

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 彭武麟;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 清朝是以满洲少数民族建立的封建王朝,满汉关系就显得尤为突出。本文以“清末十年满汉关系”为研究对象,主要从民族关系史尤其是中国近代民族关系史的视角出发,探讨历史发展进程中满汉之间的矛盾运动,重点考察清末十年满汉关系与思想理论建构、政治实践之间的互动。这一问题具有重要的学术价值与社会意义,值得深入研究与探讨。本文由七部分组成,除绪论与结论外,正文共分五章进行论述。绪论,主要介绍本文的选题意义、以往研究成果、研究文献以及研究方法与思路及基本观点等。第一章,追溯清初至清末十年前满汉关系的发展演变,即经历了从中国古代民族关系到中国近代民族关系的跨越。至清末十年,满汉关系演变为最集中、最突出的社会政治问题。近代以前,以满族为代表的清廷延续了中国多民族国家“大一统”的历史传统。近代以后至清末十年前,随着时代变迁与社会转型,满汉关系有了新的变化,即与中国近代历史一样,满汉关系发展到一个新的历史时期,尤其是在内外危机挑战之下,中央集权衰败,地方权力增强,再到清末十年成为社会的焦点问题。第二章,重点考察清末十年满汉关系,首先作为一种民族关系的理论建构呈现出来,反映在革命、改良、立宪等历史矛盾运动中。本章以同盟会的《民报》、改良派的《新民丛报》以及满族留日学生的《大同报》为文本,对这个问题进行集中讨论。《民报》是革命派的喉舌,对满汉关系的讨论在“革命排满”的基础上强调“满汉不同族”;《新民丛报》是改良派的机关报,强调“满洲己同化于汉族”;留日满族学生所创《大同报》,强调“满汉人民平等,满汉问题属于政治问题”。虽然革命派、改良派、留日满族学生关于满汉关系问题的讨论不一,在实践中却有着重大影响。但实际上则是近代中国对西方民族国家理论的认知与中国具体历史实践相结合的一种汇合,集中在满汉问题上讨论民族国家、民族与政治的关系问题。第三章,满汉关系不仅仅局限于思想理论层面,也表现在政治实践的建构过程之中。预备立宪的规划、宪政考察的实践、融满汉畛域政策的推行以及“皇族内阁”的出台,这一系列跌宕起伏的政治事件与满汉关系扭结在一起,满汉关系成为重要的考量因素。清末十年,清廷处于风口浪尖之上,在实施政治改革以图自救之时注意到满汉问题,但由于自身的封建性,所谓的“平”、“融”满汉问题并未达到,最终遭遇辛亥革命而覆灭。满汉问题也是其中重要的因素之一。第四章,清末十年间,司法改革中的满汉调适,成为解决满汉问题的重要议题。“满汉一律”的倡导与推行以及《宗室觉罗诉讼章程》的制定进一步将满汉关系法律化,促进了民族国家转型之下的中国法律现代化进程。第五章,从武昌起义到民国建立再到清帝逊位,满汉关系也是重要因素之一。从革命的角度来说,革命党在实践中由局部的种族主义行为转向“五族共和”。从清廷的角度来看,清廷作为满族的总代表,并未以西方的民族主义理路来应对,而是在博弈与妥协中以国家政治问题来应对。清末十年满汉关系随清廷覆灭而宣告终结。满汉问题并未因朝代的更迭而终止,而是与国家政治相伴而行。清王朝的覆灭并不代表满族倒了,而民国建立了也不能说汉族胜利了,满汉关系被一种新的内容所取代,作为中国民族关系的一对矛盾,仍然继续在中国的历史进程中行进。结论,满汉关系是近代中国民族关系的一个重要层次和内容,而其核心仍是政治问题,对于近代中国的历史发展而言仍是从属性的问题。历史是复杂、变动的矛盾运动,在这个过程中,清末十年满汉关系的变化、影响以及作用值得学术探讨与研究。

【Abstract】 The relationship between Manchu and Han is so crucial since the Qing dynasty was established by Manchu. The object of this paper is "The relation of Manchu-Han at the last decade of Qing dynasty". Mainly from the perspective of ethnic relations, especially in Chinese modern ethnic history, this paper mainly exploring the contradiction between the historical development process, focuses on the interaction between Political practice and the construction of ideal theory. This issue is a very important academic and social significance, worth for further research and discussion.This paper mainly consisted by introduction, body, and conclusion. Body is discussed by5chapters.Introduction, mainly discuss the meaning of this paper; Literature Review, research methods and my basic points.The first chapter, reviews the development of Manchu-Han relation from the beginning to the last decade of Qing dynasty. Man-Han relation has become the most crucial social and political issue the last decade of Qing dynasty. Before the modern time, Manchu Empire continues the historical tradition of multi-ethnic "grand unification". As times change and social transformation, Manchu-Han relations with the new changes, like the history of Modern China, Centralization declined, the local power enhanced, till the last decade of Qing dynasty, it has become one of the public issue.The second chapter, emphasizes on the Man-Han relation during the last decade of Qing dynasty. It was appeared as a ethnic relation at first, reflected on the Revolution, Improvement, Preliminary constitutionalism and other historical conflicts. This chapter uses "Min Newspaper" of the United League of China;"Xin Min Cong Bao" of reformists and the "Da Tong Newspaper" of the Manchu students who were studying in Japan."Min Newspaper" was the mouthpiece of revolutionaries; they claimed the difference between Manchu and Han on the bias of driving out the Manchu."Xin Min Cong Bao" is the official newspaper of the reformists, they advocated that Manchu has been assimilated with Han. Manchu students who were studying in Japan invasive "Da Tong Newspaper", they believed that Man-Han people were equal, Manchu and Han issues are political issues. Then, these three groups’discussions on Manchu-Han relations were not the same. In fact, these discussions are a combination of Western nation-state theory of cognitive and specific historical practice confluence in modern China, mainly discuss the Manchu-Han issue on the level of "Nation-state","ethnic group" and Politic.The third chapter:Manchu-Han relation was not only unlimited to the ideological and theoretical level, but also being manifested in the political practice of the process of constructing. And then, after Preliminary constitutionalism,"Royal cabinet" and "Railway nationalism", Manchu-Han relation has been twisted into these serious issues and has been treated as the most important evaluating factor. The last decade of Qing Empire was on a dangerous situation. They wanted to solve this problem, but since their limitation, so called "flat" and "harmony" had not been implemented well, they were overthrown by the "Revolution of1911".The fourth chapter:at the last decade of Qing dynasty, the regulation in the Judicial Reform has become a very crucial issue to solve Manchu-Han problem."Unified law for Man and Han" and "Royal family conducted law" made Manchu-Han relations further legalization in order to promote the legal process of modernization under the circumstance of the transformation of the nation-state.The fifth chapter:from the "Wu Chang uprising" to " the republic of China", and then to "the Qing emperor abdicated ", is an important part of modern Chinese state transformation of its ethnic relations in the building process. From the perspective of the revolutionaries, the Revolutionary Party in practice by the racist behavior of the local switched to "republic of five nationalities". From the point of Qing Government, as the referee, they did not carry out western ethnic theory but fighting and compromising. Manchu-Han relations in the last decade of Qing Dynasty ended with the Qing court’s destruction. However, Manchu-Han relations didn’t die out, it come with the national political accompanied. Manchu-Han relations continue to develop in the historical process of China, as one of the contradiction of the Chinese ethnic relations.To sum up, the relationship between Manchu and Han is an important level and content in the ethnic relations History of modern China. The core is still a political issue; belong to the modern China’s developments. History is complex, and changes in the movement of contradictions. In this process, changes, impacts, as well as the role of the Manchu-Han relations worthy of academic studying and researching.
