

【作者】 黄香兰

【导师】 夏维波; 姜艳; 钟定荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京协和医学院 , 临床医学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 第一部分肿瘤性骨软化症的临床资料分析研究目的肿瘤性骨软化症(Tumor induced osteomalacia, TIO)是一种由于肿瘤分泌调磷因子("phosphatonin")引起肾脏磷丢失增加造成的获得性代谢性骨病。肿瘤切除后,血磷恢复正常或较前有所上升。临床表现为乏力、骨痛,严重者出现骨折、骨骼畸形,严重影响患者生活质量。生化特点为高尿磷,低血磷,高碱性磷酸酶,血1,25(OH)2D3水平降低或正常,血钙水平基本正常。TIO肿瘤是来源于间叶组织的良性肿瘤,多位于骨或软组织内,位置隐匿,生长缓慢,肿瘤一般较小,不易被发现,造成诊断困难。本研究旨在探讨TIO的临床特点,诊断方法以及治疗手段。研究方法对2004年1月至2012年4月在北京协和医院明确诊断的89例肿瘤性低磷骨软化症患者进行研究。收集患者的病史、体格检查、骨代谢相关生化检查、骨密度、骨髂X线及骨扫描检查,对怀疑肿瘤相关低磷骨软化的患者进一步行锝-99m标记奥曲肽显像(99Tcm-OCT)检查。对奥曲肽显像阳性者再进一步行BUS、CT、MRI等明确肿瘤部位。奥曲肽显像阴性但高度怀疑TIO的患者行全身PET检查,积极寻找肿瘤部位。对定位明确的患者行手术治疗,监测术前及术后骨代谢指标及骨密度等。研究结果89例TIO患者(男:女=43/46),平均年龄42.9±12.3岁(范围18-71岁),病程中位数4.23年(范围1-27年)。所有患者均有不同程度的骨痛、乏力、活动障碍,77.0%(57/74)出现身高下降,63%(56/89)出现1次及1次以上的非暴力性骨折。其中40.4%(36/89)的人有肋骨骨折,30.3%(27/89)的人有股骨骨折,11.2%(10/89)的人有骨盆骨折,9.0%(8/89)的人有椎体骨折。59.6%(53/89)的人有不同程度的椎体变形,24.7%(22/89)的人有假骨折线。TIO患者的平均血磷水平0.45±0.13mol/L,血ALP282±158U/L,血PTH70.1±56.3pg/ml,24小时尿磷为580.27±346.38mg,磷廓清指数(TmP/GFR)为0.38±0.15mmol/L,血清25(OH)D3为20.10±23.13pmol/1,血清1,25(OH)2D3为14.0±9.78pg/ml, β-CTX为0.80±0.83ng/ml。99Tcm-OCT检查阳性者有73例,其中肿瘤位于软组织的有54例,骨组织中19例。对于99Tcm-OCT检查阳性者B超检查阳性率100%(41/41),CT阳性率91.7(33/36),MRI阳性率95.3%(41/43)。99Tcm-OCT检查阴性者16例,13例肿瘤位于软组织中,3例位于骨组织中。其中有10人行88Ga-DOTA PET检查均为阳性。89例TIO患者中,有67例肿瘤位于软组织,22例位于骨组织。肿瘤可位于全身各处,下肢最常见,有48例(53.9%);其次为头部,有26例(29.3%)。肿瘤的病理类型很多,其中78例病理类型为磷酸盐尿性间叶组织肿瘤(PMT),3例牙源性纤维瘤,神经纤维瘤、外周神经鞘瘤、血管外皮瘤、血管瘤、腱鞘巨细胞瘤、肌纤维母细胞瘤各1例,还有2例特殊的肿瘤包括1例肾透明细胞癌和1例胸腺类癌。大部分患者(81/89,91.0%)的肿瘤为良性,恶性8例(8/89,9.0%)。手术完整切除肿瘤后,大部分患者(76/89,85.4%)患者的血磷平均在术后5天左右恢复正常。但有些患者(4/89,4.5%)术后超过2周血磷才逐渐恢复正常。13例患者血磷最终未恢复正常。随访过程中有6例患者(6/76,7.9%)血磷再次下降到正常水平以下。血磷恢复正常的患者,术后6月骨痛明显缓解并逐渐恢复行走、工作能力,患者的骨密度也明显升高。研究结论1.89例TIO患者73例99Tcm-OCT检查有阳性发现(82.0%),表明99Tcm-OCT是发现TIO肿瘤的有效方法。99Tcm-OCT检查结合B超、CT、MRI有助于肿瘤定位。2.99Tcm-OCT显像阴性的16例患者中有10例行68Ga-DOTA PET检查,均为阳性(100%,10/10)。表明68Ga-DOTA PET对于TIO肿瘤的敏感性更高,是一种更有效的方式。3.TIO肿瘤为间叶组织来源的肿瘤,病理类型主要是磷酸盐尿性间叶组织肿瘤(PMT)。还有一些肿瘤可导致肿瘤性骨软化,如肾透明细胞癌和胸腺类癌等。4.手术完整切除肿瘤是根治肿瘤的方法,完整切除肿瘤后有76例患者(76/89,82.0%)血磷在5天左右可上升到正常。5.虽然大部分肿瘤为良性肿瘤,但是也可能为恶性,甚至发生转移。6.随访过程中共有6例(6/89,6.7%)患者再次出现血磷下降,提示TIO患者术后可能复发。术后应注意随访观察。第二部分肿瘤性骨软化的组织病理学研究研究目的肿瘤性骨软化是一种由于肿瘤分泌调磷因子FGF23导致的获得性骨软化症。现在已知的调磷因子有FGF23, MEPE, FGF7, sFRP4等。其中FGF23是研究最多的。FGF23主要是由骨组织中的成骨细胞和骨细胞分泌的,另外骨髓中包绕静脉窦的周细胞样细胞以及下丘脑腹外侧核,胸腺以及淋巴结也可少量产生。依据这个原理,我们推测T1O肿瘤中分泌FGF23的细胞是成骨细胞系某一阶段的细胞。为了验证我们的推理,本研究拟探讨T1O肿瘤中是否存在成骨细胞系的细胞。研究方法选取成骨细胞分化过程中各个阶段的分子作为标记分子,采用免疫组织化学的方法检测46例T1O肿瘤组织中FGF23、MEPE、Cbfal、ALP、OC、DMP1的表达情况。研究结果1.T1O肿瘤的组织成分复杂。梭形肿瘤细胞是其主要成分,肿瘤组织中钙化现象多见。骨样结构在T1O肿瘤中不少见(30/46,65.2%),可为成熟骨样组织,也可为不成熟骨样组织。肿瘤中血管丰富,其中大量畸形血管存在。部分肿瘤组织中可见破骨样多核巨细胞。肿瘤细胞有丝分裂相少见,但往往边界不清,浸润周围组织。2. FGF23在TIO肿瘤中的表达阳性率为100%(46/46)。FGF23主要是由成骨细胞机骨细胞分泌的,推测肿瘤中表达FGF23的细胞可能是源于成骨细胞系。3. MEPE在TIO肿瘤中的表达阳性率为97.6%(45/46)。MEPE主要由位于矿化部位的骨细胞分泌,其表达提示肿瘤组织中有骨细胞。4. Cbfal在TIO肿瘤中的表达阳性率为97.6%(45/46),作为间充质细胞向成骨细胞分化过程中最重要的因子,Cbfal的表达提示TIO肿瘤中有间充质干细胞向成骨细胞分化的趋势。5.ALP在TIO肿瘤组织中的表达阳性率为97.6%(45/46)。ALP作为较为成熟成骨细胞的重要标记,其存在提示肿瘤中存在较为成熟的成骨细胞。6.OC在TIO肿瘤中的表达阳性率为93.5%(43/46)。作为成熟成骨细胞非常特异的标记分子,OC的表达提示成熟成骨细胞的存在。7. DMP1在TIO肿瘤中的表达阳性率58.7%(27/46)。DMP1主要是由位于矿化部位的骨细胞分泌的,其表达提示肿瘤中有相对较成熟的骨细胞存在。8. Cbfal,ALP,OC,MEPE,DMP1,FGF23这些成骨细胞分化过程中依次表达的一系列蛋白在大部分TIO肿瘤中表达阳性,提示TIO肿瘤中存在成骨细胞的序列分化过程。9.肿瘤中部分畸形血管内皮表达FGF23,ALP和OC,而正常血管内皮不表达,提示畸形血管内皮可能具有多向分化潜能,特别是向成骨细胞系列逆向分化的可能。研究结论1.本研究发现在TIO肿瘤中,FGF23和MEPE的表达阳性率很高,二者均为调磷因子,推测FGF23和MEPE可能与TIO患者低磷血症和骨软化密切相关.2.TIO肿瘤组织中有各种分化程度的成骨细胞及骨细胞存在。提示TIO肿瘤中存在成骨细胞的序列分化过程。3.肿瘤组织中畸形血管内皮表达成骨细胞特异的分子,提示畸形的血管内皮可能具有向成骨细胞系列逆向分化的可能。

