

On Application of Red Resources in the Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 李霞

【导师】 曾长秋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 新世纪新阶段,由于国内外诸因素的影响,我国意识形态领域的斗争呈现日益复杂的局面。面对新形势,思想政治教育必须与时俱进,合理开发利用各类思想政治教育资源,在继承和发扬优良传统的基础上开拓创新,不断提升人们的思想素质、政治觉悟和道德水平。“论红色资源在思想政治教育中的应用”这一选题的提出,正是基于这一考虑。红色资源是中国共产党及其领导的中国人民在革命、建设和改革实践中共同创造的宝贵思想政治教育资源,充分展现了我们党在理论和实践上的革命性、先进性,充分展现了人民群众的主体地位和首创精神,充分展现了党与人民群众的血肉联系、鱼水情深。它是历史与现实、理论与实践、继承与创新相结合的典范。红色资源在思想政治教育中的应用,是我们创新思想政治教育内容、方法、载体、环境,增强思想政治教育针对性、实效性与吸引力、感染力的重要举措;也是继承革命传统、弘扬革命精神、传播红色文化的历史任务;更是维护党的执政长治久安、做好党的意识形态工作的现实需要。论文按历史回顾、现实研究、发展展望的逻辑进路,对红色资源在思想政治教育中的应用进行了深入的探讨。在历史回顾这一部分,从马克思主义经典作家对宣传工作、政治工作的论述出发,结合老一辈革命家及当代领导人对思想政治教育和革命传统教育的认识,探讨了红色资源在思想政治教育中应用的理论基础;并以思想政治教育学相关理论为工具,分析了红色资源在思想政治教育中应用的逻辑起点、客观基础、现实条件及逻辑终点,据此得出这一应用的学科依据。在现实研究这一部分,从红色资源的界定类型、价值功能、开发利用谈起,进而分析了红色资源思想政治教育的本质与特点、价值与功能、与国外相关教育的比较及可借鉴的经验教训,得出了红色资源意识形态本质论,红色资源三个“主体论”,红色资源内在地归属于思想政治教育系统,红色资源是中国共产党及其领导的中国人民共同创造的宝贵思想政治教育资源等较有新意的观点。在这些基本认识的基础上,再展开一般性与特殊性研究。一般性研究致力于揭示红色资源在思想政治教育中应用的基本规律、根本原则与主要途径。特殊性研究则将党员干部、大学生群体、社区群众纳入对象领域。因为党员干部是思想政治教育的重要对象,大学生群体是思想政治教育的主要对象,社区群众则是思想政治教育的新兴群体。我们分析了红色资源在这三个具体对象领域的应用现状、存在问题、机遇挑战,并提出了相应的对策出路。随后从红色资源在思想政治教育中的应用应如何应对社会快速发展所带来的问题着手,构建了以内容深化、方法拓展、载体创新、环境优化、力量整合等五个方面为要素的整体框架。在发展展望这一部分,对红色资源在思想政治教育中应用的趋势从网络化、社会化、实践化、特色化等四个方面进行了前瞻性研究,具有一定的指导意义和实践价值。

【Abstract】 In the new stage and new century, due to the impact of international and domestic factors, struggle in the ideological field showing an increasingly complex situation. Facing the new situation, the ideological and political education must advance with the times, reasonably development and utilization of all kinds of ideological and political education resources, innovate on the base of inheriting and earring forward the fine tradition, continue to increase people’s ideological quality、political consciousness and moral level.The proposing of the subject "On Application of Red Resources in the Ideological and Political Education" is based on such consideration. Red resources are valuable ideological and political resources which were created together by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese People under its leadership during the practice of revolution、construction and reform, it fully embodies the revolutionary and advancement of our Party on theory and practice, it fully embodies the masses’principal position and pioneering spirit, and also fully embodies the relationship which were as close as the fish and water between the Party and the masses. The Application of red resources in the ideological and political education is an important measure for us to innovative the contents、methods、carrier、 enviroment of the ideological and political education, and also an impportant measure for us to improve the appropriateness、effectiveness、 attractive and appealing of the ideological and political education; it is also a history task for us to inherit the revolutionary tradition, promote the revolutionary spirit, and disseminate the red cultural; and also the reality need for us to maintain long-term stability of the party’s ruling and do the party’s ideological work well.The thesis discussed the application of red resources in the ideological and political education relatively deeply according the logical approach of historical review、reality research and development prospects. In the part of historical review, it starting from the classic Marxist writers’stating on the propaganda work and political work, explore the theoretical basis of the application of red resources in the ideological and political education combined with the revolutionists of older generation and contemporary leaders’understanding of the ideological and political education and the revolutionary tradition education; and analyze the logical starting point, objective basis, realistic conditions and the logical end with the tool of the ideological and political education. Thus get a more compelling discipline basis. In the part of reality study, it talking from the definition of the type of red resources、the value and the function、the development and utilization, and then describes the nature and characteristics、the values and functions as well as the comparison with foreign education of ideological and political education and its experiences and lessons of red resources’ ideological and political education, obtained creative points of view such as ideological essence of red resources, three "subjectivity" of red resources, red resources inherently belong to the ideological and political education system, red resources are valuable ideological and political resources which were created together by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people under its leadership. Then expanding the generality and particularity research on the basis of this understanding. In the general study, it explore the basic laws、basic principles and main ways of the application of red resources in the ideological and political education. In the particularity research, it expanding from three specific target areas such as Party members and cadres、college students and community mass, because Party members and cadres are the important objects of the ideological and political education, college students are the main objects of the ideological and political education, and the community mass are the newly rising objects of ideological and political education. we analyzing the application status、problems、opportunities、 challenges and proposed the corresponding countermeasures of the application of red resources in this three specific areas. Then begin with the problems brought by the rapid development social that the application of red resources in the ideological and political education should deal with, built an overall framework with five main elements such as content deepening, method developing, carrier innovation, environmental optimization and power integration. In the part of the development prospects, it make a prospective study of the trends of application of red resources in the ideological and political education from four parts such as cyberization、socialization、practiclization and specialization which has certain guiding significance and practical value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期