

On the Understanding and Grasping of the Integrity of Marxism

【作者】 胡馨月

【导师】 曾长秋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义理论体系的整体性问题,一直是马克思主义的一个基本问题。对它的认识和把握基于两个来源:一是面对各种扭曲、肢解和割裂马克思主义的挑战,马克思主义理论家和实践者积极运用马克思主义整体性的“武器”进行抗争;二是针对分门别类地研究马克思主义的现象,理论界和学术界强调要从整体上研究马克思主义和推进马克思主义理论的学科建设。马克思主义的整体性,既是马克思主义的内在属性和本质特征,又是认识和实践马克思主义必须坚持的原则要求。它包含发展的整体性和理论的整体性这两重维度:论及发展的整体性,强调马克思主义是一个在理论与实践结合中不断发展的整体,而不是一个僵死的、凝固的、封闭的整体;论及理论的整体性,强调马克思主义是一个完备的、严整的、彻底的理论体系,是不可分割的有机整体。按照整体性的原则要求,我们必须在实践中不断地丰富和发展马克思主义,必须从整体上把握马克思主义理论体系,必须运用联系的观点、实践的观点、发展的观点和实事求是的原则来认识和把握马克思主义。贯彻马克思主义的整体性,必须把握好以下“三个关系”:一是整体性与马克思主义基本原理的关系。马克思主义基本原理具有整体性,必须从整体上把握马克思主义基本原理。换句话说,既要努力打破“三个组成部分”的思维定势,又要全面贯彻“三个基本规范”的内在要求,即围绕核心主题——无产阶级和人类解放,立足理论基点——世界观、方法论,贯穿内容主线——人类社会发展的规律和人的解放的规律。在此基础上,可以构建马克思主义基本原理“六论一体”的整体框架:(绪论)马克思主义的诞生和发展、世界观方法论的一般原理、社会认识论的一般原理、资本主义论的一般原理、社会主义论的一般原理、(结论)人的自由全面发展的一般原理。二是整体性与马克思主义理论学科建设的关系。马克思主义理论学科具有整体性特征,体现为内在整体与外在整体的统一,其归根到底由马克思主义的整体性所决定。结合整体性的原则要求和学科自身的发展特点,必须从整体上推进马克思主义理论学科建设。具体来说,要从确立学科意识、加强基础研究、创新体制机制等方面整体推进,为学科的整体建设创造有利条件。三是整体性与马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的关系。马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化具有整体性特征,表现为在发展的历史逻辑上和三者的内在逻辑上的有机统一。这一特征根源于马克思主义的整体性,由发展的整体性和理论的整体性所决定。从其整体性的特征出发,必须不断加强和深化马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的整体性研究,总结和把握马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的基本经验,从整体上推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化。

【Abstract】 The integrity of Marxism has always been a basic issue of Marxism. It has two origins:one is the challenge of the contortion, dismemberment and disintegration of Marxism, against which the theorists and practitioners fight actively by the integrity of Marxism as a weapon; the other one is that the theory and the academia emphasize that Marxism must be studied integrally and curriculum development of Marxism must be advanced, based on the phenomenon that the study of Marxism has been sorted out into categories.The integrity of Marxism is not only the instinct property and the substantive characteristics of Marxism, but also the principles and requirements to understand and practice Marxism. It contains two dimensions:the integrity of develop and the integrity of theory. The integrity of develop stresses Marxism is a whole that develops constantly in the combination of theory and practice, but not a dead, changeless and close one. The integrity of theory stresses Marxism is a complete, strict and exhaustive organic system that cannot be parted. By the principles and requirements of integrity, Marxism should be enriched and developed constantly in practice; the theory system of Marxism should be grasped integrally; the point of contact, the point of practice, the point of develop and the principle of seeking truths from facts should be utilized to understand and grasp Marxism. To base on facts and implement the principles and requirements of the integrity of Marxism has to grasp "three relations":The first one is the relation of integrity and the basic theory of Marxism. Basic theory of Marxism is integrity and it should be grasped integrally. It asks to break the old pattern of "three elements" and to carry out the inherent requirements of "three basic standards", which is the core topic—the.emancipation of proletariat and the human race; the basic theory point—world outlook and methodology; the content thread--the law of world’s development, the law of human’s emancipation. Base on this, the integral frame of basic theory of Marxism could be built as six chapters:the emergence and develop of Marxism; the theory of world outlook and methodology; the theory of human’s cognition; the theory of capitalism; the theory of socialism; the theory of human’s free and complete development.The second one is the relation of integrity and curriculum development of Marxism. The curriculum of Marxism theory has integral charactivity, showing as the unite of the instinct integrity and extrinsic integrity which is decided by the integrity of Marxism. Considering the principles and requirements of integrity and the features of curriculum development, curriculum construction should be advanced integrally. Speaking concretely, it should be advanced by confirming curriculum consciousness, strengthening basic study and innovating system mechanism integrally to create positive conditions.The third is the relation of integrity and the Chinanization, eranization and popularization of Marxism. The Chinanization, eranization and popularization of Marxism has integral charactivity, showing as the organic coordination between their inner logic and historical logic, stemming from the integrity of Marxism and decided by the integrity of develop and the integrity of theory. Base on this point, the integral study of Chinanization, eranization and popularization of Marxism should be strengthened and deepened continually, with summarizing and grasping the important experiences of Chinanization, eranization and popularization of Marxism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期