【Abstract】 Part I The clinical study of tumor induced osteomalaciaObjectTumor induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome induced by tumor produced phosphaturic factors, i. e. phosphatonins. The disorder is characterized by renal tubular phosphate loss, secondary to this process hypophosphatemia and defective production of active form of vitamin D. Clinical manifestations include bone pain, pathological fractures, muscle weakness and general fatigue. Osteomalacia-associated tumors are mesenchymal tumors that are usually benign. They are usually situated in the bones and in soft tissue. Most of them are small, slow-growing and difficult to locate. Their insignificant size and various locations coupled with rare occurrence of the disease and non-specificity of clinical symptoms lead to difficulties in reaching a diagnosis. The aim of this study is to discuss the pathophysiology of disease symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment of oncogenic osteomalacia.MethodWe analyzed the clinical data of eighty nine patients who had been diagnosed as tumor induced osteomalacia from2004to2013in Peking Union Medical College Hospital. After taking their medical history, Physical examination was performed. Their bone turnover markers were measured and technetium-99m octreotide scintigraphy (99Tcm-OCT) was performed on every patient. If a tumor was suspected, BUS, CT or MRI was preceded on the patient. If99Tcm-OCT was negative but the patient was highly suspicious of TIO, the patient would get PET scan. After the tumor was located, it was resected in our hospital.ResultThere were forty three men (43/89,48.3%) and forty six (46/89,51.7%) women in our study. Their mean age was42.9±12.3years, the youngest was eighteen years old and the oldest was seventy one years old. The median value of their disease duration was four year long, the longest one was twenty seven year and the shortest one is about one year. All of these patients were presented with bone pain and fatigue. Fifty seven patients (57/89,77.0%) were shorter than before and fifty six patients(56/89,63.0%) had at least one fragile fracture. Thirty six patients (36/89,40.4%) had rib fracture, twenty seven (27/89,24.7%) had femur fracture, ten (10/89,11.2%) had pelvis fracture and eight (8/89,9.0%) had vertebrate fracture. Fifty three patients (53/89,59.6%) had biconcave or wedged vertebrate. Twenty two patients (22/89,24.7%) have pseudo-fracture.The mean level of serum phosphate was0.45±0.13mmol/L, ALP was282±158U/L, PTH was70.1±56.3pg/ml,24h Up was580.27±346.38mg, TmP/GFR was0.38±0.15mmol/L,25(OH)D:3was20.10±23.13ng/ml,1,25(OH)2D:3was14.0±9.78pg/ml and β-CTX was0.80±0.83ng/ml。