

Research on the Investment Pattens of Cultural Industries in China

【作者】 乐祥海

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 文化产业发展水平是衡量一个国家和地区软实力的重要标志。文化产业投资是文化产业资本形成的重要途径和长足发展的根本动力。理论研究和实践发展表明,要做大、做强文化产业,必须改革现有的文化体制,创新投资模式,激活文化产业发展活力。文化产业投资模式同其他产业投资模式的不同在于,文化产业的发展相比其他产业而言更需要宽松的市场环境,宽松的政策引导,才能激发文化产品的创造,从而实现产业的发展。目前,国内外关于文化、文化产业、文化经济的研究较多,目前还较少有人专门研究文化产业投资模式问题,学术界还比较缺乏对文化产业投资模式问题进行系统地梳理和提炼。本文认为在文化产业投资诸多问题中,完善的投资模式是拓宽文化产业投资渠道的前提条件,是促进文化产业快速发展的根本保证。文化产业投资模式是文化产业投资中“重中之重”的问题。对“我国文化产业投资模式”这一课题进行深入研究,不仅具有重要性,而且具有迫切性;不仅具有重要的理论意义,而且具有重要的实践意义。首先,本文对文化产业及文化产业投资相关研究的理论进展、内涵及特征进行了综述分析。本文对我国文化产业及文化产业投资的发展现状进行了分析,并构建了我国区域文化产业竞争力评价指标体系,对我国31个省、直辖市及自治区文化产业竞争力进行了评价分析,在此基础上对国外文化产业投资模式进行借鉴分析,并找到我国文化产业投资模式现存的问题。其次,本文构建了文化产业投资模式的理论分析框架,提炼文化产业投资模式的影响因素,本文认为生产因素是产业投资的内在基础,市场需求为产业投资提供动力来源,投资者是产业投资的主导因素,社会条件为产业投资提供外部支持。再次,本文运用结构方程建模方法,实证分析了文化产业投资影响因素与投资绩效的关系,实证结果表明,文化产业自身发展规模越好,文化资源越丰富,对投资绩效的正向影响越大,产业投资越容易取得较好的投资收益;投资绩效的确来源于消费市场的支持,受到消费规模的影响,但是消费结构对投资绩效的影响并未得到证实;投资者对企业的管理越合理、对风险的控制越合理、资金实力越强,文化产业投资越能受到保障,那么投资绩效也会越高;文化产业社会条件对投资绩效有正向影响,但是融资便利的影响未得到证实,可能是融资便利因素会通过其他因素间接影响投资绩效。另外政府的相关政策会引导消费者对文化产业产品的认可度和青睐度;政府支持程度对投资者资金实力有正向影响;投资者能力受市场需求的影响并不显著。最后,本文认为,文化产业投资模式的创新应以文化产业自身发展为主体,创新文化资源自身的融资平台,强调宽松的政府引导。本文选取实际文化产业投资案例为样本,结合本文提出的文化产业投资模式理论框架进行分析,力争为论文的理论研究提供实践佐证,并在此基础上从理顺文化市场管理体制、加大政府财政投入、拓宽民资、外资融资渠道、建立政府牵头的文化产业投资基金、利用资本市场的助推作用等方面,提出了保障我国文化产业投资有效进行的具有可操作性的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The level of cultural industrial development is an important symbol to measure the soft power of a country or region. Investment in cultural industries is an important way to concentrating capital and achieving sustainable development. Theoretical research and practical development shows that if you want to offer a strong platform and expanding stratery, you must reform the existing cultural system, innovation and investment patterns, activate the vitality of cultural units.The differences between investment patterns of cultural industries and others are that cultural industries need relaxed market environment and policy guidance.In this condition, cultural industries could achieve constant innovation and sustainable development.At present, Scholars who on domestic or foreign always concentrate on culture, cultural industry, cultural economy studies,few scholars develop themselves to exploring the investment in cultural industries,academia is lack of summarizing the features of investment in cultural industries.This paper believe that many problems of the investment in cultural industries, improve the investment model is a prerequisite to broaden the investment channels of the cultural industries, is the fundamental guarantee for the promotion of cultural industry developed rapidly. The cultural industry investment patterns is the "most important" investment in cultural industries. In-depth study on the subject of China’s cultural industry investment patterns, not only of importance and urgency; not only has important theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance.First, this paper the reviewed theory progress, the connotation and characteristics of the cultural industries and cultural industries investment research, and analyzes the development status of China’s cultural industry investment, builds a regional cultural industry competitiveness evaluation index system. This paper then evaluates the cultural industry competitiveness of China’s31provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and find the existing problems of the cultural industry investment mode. Secondly, we constructed the framework of theoretical analysis of the cultural industry investment patterns, refined cultural industry investment patterns influencing factors, this paper considers the factors of production is inherent based of industrial investment,the market demand to provide power source for industrial investment, the investor is the dominant factor of industrial investment, and social conditions provide external support factors for industrial investment. Then this article use structural equation modeling and empirical analyses the relationship of cultural industry investment influence factors and investment performance, The empirical results show that the scale the better the self-development mades the cultural resources more abundant, the richness of cultural resources mades it easier to obtain a better return on investment;Investment performance really comes from the support of the consumer market, affected by the consumption scale, but the impact of the consumption structure has not been confirmed, Investors’enterprise management, risk control, financial strength is conducive to the production of cultural industry investment and industry performance. The social conditions of the cultural industries have a positive impact on investment performance, but the impact of the financing facility has not been confirmed, because financing convenience may affects investment performance through other factors indirectly. Beside that, the government policy will guide the consumer recognition and favor of the cultural industry products; the degree of government support has a positive impact on investors, financial strength; market demand has a significant impact on the investor capacity. Finally, the paper hold the view that cultural industries should concern about their own development,innovation culture resources of their own financing platform,emphasize the improtantence of liberal government guide. The practical samples of the investment in cultural industries analyzed by using the theoretical framework of the investment patterns proposed in this essay are the sound proof of the theoretical study of the paper. The thesis further proposes some practical suggestions on guaranteeing the smooth development of the investment in culture industries in our country including the following aspects:regulate the cultural market management system, increase the government financial investment, broaden financing channels which includes both the domestic and foreign investments, establish the investment in cultural industries mode led by the government, and take advantage of the function of the capital market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期