

【作者】 张丽娜

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中国和朝鲜半岛世代的友好交流留下了丰富的“燕行录”文学,朝鲜实学思想家朴趾源创作的《热河日记》可谓其中的压卷之作。1780年,朴趾源随堂兄朴明源率领的朝鲜赴清贺乾隆皇帝七十寿诞的使节团来到中国,回国后依见闻创作了日记体纪行文——《热河日记》。这部著作被称为“实学全书”,朴趾源用实学思想家的眼光对清朝的政治、经济、制度、文化、民俗等进行了观察描写,其中不乏对中国文物制度、历史典籍的精辟见解;《热河日记》犹如一副徐徐展开的画图,把十八世纪的盛清社会风貌展现出来,并以高屋建瓴的批判意识对朝鲜的现实进行了深刻反思,提出了切合朝鲜社会实际的具体改革措施。本论文运用实证的方法,爬梳资料,钩沉考订,考论并重,在政治、文化和散文发展史的广阔背景下考察《热河日记》的创作,从时代背景和社会环境出发,阐释了朴趾源在朝鲜李朝中后期的思想动态及《热河日记》出现的深层内因,对《热河日记》的思想价值、文献学价值及创作艺术等进行了较为全面、综合的研究。朴趾源所生活的时代是朝鲜封建社会开始出现瓦解征兆的过渡性转折期:农业生产逐渐恢复,商品经济日渐发展,社会生产关系悄然转型;社会问题严重,农民起义频发;通过中国传来的“西学”——自然科学思想和明清实学的传播促使了民族意识的觉醒。在这样的时代背景下,实学思想产生并发展,文学艺术的“去理学化”倾向也愈发明显,各种崭新的思想因素在十八世纪的李朝悄然萌发。朴趾源敏感地把握了当时的深层现实矛盾和社会发展的新动向,并通过《热河日记》的创作表达其改革思想。《热河日记》的体例将编年和记事综合起来,对燕行旅程以日记形式按编年体记述,对不容易以日记形式记述的重要内容,则采用专题的形式独立记述,整部作品结构合理,脉络明晰,重点突出。《热河日记》中记体散文大致可分为四类:台阁名胜记、山水游记、书画器物记和人事杂记;此外还有论说文、小说和笔记文。《热河日记》中出现了大量的中国文献,朴趾源对中国文献的关注和甄选突出了其反理学立场,凭借深厚的汉学修养和对中国当时学术成就的全面了解,朴趾源在《热河日记》中辨伪勘误、驰辨逞才,并有意识地关注了与朝鲜有关的文献,彰显其民族情怀。对中国人文地理、清朝的文物制度的考察激发了朴趾源的改革思想。《热河日记》描摹出从鸭绿江到北京这一旅途中的名山大川、田野河流,中国辽阔、丰富的地貌带给朴趾源崭新的地理感受,饱览群书、博古通今的朴趾源对行程中的名胜、遗址进行考据钩沉,展现其爱国情怀及学术修养;《热河日记》全面展示了清朝的先进文物制度,包括清代的政治统治术、经济社会和文化生活的各个方面。在考察清朝、反思朝鲜社会的“华夷观”及现实状况的基础上,朴趾源提出了“利用厚生”的具体改革措施,包括限民名田,耕耘树艺,鼓励工商、贸易富国,振兴实业等,以实现朝鲜的国富民强。《热河日记》中的杂录部分具有高超的思想艺术成就。杂录的论述内容在理势与语势映衬下表达出朴趾源的政治使命感;见闻录记述了旅途中所经历的古北口遗址、白河、避暑山庄的景观及使行团的活动,在景物描写中传达出审美主体的心理感受;笔记文具有耳闻目睹的现实性,内容丰富,形式自由,不拘一格,颇具史料价值及文化价值。《热河日记》中的杂录即事名篇,杂而不散,内容丰富,文风多样,语言明洁晓畅,文学意味浓厚。《热河日记》的创作艺术达到了朝鲜游记文学的巅峰。《热河日记》塑造了鲜活的中国形象,包括从王侯贵族到一般文士的人物群相、十八世纪清朝的全景图式的鲜活社会场景;进行了丰富而生动的艺术形象塑造,包括文学典型和文学意境两类。《热河日记》朴实而尖锐的论辩艺术主要体现在两方面:烛察时弊,放言无忌的政论和广征博引、曲折尽情的论述风格;讽刺艺术尖锐而深刻,揭露批判了两班阶层虚伪的封建道德和礼教;语言朴实,深于取象,将多变的句式、生动的比喻、连环错综的排比和灵活精当的典故巧妙结合,形成了雅洁晓畅、追朴求真的语言风格。《热河日记》是“燕行录”文学的集大成之作,堪称朝鲜游记文学史的里程碑;其深刻的思想性和批判性震撼了李氏王朝的统治阶层,引发了著名的“文体风波”;后人对朴趾源著作的结集、出版和纪念活动持续不断。《热河日记》承载着朴趾源对十八世纪后期中、朝两国的冷静审视,以灵活多样的艺术手段描绘了特定历史时期的社会状况,以开阔的视野、深刻的内容、灵活的形式、深远的影响展现出一位朝鲜改革家的思想高度和民族情怀,是游记文学及域外汉文学创作的杰出代表。

