

【作者】 朱翔

【导师】 张连红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 南京英商和记洋行(International Export Company <Kiangsu>)是英国联合冷藏公司在华分公司,1916年在香港注册,位于南京下关宝塔桥江边。本文的研究折射出近代中国社会的转型与变迁,对与近代史有重要联系的诸如外商征地制度、不平等条约与外事保护、民族主义、共产主义革命乃至南京大屠杀等多个重要问题进行了个案的分析与思考。和记洋行主要从事鸡蛋、牛肉等农副产品的采购、生产及出口业务,满足欧美市场的食品需求,是联合冷藏公司全球业务的重要组成部分。和记洋行的业务模式有利于传统农业的市场化发展,也带动了民族资本的投资,促进行业的变革。一战期间,和记洋行承担了保障英国食品供应的战略任务,也得到了英国政府的外交支持,助其在华事业的发展。和记洋行推动了近代南京城市化的发展,带动了区域经济的繁荣,同时也吸纳了大量的劳动力,造就了南京早期的产业工人。近代南京动荡的政治环境是和记洋行业务衰落的主要原因。五卅运动时期,和记洋行工人运动产生了重要的政治影响。同时,工人内部在劫持罗步洲事件及是否坚持罢工等问题上意见分歧,甚至对抗。本文也对“七·三一”惨案的来龙去脉做了一些探讨。1930年和记洋行失业工人引发的“四·三”惨案,是中国共产党精心组织并施行的重大政治事件,本文结合了档案及各种史料,再现了事件的经过。“四·三”惨案也导致了中国共产党斗争路线的急遽左倾,也是晓庄师范学校被强行封闭的直接原因。由于持续不断的工潮进一步导致了生产的衰退,而业务的衰落又会进一步激化劳资冲突,最终导致了和记的关厂。同时,本文也对南京大屠杀时期的和记洋行也做了细致的考证,维护历史真相,也对学界关注较少的买办韩永清、和记共产党员邓定海的有关史事进行了考证,有助于有关研究的进一步深入。本文研究认为,南京英商和记洋行从其创办,发展、衰落直到1956年被改造为南京市肉联厂,也见证了近代中国、近代南京的风云变幻。南京英商和记洋行的历史也是南京近代重要的历史文化资源。

【Abstract】 The International Export Company (Kiangsu)(HejiYanghang),holding subsidiary Union Cold Storage Company in Britain, registered in Hong Kong in1916,located Baota bridge,xiaguan area, Nanking.This study reflects the transformation and change of modern Chinese society,and case-by-case analysis and thinking,such as land requisition system with foreign businessman, unequal treaties with foreign affairs protection, nationalist, communist revolution, even the Nanjing massacre and other important issues.IEC Principally engaged in the business of purchasing, production and export of eggs, beef and other agricultural products, to satisty the U.S and European markets, is an important part of the global business of the Union Cold Storage Company. IEC’s business model is conducive to the development of traditional agricultural market, has also led to a national capital investment, and promote the transformation of the industry.During the First World War,IEC undertook a strategic task to protect the food supply of the United Kingdom, and diplomatic support of the British government, to help the development of its business in China.The company promote the development of Modern Nanjing urbanization, driving by a regional economic prosperity, also to absorb a large amount of labor, created Nanjing early industrial workers.Modern Nanjing turbulent political environment is the main reason for the decline of IEC activity.During "5·30" Movement, and IEC’s workers strike to become the focal point of the struggle of the Nanjing area, and had a significant political impact. The same time, workers internal to hijack Luo Buzhou event and whether to adhere to the strike and other issues of disagreement and even confrontation. This paper also research into the ins and outs of the "7·31" tragedy.In1930,IEC’s unemployed workers triggered a major political event--"4·3"affairs, the Chinese Communist Party orchestrated and implemented, this paper files and various historical, reproduction of the incident. The tragedy also led to a sharp left-leaning of the CCP struggles route;Xiaozhuang Normal School was forcibly closed. Further due to the ongoing labor dispute led to the production of the recession, the decline of the business will further intensify the labor conflict, and ultimately lead to t closings the factory.This Paper also do meticulous research about the Nanjing Massacre, maintenance of historical truth.Besides, comprador Han Yongqing, labour movement leader Deng Dinghai also do some critical interpretation.This paper studies suggest that the IEC from its founder, development, decline until being transformed meat processing factory in Nanjing in1956, also witnessed the Modern China, Modern Nanjing’s ever-changing.The history of IEC but also the Nanjing Modern important historical and cultural resources.

  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】308