

Theoretical and Empirical Research on Positive Acceptance and Striving

【作者】 戴吉

【导师】 邓云龙;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究基于国内外接纳研究和心理健康相关研究成果,以中国传统文化为背景,提出“悦纳进取”理论。通过文献法和质化研究确定悦纳进取的定义和内在结构,编制悦纳进取问卷,考察大学生悦纳进取的特征与影响因素,探讨悦纳进取与心理健康的关系,揭示悦纳进取影响心理健康的作用机制。研究一。研究目的:提出悦纳进取概念。方法:采用文献法对国内外心理学相关研究,如接纳、心理健康标准、自我实现理论、积极心理学、心理弹性、个人奋斗、工作投入、入世出世心理等研究进行分析,对传统文化中儒家、道家、佛家等历史文化典籍和民间俗语进行解读,提出了“悦纳进取”概念,并通过质化研究确定悦纳进取的内在结构。结果:悦纳进取界定为“个体在接纳客观事件和个人经验的基础上,设定目标、行动并投入”。中国文化下的悦纳进取本质内涵是指向个人的核心品质或精神,主要包括了两个方面:一是接纳自我、外界以及遭遇的失败挫折,而不采取回避、否定或对抗等方式。二是接纳后主动设定目标并积极投入。研究二。研究目的:编制悦纳进取问卷,进一步验证了悦纳进取的理论构想。方法:以文献法、焦点组访谈和开放式问卷为依据设计问卷条目,通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析确定量表结构并进行信效度检验。结果:悦纳进取量表由25道题目组成,包括悦纳和进取两个维度。悦纳维度由自我接纳、社会接纳和挫折接纳因子组成,进取维度由主动规划、注重过程和行动活力因子组成。问卷的信度和效度均符合心理测量学的要求。结论:悦纳进取量表可作为心理健康评估和进一步研究的工具。研究三。研究目的:考察大学生悦纳进取的特征与影响因素。方法:使用悦纳进取问卷对2226名大学生开展问卷测量。结果:悦纳进取总体水平在性别、是否独生子女、学校类型、年级、专业、生源地、家庭结构、父母文化程度等方面的差异均不显著,在家庭教养方式、学业水平、对专业喜欢程度和家庭经济状况等变量上具有显著性差异。结论:家庭教养方式、学业水平、对专业喜欢程度和家庭经济状况是悦纳进取的影响因素。研究四。研究目的:探索悦纳进取与心理健康的关系。方法:使用悦纳进取问卷、总体幸福感量表和流调用抑郁量表对2226名大学生进行问卷测量,按照统计学的分组方法,分为高悦纳高进取、低悦纳低进取、高悦纳低进取和低悦纳高进取四组,采用相关分析、方差分析和回归分析等统计方法进行分析。结果:①悦纳进取起到了提高总体幸福感、阻抗抑郁的作用。②悦纳与进取作为维护心理健康的重要因素,两者缺一不可。结论:悦纳进取能有效预测心理健康水平。研究五。研究目的:探索悦纳进取影响心理健康的作用机制。方法:以2226名大学生为被试,使用悦纳进取量表、青少年生活事件量表、总体幸福感量表、流调用抑郁量表和领悟社会支持量表进行问卷测量,采用相关分析、回归分析及Amos结构方程进行分析。结果:①应激事件、悦纳进取和社会支持可以有效地预测心理健康。②社会支持对心理健康的有正向预测作用,但通过悦纳进取对心理健康起间接作用的效应值大于对心理健康的直接效应值。③悦纳进取处于模型的中心,效应值在所有影响因素中最大。结论:悦纳进取有助于维护心理健康。

【Abstract】 The study developed the theory of "Positive Acceptance and Striving" based on previous Acceptance research and traditional Chinese culture. Through review and qualitative research, the study determined the definition and structure of Positive Acceptance and Striving, developed a Positive Acceptance and Striving Questionnaire (PASQ), examined the characteristics and influencing factors of Positive Acceptance and Striving, explored the relationship of Positive Acceptance and Striving and mental health, researched the mechanism of Positive Acceptance and Striving.Study Ⅰ:Objective:Developed the concept of "Positive Acceptance and Striving". Methods:Positive Acceptance and Striving was based on psychology researches, for example:research on Acceptance, Mental Health Standards, Self-realization Theory, Positive Psychology, Personal Strivings, Resilience, Work Involvement, Attachment and Detachment, along with classic Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and folk sayings. Through qualitative research, the study determined the definition and structure of Positive Acceptance and Striving. Results:The definition of Positive Acceptance and Striving is "Based on accepting objective events and personal experience, the individual sets goals and plans, puts them into action". Innate characteristics of Positive Acceptance and Striving rooted in Chinese culture may indicate core characters of individual, it includes two aspects:one indicates accepting self, the external world, setbacks and failures, instead of avoiding, denying or confronting; the other one indicate setting positive goals and taking actions, instead of chasing the targets.Study Ⅱ. Objective:Developed Positive Acceptance and Striving Questionnaire (PASQ) and further verified the theoretical construction of Positive Acceptance and Striving. Methods:According to Positive Acceptance and Striving structure proposed by the author as well as review, focused group interviews and open questionnaires, designed the initial questionnaire. Determined the questionnaire structure and tested reliability test and validity though exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Results:PASQ was composed of2dimensionalities,6factors and25items. Acceptance dimensions included self-acceptance, society-acceptance and failure-acceptance factors. Striving dimension included planning, involvement and action factors. Conclusions: PASQ had been proven effective and reliable. It can be used as a tool in educational diagnosis and further research.Study III. Objective:Analyzed the characteristics and influencing factors of Positive Acceptance and Striving on college students using PASQ. Objective:Conducted survey of2226college students using PASQ. Results: The differences of gender, only-child-or-not, university type, major, origination, family structure or parents’education were not significant. While academic achievements, professional identity, parenting styles and family economic status were very significant. Conclusions:The academic achievements, professional identity, parenting styles and family economic status are influencing factors of Positive Acceptance and Striving.Study IV. Objective:Explored the relationship of Positive Acceptance and Striving and mental health. Methods:Conducted survey of2226colleage students PASQ, GWB and CES-D. According to the statistical grouping method, the researchers divided the subjects into4groups:High Acceptance and High Striving Group, Low Acceptance and Low Striving Group, High Acceptance and Low Striving Group and Low Acceptance and High Striving Group. Correlation analysis, variance analysis and regression analysis were used in data analysis. Results:①Positive Acceptance and Striving can reduce depression and improve general well-being.②Acceptance and Striving are both indispensable to maintaining mental health. Conclusions:Positive Acceptance and Striving can effectively predict the level of mental health.Study V. Objective:Explored the mechanism of Positive Acceptance and Striving for mental health. Methods:Researched the mechanism of Positive Acceptance and Striving with Positive Acceptance and Striving Questionnaire, General Well-Being Schedule, Center for Epidemiological survey-Depression Scale, Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Checklist and Perceived Social Support Scale on2226university students. Correlation analysis, variance analysis, regression analysis and structural equation modeling were used in data analysis. Results:①Stress, Positive Acceptance and Striving, social support can effectively predict mental health.②Social support has positive predictive on mental health, but the indirect effect value via Positive Acceptance and Striving is greater than the direct effect value on mental health.③Positive Acceptance and Striving is in the centre of the structural equation modeling, it can effectively predict mental health. Conclusions:Positive Acceptance and Striving is an efficient way to maintain mental health.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期
  • 【分类号】B848;G645.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】567
  • 攻读期成果