

Research on the Political View of Contemporary University Students

【作者】 肖永梅

【导师】 戴钢书;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “培养什么人”,“如何培养人”,是我国社会主义教育事业发展中必须解决好的根本问题和战略问题。大学生政治观如何,关系到人才成长的方向,关系到中国特色社会主义事业的未来发展。改革开放以来,大学生政治观研究始终是思想政治教育的一个基础性话题,也是一个常思常新、与时俱进的话题。本文以马克思主义政治观的基本原理为理论基石,借鉴西方政治观中的有益内容,吸收我国古代政治文化中的伦理政治思想,通过理论研究和实证分析,对建国以后我国大学生政治观的发展态势进行勾勒,对当代大学生政治观进行全方位、立体式的系统、整体、动态的研究,从政治关注、政治认知、政治情感、政治信仰四个维度全景式地描绘出20世纪90年代中期以后的当代大学生政治观发展轮廓,为当代大学生政治观教育提供有益指导。全文共有四个部分,分为七章:第一部分,即第一章“绪论”部分,是大学生政治观研究的基本依据,阐述本研究问题的缘起,研究的理论价值和现实意义,对国内外学者关于政治观、大学生政治观相关的理论与实践研究进行多学科的、历史的分析与述评。对政治观、当代大学生政治观进行概念界定、内涵解读,与相关概念进行辨析。阐述本研究的基本思路、主要内容、创新之处以及研究方法。第二部分,包括第二章“大学生政治观研究的理论基础与思想借鉴”和第三章“当代大学生政治观的层次结构与历史发展”,是大学生政治观的学理依据和基本理论研究,集中对马克思主义政治观中对本文有直接指导引领作用的理论、学说进行分析与阐述,特别分析了建国以后中国共产党对马克思主义政治观的丰富发展和历史推进,对西方政治观、中国古代政治观中的有益内容进行了论述。对政治观结构进行多元化分析。提出当代大学生政治观的四维结构:政治关注、政治认知、政治情感、政治信仰,为当代大学生政治观状况的实证分析和现实考察提供研究路径。论述了建国以来当代大学生政治观的总体发展态势。第三部分,包括第四章“当代大学生政治观现状分析及关联性特征”和第五章“当代大学生政治观结构模型的实证分析及启示”,是对当代大学生政治观进行的实证研究。以当代大学生政治观四维结构分析为基础,在有关部门调查基础上,运用SPSS等社会科学统计软件对1997年以来的调查数据进行全方位、多角度的数理统计分析,用数据、图表形象地展示出当代大学生政治观面貌的四个主要构成要素,政治关注、政治认知、政治情感、政治信仰的总体状况、发展趋势、基本特征。依据马克思主义关于环境、教育与大学生政治观的关系等基本理论为依据,构建当代大学生政治观结构模型,借助LISREL结构方程统计软件进行验证分析,探讨当代大学生政治观的运行机制。第四部分,当代大学生政治观研究的落脚点,包括第六章“当代大学生政治观的教育引导”和第七章“结论”,在前面章节对当代大学生政治观状况分析和规律揭示的基础上提出增强当代大学生政治观教育实效性的建设性意见,主要是始终坚持党的领导引领方向,坚持社会主义核心价值体系教育的主导地位,加强理性爱国教育的现实引领作用,拓展政治观教育的社会实践空间,特别是大学生虚拟社会实践的加强。最后,在结论部分,总结归纳本文的主要观点,论及在本专业研究中的地位、作用和价值意义所在,指出现有研究的不足和局限性,对下一步深入研究的方向、内容进行展望和设计。

【Abstract】 “Who to be cultivated” and “how to cultivate people” are the fundamental andstrategic issues which must be well solved in the socialist education of China.University students’ political view is closely related to the growth direction of thetalented, and is related to the future development of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics. Since the reform and opening, the research on university students’political view has always been a basic subject of ideological and political education, afresh topic whenever it is mentioned, and also an advancing topic with the times.This dissertation, using the basic principle of Marxist political theory as thetheoretical foundation, learns from the useful contents in western political theories andabsorbs the ethical and political thoughts of ancient Chinese political culture. Throughthe theoretical research and empirical analysis, the dissertation outlines the developmentmomentum of university students’ political view after the founding of China, carries onan overall, systematical, dynamic, comprehensive and integrated research oncontemporary university students’ political view. From the four dimensions―thepolitical attention, political cognition, political emotion and political belief, itpanoramically pictures the development of contemporary university students’ politicalview after the mid-1990s, providing useful guidance for the contemporary universitystudents’ political education.The dissertation consists of four parts, which is divided into seven chapters.The first part, namely chapter one “introduction”, which is the foundation of theresearch on university students’ political view, introduces the origin of the research,theoretical value and practical significance. From Multi-disciplinary and historical angle,it analyzes and comments the domestic and foreign scholars’ theories and researchesabout university students’ political view. And it sets forth the basic thoughts, maincontents, the innovation and researching methods of this study.The second part, including chapter two “the theoretical foundation and idea forreference of the university students’ political view” and chapter three “the hierarchicalstructure and historical development of contemporary university students’ political view”, is the academic basis and basic theoretical research of university students’political view. It focuses on analyzing and expounding the theories in Marxist politicalview, which can play a direct leading role in guiding the dissertation, especiallyanalyzes the rich development and history of Marxist political view which is pushed bythe communist party of China after the founding of China, discussing the beneficialcontents about the western political view and the Chinese ancient political view. On thisbasis, using the generalized political theory as the cornerstone, the dissertation gives thedefinition of contemporary university students’ political view, interprets its connotation,discriminates the related concepts and carries on the diversified analysis on the structureof political view. It puts forward the four-dimensional structure of contemporaryuniversity students’ political view: political attention, political cognition, politicalemotion and political beliefs, providing researching paths for the empirical analysis andpractical investigation on contemporary university students’ political view.The third part, including chapter4“the analysis on the present situation andcorrelative characteristics of contemporary university students’ political view” andchapter5“the empirical analysis and revelation on theoretical model”, is the empiricalstudy of university students’ political view.On the basis of four-dimensional structureand the survey data, it uses SPSS and other statistical software on social science to carryon the Omni-directional and multi-angle statistical analysis on the survey data since1997. With the data and charts, the overall status, development trend and regularitycharacteristics of four major components (political attention, political cognition,political emotion and political beliefs) of contemporary university students’ politicalview have been vividly shown. According to Marxism theory on the environment, andthe relationship between education and university students’ political view, this partargues to build theoretical structural model. By equation analysis with the aid ofstatistical software “LISREL”, it explores the operational mechanism of contemporaryuniversity students’ political view.The fourth part, the foothold of the research, includes chapter six “the educationalguidance of contemporary university students’ political education” and chapter seven"conclusion". On the basis of the situation analysis and the regularity revealing in theprevious sections, the part proposes constructive comments to enhance the effectivenessof university students’ political education: to adhere to the Party leadership, to adhere to the dominant position of Marxism theory education, to strengthen the real leading rolerational patriotism education, and to expansion of the space for the social practice of thepolitical theory education, especially enhance virtual university students social practice.Finally, in conclusion part, it sums up the main points of this dissertation, discusses itsprofessional position, function and value of the research, points out the existingdeficiencies and limitations at present, carries out on the direction, content and design inthe future.

【关键词】 当代大学生政治观
【Key words】 contemporaryuniversity studentspolitical view