Seventy three (73/89,82.0%) of all these patients had high99Tcm-OCT uptake. Fifty four of all these suspicious lesions were located in soft tissue while nineteen were in bone. Once the suspicious lesion was located by99Tcm-OCT, we proceeded to anatomic imaging such as BUS、CT and MRI to confirm the location of the tumor. The detection rate was one hundred percent (41/41,100%) for BUS, ninty two percent (33/36,91.7%) for CT and ninty five percent (41/43,95.3%) for MRI. Sixteen patients (16/89,18.0%) were99Tcm-OCT negative. Ten of these patients received68Ga-DOTA PET scan. ALL of them had found their suspicious lesions with68Ga-DOTA PET and they were proved to be the tumor location.Sixty seven (67/89,75.3%) of these tumors occurred in soft tissue, twenty two (22/89,24.7%) occurred in bone. They were located form head to toe, but the most common place was lower limb (48/89,53.9%). Twenty six tumors (26/89,29.3%) were locatd in the head region, six (6/89,6.7%) in the upper limb, five (5/89,5.6%) in the thorax and abdominal region and four (4/89,4.5%) in the pelvis and groin region. Tumors associated with TIO had included a wide range of histopathological diagnoses, with seventy eight phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors and a few other tumors. While most of these tumors (81/89,91.0%) were benign, eight (8/89,9.0%) were malignant. Tumor resection was almost always curative, and following complete resection of the tumor, phosphate level returned to normal in senventy six patients (76/89,85.4%) by post-operative day five. Of these patients, twenty five recoverd in three days, twenty three recoverd in three to five days, seventeen recoverd in five to seven days, six recoverd in one to two weeks and five patients took more than two weeks to recover. While phosphate level was not recovered in thirteen patients (13/89,14.6%). During the followup, the symptoms relapsed in six patients. For the patiets who were cured completely, bone pain disappeared gradually in six months post operation and their bone mineral density increased gradually.Conclusion1.99Tcm-OCT was a very helpful method in our hospital for locating TIO tumors. The detection rate of99Tcm-PCT in our patients was82.0%. Once the suspicious lesion was located by99cm-OCT, we proceeded to BUS、CT and MRI to confirm the location of the tumor.2.68Ga-DOTA PET was more specific than99Tcm-OCT in locating TIO tumors.3. Tumors associated with TIO had included a wide range of histopathological diagnoses, including phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor, odontogenic fibroma, hemangioma, giant cell tumor of tendon sheath, neurofibroma. A few other tumor or carcinoma could also lead to osteomalacia, for example renal clear cell carcinoma, thymus carcinoid.4. The treatment of choice for TIO was resection of the tumor with a wide margin to insure complete resection. The majority of patients demonstrated surgical cure, as evidenced by the return of serum phosphate to normal, by post-operative day5.5. Although most of the tumors were benign, malignant presentation and metastases could occur.6. Recurrences of these tumors could happen. All the patients should be followed up for as long as possible since recurrence could happen at any time. Part II The histopathological study of tumor induced osteomalaciaObjectTumor induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome induced by tumor produced phosphaturic factors, i. e. phosphatonins. There is at least four phosphatonins, FGF23, MEPE, FGF7and sFRP4. FGF23is the widely recognized phosphaturic hormone that results in urine phosphate wasting and low levels of1,25(OH)2D3. FGF23is mainly secreted by osteocyte and osteoblast in bone tissue, with