

1949-2009China’s Primary and Secondary Schools of the Eight Reform of Music Education

【作者】 高明星

【导师】 郁正民;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 音乐教育这个概念,并不是固态的定义,中小学音乐教育是对小学与初中包含在内的音乐教育过程,解释为九年义务教育,其中包括社会补充教育与家庭知识教育。教育工作研究人员将高中音乐教育也算在了中小学音乐教育之中,从我国中小学音乐情况上来看,高中音乐教育过程还不能够算作是中小学音乐教育的一部分,它属于中等教育的部分,中国还并没有将高中音乐教育普及义务教育,所以本文所研究的内容不包含高中阶段音乐教育。为了不混淆学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育之间的关系,笔者将本文题目定为中小学音乐教育,1986年的广东中山市第一届国民音乐教育改革研讨会上,已经区分开来关于基础音乐教育与音乐基础教育的概念,学校教育分为两类,一类是普通学校的基础音乐教育,另一类则为专业艺术院校的音乐基础教育。在肯尼亚首都内罗毕于1977年召开的高级教育计划官员讨论会上,已经有了关于基础教育的研讨,并提出“基础教育是向每个人提供并为一切人所共有的最低限度的知识、观点、社会准则和经验的教育。它的目的是使每一个人能够发挥自己的潜力、创造性和批判精神,以实现自己的抱负和获得幸福,并成为一个有益的公民和生产者,对所属的社会发展贡献力量”。我国的中小学音乐教育从1949年至2009年经历了八次改革发展。由于笔者查阅了大量的书籍文献发现大部分研究人员都将基础音乐教育的研究剥离在某个断代时期或者某个特定区域上,没有看到专门统整梳理我国建国以来基础音乐教育改革发展的历史且提出反思的研究文献。建国初期,我国对基础音乐教育工作的开展没有经验、也没有理论支持。对待基础音乐教育还在摸索中,所以这一时期是非常迷茫的。在五十年代中期开始引进前苏联的基础音乐教育模式,1956年教育部颁发的《初级中学音乐教学大纲(草案)》和《小学唱歌教学大纲(草案)》是新中国成立之后颁发的第一套完整的中小学音乐教学大纲,它是在总结建国初期我国中小学音乐教育实践的经验并借鉴前苏联音乐教育经验的基础上制定的,具有较高的科学性和时代性,基本适应我国社会主义全面建设时期的需要。随着新教学大纲的颁发实行,基础音乐教育建设也开始起步。到了八十年代,我国开始进行了基础音乐教育的反思。一些学者开始关注和提倡寻找本国家特有的音乐教育体制与课程标准,在多民族语境下的自我寻找。作为一名音乐教育研究者,希望通过对建国以来的基础音乐教育改革发展的这段历史进行梳理与分析研究,找到适应我国基础音乐教育的发展规律,从而更好的提高我国基础音乐教育理论与指导体制,进一步优化我国基础教育的全面发展。本文以1949-2009中国60年中八次的基础音乐教育改革政策为研究对象,梳理音乐教育思想、课程标准、管理体制等方向的内容。本文通过对建国以后60年中的八次教育改革政策来整合、探讨、分析、评议我国基础音乐教育发展的经验与教训,为未来基础音乐教育的不断发展提供理论和实践两个方向的可循之见。

【Abstract】 The basis of music education, is a dynamic concept. The Chinese sense of thebasis of music education, is a junior high school (including junior middle school) allforms of music education in the past, a narrow sense to refer to the nine years ofcompulsory education, should also be generalized to include family music educationand social music education. It was also the high school music education in basic musiceducation, but at present China has not popularized this type of education, therefore, inthe music education in senior high school is not the basis of music education. Theauthor in order to distinguish between school education and social education, familyeducation, will be the subject of music education in primary and secondaryschools. With China’s development, is expected to2020, will be the basicpopularization high school stage of music education. In1986, the first session of thenational music education reform seminar held in Zhongshan City, Guangdong, hasdistinguished concepts on the basis of music education and the music education, schooleducation is divided into two categories, one is the basis of music education in ordinaryschools, a class is a basic music education professional school. In1977, UNESCO inadvanced education program officials of the Kenya capital of Nairobi held a seminar onbasic education, carried out extensive and in-depth discussion, think " basic education isavailable to everyone and all people for the minimum common knowledge, ideas, socialnorms and the experience of the education. Its purpose is to enable each person to beable to play to their potential, creative and critical spirit, to realize their ambitions andhappiness, and become a useful citizen and producer, a contribution to the socialdevelopment ".The basis of music education in China from1949to2009has experienced eighttimes of reform and development. Because I read a lot of books and found that mostresearchers will study the stripping of basic music education in a dynastic period or aparticular area, did not see the special integration comb in China since the founding ofthe development of basic music education reform history and present research literaturereflection. After the founding of the PRC, China’s basic work on the music educationhas no experience, no theoretical support. Treat the basic music education is still in thedark, so this period is very confuse[D] In the mid fifty’s began to introduce the basicmusic education mode of the former Soviet Union, junior middle school music teaching syllabus issued by the Ministry of education in1956."(Draft)" and " primary schoolsinging teaching outline (Draft)" is the primary and secondary school music teachingoutline first complete issued after the founding of new China, it is formulated based onthe summary of the the initial stage of our primary and secondary school musiceducation practice experience and learn from the former Soviet Union music educationexperience, science and the times of high, basically meet the needs of China’s socialistconstruction perio[D] With the issuance of new curriculum implementation, theconstruction of basic music education also starte[D] By the age of eighty, our countrybegan to rethink the basic music education. Some scholars began to pay attention toand advocate for music education system and curriculum of the national standard, in thenational context search for self.As a music education researchers hope to study, carding and analysis through thehistory development of basic music education reform since the foundation of new China,meet the development of basic music education in our country, to improve in order tobetter our country’s basic music education theory and guiding system, and furtheroptimize the overall development of China’s basic education. This paper takes1949-2009China60years eight times the basic music education reform policy as theresearch object, the direction of music education, combing the curriculum standard, thecontent management system. In this paper, through the experience and lessons for thenext60years the eight education reform policy to integrate, discussion, analysis,development of basic music education evaluation in China, with two direction of theoryand practice to follow the development of the future for basic music education.

【关键词】 音乐教育中小学政策改革
【Key words】 music educationprimary and secondary schoolspolicyreform