier force" is a new platform to strengthen ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era. In order to choose the suitable ways to form carrier force in ideological and political education, it can be done from the following several aspects:to create "network teaching platform and teaching resource center" in the aspect of course vectors, to establish a navigation system and special website in the aspect of material carrier and management support, to enrich and extend the functions of campus culture in the construction of campus culture, to create a fast information delivery channel for teachers and students in the aspect of team construction, and to attach special importance to the relevant media platforms in terms of the extension of functions of carrier force.The model to construct a sharing community is a new way to strengthen ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era. In order to implement ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new media era, it is necessary to take "sharing" as the basic way, and "community" as the common community. This kind of "sharing community" embodies sharing of knowledge, life, resource and process, which is a type of moral cultural circle in colleges and universities in the new media era, and which is a new model for the realization of ideological political education. The construction of such a new model is to adapt to the objective requirements of the new media era and to function as a new foothold for the innovation of ideological and political education.To ensure effective implementation of the sharing community model in ideological and political education in the new media era, it is essential to build a sound evaluation mechanism of sharing community, which is not only the need to correctly evaluate the effects of sharing community in ideological and political education and the need to realize the control of educators on the process of ideological and political education, but also the guarantee to achieve the goals of ideological and political education in the new media era.
