

Reserch on International Competitiveness of Chinese Main Flower Pruducts

【作者】 杨跃辉

【导师】 杨建州;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 花卉产业是二十一世纪的朝阳产业。2002年以来,世界花卉产品的进出口贸易增长迅速。中国是花卉产品生产与消费大国,但并非是花卉产品对外贸易强国。因此,为了在经济全球化背景下,提升中国花卉产品国际贸易水平,有必要深入研究中国花卉产品的国际竞争力。本文构建中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力分析模型。根据数据的可获得性,对中国主要花卉产品的进出口产品结构及其变化趋势、出口市场结构的演变、产业内贸易水平进行实证研究;采用CMS模型分析中国主要花卉产品的出口波动成因。采用一组显示性国际竞争力指标评价,对中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力的业绩与质量进行评价,并对其进行国际比较。运用蛛网模型对这些显示性国际竞争力指标进行综合评价与国际比较。运用改进的三层分析模型对影响中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力水平的11个因素进行分析,采用协整分析法对国内需求及物流服务对中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力的影响进行实证分析;并采用灰色关联法对中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力各影响因素的重要性进行实证研究。实证研究表明,中国主要花卉产品进出口贸易总额增长迅速;主要花卉产品的MCR5值均在50%以上;种球、干切花及鲜切枝/叶等的出口市场结构趋于恶化;主要花卉产品产业间贸易很突出;结构效应、竞争效应及结构效应共同推动主要花卉产品出口贸易的增长;主要花卉产品显性国际竞争力的业绩与质量存在差异;与相关国家相比,中国鲜切花、鲜切枝/叶及工业及其他用途花卉产品在国际市场上已具有一定的竞争力,其中鲜切花竞争力最强;中国主要花卉产品国际竞争潜力很大;主要花卉产品的进出口额、物流业增加值、GDP、主要花卉产值、固定资产投资、专业技术人员及种植面积等是影响中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力的主要因素。中国花卉产品在国际市场上面临着如下问题与挑战:出口市场集中率很高、以产业间贸易为主、主要花卉产品出口的业绩竞争力还较弱及质量竞争力不高、花卉物流发展滞后、产能偏低、资本投入很不足、相关技术水平低及贸易壁垒较多等。针对这些问题,提出提升中国主要花卉产品国际竞争力的对策建议主要包括积极开拓国际新市场;继续推进中国花卉产品产业间贸易;加快发展中国花卉产品的水平型产业内贸易;扩大花卉产品出口,提高主要花卉产品出口的质量水平,同步推进出口数量扩张与出口品质提升,提高花卉产品的出口额;大力发展现代花卉物流;保持相关产业的平稳较快发展;不断提高花卉产能;适度提高花卉产品的进口额;加大花卉产业的资本投入力度;培养高级生产要素以提高花卉产品生产技术水平及积极应对花卉产品国际贸易壁垒等。

【Abstract】 Flower industry is a sunrise industry in the twenty-first Century. The import and export tradeof world flower products is growing rapidly since2002. China is the production and consumptioncountry flowers product, but it is not the foreign trade power of flower products. Therefore, inorder to promote the international trade level of Chinese flower products under the background ofeconomic globalization, it is necessary to study deeply the international competitiveness ofChinese flower products.This paper Constructs the analysis model of international competitiveness to China’s majorflower products. According to the data availability, the paper researches on the import and exportproduct structure and its changing trend, evolution of the export market structure, level of theintra-industry trade to Chinese flower products. And it uses the CMS model to analyze the causesof export fluctuation to Chinese major flower products. Using a set of evaluation indexes todominant international competitiveness, this study evaluates the performance and quality of theinternational competitiveness to Chinese flower products and carries on the internationalcomparison. And it uses the improved cobweb model to evaluate comprehensively theinternational competitiveness and compares internationally the results. Then the paper uses theimproved three-story model to analysis the11affecting factors of the internationalcompetitiveness to Chinese main flower products, the co-integration method to analysisempirically how the domestic demand and logistics service Impact on the internationalcompetitiveness of Chinese main flower products respectively. And it uses the grey correlationmethod to study empirically the importance of the various factors affecting the internationalcompetitiveness of Chinese main flower products.The empirical study shows that the import and export trade volume of Chinese main flowerproducts grows rapidly; the MCR5values of Chinese main flower products are more than50%;the export market structure of seed-balls, fresh-cutting flowers and fresh-cutting branches/leavestends to deteriorate; the inter-industry trade of main flower products is outstanding; the structureeffect, competition effect and structure effect promote the export trade growth of main flowerproducts jointly; the performance and quality of the dominant international competitiveness ofmain flower products are different; Compared with other countries, Chinese fresh-cutting flowers,fresh-cutting branches/leaves and industry and other uses′flower products have a certaincompetitiveness in the international markets, and the fresh-cutting flowers are the mostcompetitive; Chinese main flower products have a great international competition potential; theimport and export value of main flower products, added-value of logistics industry, GDP, the flower products′output value, fixed-asset investment, technicians and planting area are the mainfactors affecting the international competitiveness of Chinese main flower products. Chineseflower products face the following problems and challenges in the international markets, such asthe high export market concentration rate, basing on Intra-industry trade, weak exportperformance and low quality competitiveness of the main flower products, hysteretic flowerlogistics development, low production, insufficient Capital investment, low technical level, andmany trade barriers so on. Aiming at these problems, the paper puts forward countermeasures andsuggestions to improve the international competitiveness of Chinese main flower products thatshow as follows: exploring the international market actively, accelerating the development ofhorizontal industrial trade to Chinese flower products, expanding the exports of the main flowerproducts, improving the quality level of the main flower exports, upgrading the export quantityexpansion and export quality synchronously, developing the modern flower logistics vigorously,improving the flower production continuously, increasing the flower industry capital investment,cultivating the advanced production factors to improve the technical level of flower production,and responding to the international trade barriers of the flower products actively.

  • 【分类号】F326.13;F323.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1967
  • 攻读期成果