a little expression by pericyte like cells in bone marrow, hypothalamus. So we speculate that the tumor cells in TIO that secrete FGF23are osteogenic cells.The aim of this study is to discuss the histopathology of tumor induced osteomalacia and whether osteogenic cells are present in tumors associated with TIO.MethodUtilizing immunohistochemical techniques, positive detection of protein that are sequencially expressed during different stages of osteoblast differentiation has been demonstrated for Cbfal, ALP, OC, DMP1, MEPE, FGF23.ResultsThe phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor (PMT) contained neoplastic cells that were spindled in shape. Bone like structure was a frequent finding and steoclast-like giant cells could be seen. A prominent feature of these tumors was an elaborate intrinsic microvasculature with an admixture of vessel size and vascular pattern. The nuclear grade was low, and mitotic activity was usually absent or very low. But the tumors were poorly circumscribed and infiltration of surrounding tissues was common.FGF23was positive in all of the46tumors associated with TIO. FGF23is primarily secreted by osteoblast and osteocyte. This may suggest that the tumor cells that secret FGF23are osteogenic cells.MEPE was positive in97.6%of tumors associated with TIO. It is recognized that MEPE is secreted by osteocyte located in bone matrix. It is likely that the cells that express MEPE are osteocyte.As a very important transcription factor in regulating the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell to osteoblast, Cbfal was expressed in97.6%of tumors associated with TIO.The expression of Cbfal may indicate that the cells that are expressed are immature osteoblasts.ALP was positive in97.6%of the tumors associated with TIO. ALP is mainly produced by osteoblast. Its expression could be recognized as a marker of osteoblast.As the only and very specific marker of mature osteoblast, OC was positive in93.5%of the tumors. It is likely that there are mature osteoblasts in these tumor tissues.DMP1was positive in58.7%of tumors associated with TIO. Secreted by osteocyte located in bone matrix, the expression of DMP1may indicate that the cells that it is secreted are osteocytes.Cbfal, ALP, OC, MEPE, DMP1, FGF23are factors that are sequentially expressed during different stages of osteoblast differentiation. Tumors associated with TIO expressd almost all of this factors. This may indicate that osteogenic cells are present in these tumors.In Our study we also found that ALP, OC and FGF23were also expressed by malformed endothelial cells in these tumors, while they were not expressed by normal endothelial cells.ConclusionTumors associated with TIO expressd the phosphaturic factors FGF23and MEPE. These two factors are related to hypophosphatemia and osteomalacia.A series of molecules that are sequentially expressed in different stages of osteoblast differentiation were also expressed in tumors associated with TIO. This may indicated that osteogenic cells are present in these tumors.The malformaed endothelial cells are multipotential cells in tumors associated with TIO and they may have the potential of transdifferentiation to become osteogenic cells.

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