【Abstract】 Friendly exchanges between China and the Korean peninsula from generation to generation created a number of Yonhaengnok literature, and Jehol Diary is one of the most outstanding masterpiece which was written by Korean’s real learning thinker Pak Chi-won. Pak went wih a Korean delegation to China to celebarate Emperor Qian Long1s70th birthday, then he wrote a dairy style Travel note-Jehol Diary after returning home. This book is called real learning Britannica. Pak observed and recorded Qing dynasty’s political, economic, institutional, cultural and folk, which among them there were a lot of insights on the system of Chinese antiquities and history books. The Jehol Diary started slowly as if a painting showed Qing dynasty’s social outlook in18th Century. The book was profound reflection with critical awareness of the reality of the Korean’s reality, and presented practical reform measures against Korean. The dissertation, using empirical method, reviewed data analysis and textual research, examined Jehol Diary in politics, culture and history of the development of the prose background. Starting from the background of the times and social environment, the dissertation explained the ideological trend of Pak Chi-won in late Lee dynasty and the deep reasons of Jehol Diary’s appearance, studied the thought value, literature value and art creation of Jehol Diary comprehensively and systematically.Pak Chi-won’s living era which is the the excessive turning point of the Korea feudal society began to appear signs of collapse:agricultural production recovered, commodity economy developed, the social relations of production had been restructuring quietly, social problems were very serious, peasant uprisings were frequent. The awakening of the national consciousness was being prompted by the propagation of Western learning coming from China-the natural scientific and real learning theory of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In this context of the times, the idea of real learning emerged and developed, the tendency of De-Neo-Confucianism in literature and art also became more and more obvious, and a variety of new ideological factors emerged quietly in Lee Dynasty in the18th century. Pak Chi-won was sensitive to grasping the deep practical contradictions and social development of the new trends, and expressed his reform ideas through the creation of Jehol Diary.Jehol Diary combines the chronological with notepad body, The book presents the journey in diary form, and adopts the form of thematic records to present that are not easily described in the form of a dairy. The structure of the whole work is reasonable, and the context is clear, focused. The narrative type proses in Jehol Diary can be broadly divided into four categories: architectural culture, natural landscapes, cultural relics and personnel miscellanies. In addition, there are essay, fiction and notes text in the book. A large number of Chinese documents appears in Jehol Diary, and the attention and selecting to Chinese documents shows Pak’s Anti-Neo-Confucianism stand. With a comprehensive understanding of the profound accomplishment of Sinology and Chinese academic, Pak distinguished truth and showed off scholarship, and he intended to focus on the documents related to Korea, to highlight his national feelings.The observation of Human Geography in China and relics system of Qing Dynasty inspired Pak’s reform ideas. Jehol Diary depicted the journey from the Yalu River to Beijing, including famous mountains, rivers, fields and so on. China’s vast and rich landscapes brought new geographic feelings to Pak. Well-read and erudite Pak studied historical sites during the journey to show his patriotism and academic accomplishments; Jehol Diary is a comprehensive display of the advanced Qing Dynasty relics system, including all aspects of the surgery of the political rules, the social economy and cultural life. Based on visits to the Qing Dynasty and the reflection of the Korean social reality of Huayi Concept, Pak proposed the specific reform measures of LiYongHouSheng:Limiting the annexation of land, developing agriculture, encouraging trade and industry. All of this were in order to achieve the prosperity and strength of the Korea.The miscellany of Jehol Diary had high ideological and artistic achievements. The exposition of miscellany part expressed Pak’s political mission in the context of the theory and art. Horizons recorded accounted of the experience of landscape and activities, including Gubeikou ruins, White River, Imperial Summer Resort, and he conveyed the psychological feeling of aesthetic subject in the scenery description. With reality, flexibility and richness of the content, Jehol Diary had high historical value and cultural value. Miscellany named by the specific circumstances, which were flexible but not loose and rich in content. Their forms are very flexible and the languages are simple and intelligible literature imply strong. In short, the literature imply of Jehol Diary was strong. The arts style of writing of Jehol Diary reaches a pinnacle of the Korean travel literature. Jehol Diary shapes a vivid image of China, including images from the princely aristocracy to the general literati group and the panoramic image of fresh Qing Dynasty social scene in the18th century. Portrayal of the art in this book is rich and vivid, including literary typical and literary mood. Earthy and sharp polemical arts in Jehol Diary was embodies primarily through bold political commentator and extensive talk, and spicy and profound irony art exposures hypocritical feudal moral and ethical code of nobles. The language of Jehol Diary is simple and vivid, which varied sentence patterns, vivid metaphor, intricate parallelism were combined together. Language style of Jehol Diary is smooth and simply.The Jehol Diary is a literary masterpiece of Yonhaengnok and the milestone in the history of the Korean travel literature. The ideological content and criticalness shook the ruling class of the Lee dynasty and triggered the famous event called stylistic storm. Later,generations have been collated, published Paks writings and commemorating him. Jehol Diary bears Paks calm scanning the China and Korea in late18th century, and depicts the social conditions of the specific historical period with flexible artistic means. With broad perspective, deep content, flexible form, and profound impact, Jehol Diary shows the high realm of thought and national feelings of a Korean reformers, which is the outstanding representatives of the travel literature and oversea Chinese literary creation.
